A report published in March detailed how UFOs may be just as present under our oceans as they apparently are in our skies and the Department of Defense (DOD) doesn’t seem to care.

The report comes from retired Rear Adm. Tim Gallaudet, who developed the data for the Sol Foundation, finding that there are many instances in which UFOs/UAPs seem to travel from the skies into our oceans without any sort of issue. One of the most widely reported of these events was the UFO caught on video dropping into the ocean in 2019. The Pentagon called the object a “transmedium vehicle.”

“The fact that unidentified objects with unexplainable characteristics are entering US water space and the DOD is not raising a giant red flag is a sign that the government is not sharing all it knows about all-domain anomalous phenomena,” Gallaudet wrote in the 29-page report.

Gee, ya think?

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