Born’s probability conjecture seems to break down in sufficiently complex living matter, e.g. us. It has only been confirmed in particle beam scattering experiments including, of course, targets of complex systems like in PET scans and MRI on our living brains. However, what I am talking about here is the internal dynamics of living matter not living matter’s response to simple particle beams.
Causality and Dispersion Relations
“Strict causality”[i] requires that there are no spacelike physical influences that are outside the local light cones of Alice and Bob’s preparation-detection events when they try to communicate with each other using material signals, e.g. light and massive particles. It also forbids precognitive retro-causal signals that propagate backwards in time when Alice and Bob’s preparation-detection events are timelike separated. In electrical engineering terms, if we have a local black box with a coincident clock, no output response before an input stimulus. A key conjecture of this book is that living matter violates this idea of “strict causality”. For example, Roger Penrose describes Ben Libet’s presponse experiments on living brains since replicated by Dick Bierman. Russell Targ described CIA controlled precognitive remote viewing tests at SRI on Chinese nuclear bomb tests that gave correct results four days into the future.
A dispersion relation, for example, connects the real part of the scattering matrix with an integral of the imaginary part. However, there are severe constraints that make it not as universal as physicists like to assume. One constraint is linearity of the input-output dynamics. The other constraint, is static, i.e. time-independent connection between input and output. Also remember, that in an entangled system when the inputs and outputs are separated at great distance, there are further complications not envisioned in simple scattering experiments.
[i] John S. Toll, Causality and the Dispersion Relation, Physical Review, v104, n6, p1760, 15 Dec. 1956