The Universe is not a Computer
Ken Wharton
Department of Physics and Astronomy, San Jos´e State University, San Jos´e, CA 95192-0106

When we want to predict the future, we compute it from what we know about the present.
Specifically, we take a mathematical representation of observed reality, plug it into some dynamical
equations, and then map the time-evolved result back to real-world predictions. But while this
computational process can tell us what we want to know, we have taken this procedure too literally,
implicitly assuming that the universe must compute itself in the same manner. Physical theories
that do not follow this computational framework are deemed illogical, right from the start. But this
anthropocentric assumption has steered our physical models into an impossible corner, primarily
because of quantum phenomena. Meanwhile, we have not been exploring other models in which the
universe is not so limited. In fact, some of these alternate models already have a well-established
importance, but are thought to be mathematical tricks without physical significance. This essay
argues that only by dropping our assumption that the universe is a computer can we fully develop
such models, explain quantum phenomena, and understand the workings of our universe.

Compare to:

Incommensurability, Orthodoxy
and the Physics of High Strangeness:
A 6-layer Model for Anomalous Phenomena
Jacques F. Vallee and Eric W. Davis (*)
The main argument presented in this paper is that the continuing study of unidentified
aerial phenomena (“UAP”) may offer an existence theorem for new models of physical
reality. The current SETI paradigm and its “assumption of mediocrity” place restrictions
on forms of non-human intelligence that may be researched. A similar bias exists in the
ufologists’ often-stated hypothesis that UAP, if real, must represent space visitors.
Observing that both models are biased by anthropomorphism, the authors attempt to
clarify the issues surrounding “high strangeness” observations by distinguishing six layers
of information that can be derived from UAP events, namely (1) physical manifestations,
(2) anti-physical effects, (3) psychological factors, (4) physiological factors, (5) psychic
effects and (6) cultural effects. In a further step they propose a framework for scientific
analysis of unidentified aerial phenomena that takes into account the incommensurability

Jacques Vallée has a Ph.D. in computer science; Eric Davis holds a Ph.D. in physics. Both are
consulting members of the National Institute for Discovery Science, Las Vegas, Nevada.

The Challenge of High Strangeness
The rational study of reported cases of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (UAP) is currently at
an impasse. This situation has as much to do with the incomplete state of our models of physical
reality as it does with the complexity of the data. A primary objection to the reality of UAP
events among scientists is that witnesses consistently report objects whose seemingly absurd
behavior “cannot possibly” be related to actual phenomena, even under extreme conditions.
Skeptics insist that intelligent extraterrestrial (ETI) visitors simply would not perpetrate such
antics as are reported in the literature. This argument can be criticized as an anthropocentric,
self-selected observation resulting from our own limited viewpoint as 21st century Homo
Sapiens trying to draw conclusions about the nature of the universe. Nonetheless, the high
strangeness of many reports must be acknowledged. ...

In the view of the authors, current hypotheses are not strange enough to explain the facts of the
phenomenon, and the debate suffers from a lack of scientific information. Indeed, from the
viewpoint of modern physics, our Cosmic Neighborhood could encompass other (parallel)
universes, extra spatial dimensions and other time-like dimensions beyond the common 4-
dimensional spacetime we recognize, and such aspects could lead to rational explanations for
apparently “incomprehensible” behaviors on the part of visitors to our perceived continuum. As
it attempts to reconcile theory with observed properties of elementary particles and with
discoveries at the frontiers of cosmology, modern physics suggests that mankind has not yet
discovered all of the universe’s facets, and we must propose new theories and experiments in
order to explore these undiscovered facets. This is why continuing study of reported UAP
events is important: It may provide us with an existence theorem for new models of physical

Much of the recent progress in cosmological concepts is directly applicable to the UAP
problem: Traversable wormholes (3-dimensional hypersurface tunnels) have now been derived
from Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity (Morris and Thorne, 1988; Visser, 1995). In
particular, it has been shown that Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity does not in any way
constrain spacetime topology, which allows for wormholes to provide traversable connections
between regions within two separate universes or between remote regions and/or times within
the same universe. Mathematically it can also be shown that higher-dimensional wormholes can
provide hypersurface connections between multidimensional spaces (Rucker, 1984; Kaku, 1995).
Recent quantum gravity programs have explored this property in superstring theory, along with
proposals to theoretically and experimentally examine macroscopic-scale extra-dimensional
spaces (Schwarzschild, 2000). Thus it is now widely acknowledged that the nature of our
universe is far more complex than observations based on anthropocentric self-selection portend.
In this respect, ufologists and SETI researchers appear to be fighting a rear-guard battle. Both
suffer from identical limitations in the worldview they bring to their own domains, and to their
antagonism. ...

No experiment can distinguish between phenomena manifested
by visiting interstellar (arbitrarily advanced) ETI and intelligent entities that may exist near
Earth within a parallel universe or in different dimensions, or who are (terrestrial) time
Each of these interesting possibilities can be manifested via the application of the physical
principle of traversable wormholes since they theoretically connect between two different
universes, two remote space locations, different times and dimensions (Davis, 2001).
Traversable wormholes are but one example of new physical tools that are available or on the
horizon for consideration of interuniversal, interstellar, interdimensional or chronological travel. ...

The framework we present here is based on such an apparent contradiction, because we will
argue that UAP can be thought of both as physical and as “psychic”. We hope that it will prove
stimulating as a unified approach to a puzzling phenomenon that presents both undeniable
physical effects suggesting a technological device or craft and psychic effects reminiscent of the
literature on poltergeists and psychokinetic phenomena. ...

Layer II

Ø sinking into the ground
Ø shrinking in size, growing larger, or changing shape on the spot
Ø becoming fuzzy and transparent on the spot
Ø dividing into two or more craft, several of them merging into one object at slow speed
Ø disappearing at one point and appearing elsewhere instantaneously
Ø remaining observable visually while not detected by radar
Ø producing missing time or time dilatation
Ø producing topological inversion or space dilatation (object was estimated to be of small
exterior size/volume, but witness(s) saw a huge interior many times the exterior size)
Ø appearing as balls of colored, intensely bright light under intelligent control  ...

Layer V
Ø impressions of communication without a direct sensory channel
Ø poltergeist phenomena: motions and sounds without a specific cause, outside the
observed presence of a UAP
Ø levitation of the witness or of objects and animals in the vicinity
Ø maneuvers of a UAP appearing to anticipate the witness’ thoughts
Ø premonitory dreams or visions
Ø personality changes promoting unusual abilities in the witness
Ø healing ...

The view that ETs and humans may have such divergent ways of conceptualizing the world
that there can be no mutual understanding is referred to as the “Incommensurability Problem” in
the SETI literature ...

At the core of the Incommensurability Problem is the view that no intelligent species can
understand reality without making certain methodological choices, and that these choices may
vary from civilization to civilization ...

We can see and gain knowledge by sight, but ET/UAP signals
potentially bombarding the Earth could be misunderstood, unrecognized or undetected because
we are not employing paradigms involving our other modalities, such as psychic functioning.

[Comment I coined the term "electromagnetic chauvinism" in 1976 or so making this same point about SETI's limits. Robert Anton Wilson and I think Martin Gardner cited me on it as I recall.]

On Dec 7, 2012, at 9:03 PM, JACK SARFATTI <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:

On Dec 7, 2012, at 8:19 PM, Gary S Bekkum <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:

So you are now entertaining the possibility this really happened and there is a cover-up?

Certainly. We cannot discount that as a possibility of fairly high probability (50-50) given Bigelow's statement to the New York Times.

What did you learn from Ron? Or Kit?

Nothing. Kit denied that it happened. Ron simply said he would deal with it.

On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 2:43 AM, JACK SARFATTI <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:
re: <Screen Shot 2012-12-07 at 12.27.55 AM.png><Screen Shot 2012-12-07 at 12.38.04 AM.png>

Indeed Eric Davis wrote: "Much of the recent progress in cosmological concepts is directly applicable to the UAP
problem: Traversable wormholes (3-dimensional hypersurface tunnels) have now been derived
from Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity (Morris and Thorne, 1988; Visser, 1995). In
particular, it has been shown that Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity does not in any way
constrain spacetime topology, which allows for wormholes to provide traversable connections
between regions within two separate universes or between remote regions and/or times within
the same universe. Mathematically it can also be shown that higher-dimensional wormholes can
provide hypersurface connections between multidimensional spaces (Rucker, 1984; Kaku, 1995).
Recent quantum gravity programs have explored this property in superstring theory, along with
proposals to theoretically and experimentally examine macroscopic-scale extra-dimensional
spaces (Schwarzschild, 2000). Thus it is now widely acknowledged that the nature of our
universe is far more complex than observations based on anthropocentric self-selection portend.
In this respect, ufologists and SETI researchers appear to be fighting a rear-guard battle. Both
suffer from identical limitations in the worldview they bring to their own domains, and to their
antagonism. ...
The rational study of reported cases of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (UAP) is currently at
an impasse. This situation has as much to do with the incomplete state of our models of physical
reality as it does with the complexity of the data. A primary objection to the reality of UAP
events among scientists is that witnesses consistently report objects whose seemingly absurd
behavior “cannot possibly” be related to actual phenomena, even under extreme conditions.
Skeptics insist that intelligent extraterrestrial (ETI) visitors simply would not perpetrate such
antics as are reported in the literature. This argument can be criticized as an anthropocentric,
self-selected observation resulting from our own limited viewpoint as 21st century Homo
Sapiens trying to draw conclusions about the nature of the universe. Nonetheless, the high
strangeness of many reports must be acknowledged."

Now this was precisely the points I tried to raise at the DARPA-NASA meeting with Eric Davis on the platform and he did not support his own previous writings.
BTW Davis was working for Bob Bigelow when he wrote the above words with Jacques Vallee.

On Dec 6, 2012, at 6:43 PM, JACK SARFATTI <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:

I remember now I told the Jesse Ventura people that there was no point me being in the show because what I heard in 2004 was only hearsay. I did speak briefly about it to Jacques Vallee as I recall at the first DARPA-NASA Starship Meeting in Sausalito Jan 2011 and he denied the French woman's version of what allegedly happened at Bigelow's Utah Ranch - a battle with hostile aliens popping out of a floating star gate with at least two of Bigelow's private army being killed. Eric Davis was one of Bigelow's employees at the time and he also leaked the story. This would explain why Eric got so uptight at the Oct 1, 2011 DARPA-NASA meeting in Orlando when I broached the UFO subject followed by Doug Trumbull who backed me up the next day.

-- Gary S. Bekkum
STARstream Research
P.O. Box 1144