The brain has a macro-quantum coherent Glauber state of emergent quasi-particles. In the Bohm ontological interpretation, these real on-mass-shell quasi-particles have a quantum potential. The macro-quantum coherent Bohm potential is the instrinsic mental field. In orthodox quantum theory with no-entanglement signaling, the Bohm mental potential modifies the motion of the quasiparticles in addition to any classical forces on them. However, there is no direct back-reaction of these quasiparticles on their piloting Bohm potential. In that limit there is no conscious qualia experience. When back-reaction is present conscious qualia emerges in a two-way action-reaction self-organizing loop between the Bohm potential and its quasiparticles. The quasiparticles may be anyonic surface excitations on the microtubule dimer sheafs (e.g. Stuart Hameroff) that couple to the nerve impulses. This would also be a robust topological quantum computer.