Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Volume 361


EmerQuM 11: Emergent Quantum Mechanics 2011 (Heinz von Foerster Congress)
10–13 November 2011, Vienna, Austria

Accepted papers received: 27 April 2012
Published online: 10 May 2012



Plenary Lectures

012006 Experimental tests of Quantum Mechanics: from Pauli Exclusion Principle Violation to spontaneous collapse models C Curceanu (Petrascu), S Bartalucci, A Bassi, S Bertolucci, M Bragadireanu, M Cargnelli, A Clozza, S Di Matteo, S Donadi, J-P Egger, C Guaraldo, M Iliescu, T Ishiwatari, M Laubenstein, J Marton, E Milotti, D Pietreanu, M Poli Lener, T Ponta, A Rizzo, A Romero Vidal, A Scordo, D L Sirghi, F Sirghi, L Sperandio, O Vazquez Doce, E Widmann and J Zmeskal doi:10.1088/1742-6596/361/1/012006 Tag this article Abstract References Full text PDF (1003 KB)
