Peruvian authorities ended up interrupting a press conference in order to seize an alleged "pregnant" alien mummy.

The recent event was hosted by Jaime Maussan, a ufologist in Peru. During the conference, a novel "alien" specimen, dubbed Montserrat, was presented before the audience.

Maussan is known to have conducted prolific research on extraterrestrial phenomena. He was previously a headline hit due to his presentation of two alleged alien mummies before the Mexican congress in September 2023. These mummies were found in Nazca and Palpa in Peru in 2016.

For several weeks, the ufologist had been saying that there is clear proof of tridactyl mummies, which are said to have three fingers and toes.

Now, several months after his presentation, Maussan has unveiled the most recent discovery: a mummified being claimed to have been pregnant when she died.

The host claimed that the alien was expecting to have a tridactyl fetus, which Maussan affectionately named Rafael.

However, the event took a bizarre turn as authorities from the Peruvian Ministry of Culture interrupted the event with the goal of seizing the mummified bodies.

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