Interesting. Frustrating. Potentially even “credible.”

But nothing that science can work on in its current form.

That was how physicists and astronomers interviewed by The Hill described recent allegations that the U.S. government has been hiding evidence of multiple alien crash sites.

To take those claims beyond buzzy conjecture, the country needs a plan to acquire more hard data, scientists said.

On Wednesday, the House Oversight Committee will hold controversial hearings about “unidentified aerial phenomena,” or UAP.

Those hearings will focus on eyewitness accounts by U.S. military pilots of what have appeared to be strange craft moving in ways that known human technology cannot, and on the broader claims of a cover-up made by former Air Force and intelligence official David Grusch.

The hearings are part of a broader — and unusually bipartisan — congressional mainstreaming of a long-taboo question: Has the U.S. military made contact with craft or creatures from another world?

In July, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) introduced legislation that would require the Pentagon to release any information it has gathered around contact with “non-human intelligences,” among other UAP.

But as an old scientific saying goes, the plural of anecdote isn’t data — and scientists told The Hill that the trouble with all these claims by Grusch and others isn’t that they’re impossible.

It’s that while they are compelling, they give the scientific apparatus almost nothing to work with.

Bullshi*. There's more than enough to work with if you're honsest enough to work with it. To read more, click here.