Geodesic detectors do not covariantly accelerate, therefore they do not see the Unruh flux, but they will see the thermal photons from the surface gravity of the black hole horizon since the evaporation of the black hole is an objective frame-independent process.
We are outside black hole horizons, but inside both our past and future cosmological horizons.
The idea is that we are 3D hologram image projections of 2D hologram patterns on our future horizon. This is analogous to what a static LNIF observer would see when matter falls into a black hole before the redshift makes blacks out the light signals from the horizon. The freely-falling matter appears to delocalize spreading out over the black hole event horizon surface, e.g. Leonard Susskind's "black hole complementarity" - even though the freely falling observers will not notice anything catastrophic as they fall through (neglect tidal forces for large enough black holes). Of course static LNIF's at fixed r > 2GM/c^2 will see the Unruh temperature
kBT ~ hc/A^1/2 + h(GM/cr^2)(1 - 2GM/c^2r)^-1/2
Note that the geodesic observer is equivalent to the LNIF at r ---> infinity
therefore, even the geodesic observer sees the black hole evaporate - it's objective
the term hc/A^1/2 is analogous to the zero point energy term in the Bose-Einstein black body distribution
A = 16pi(GM/c^2)^2