On Jan 24, 2011, at 4:26 PM, Jack Sarfatti wrote in the locker room:

Nothing like a steam to clear the mind On I phone so this is brief lest I forget

Newtonian cosmic surface gravity c^2Lamba^1/2 at edge of our future light cone is 10^-7 cm/sec^2
The Einstein static LNIF blue shift factor  is 10^28/x = 1/Lambda^1/2x
x = distance to horizon
k = 10^-16
h = 10^-27
c = 10^10

Unruh temperature

T = (10^28/x)(h10^-7/ck)

= 1/x

x in cm

T in deg Kelvin This is 10^11 deg when x = h/mc

Jan 30, 2011. The above calculation is suspect. I now get

g(x) ~ c^2/^1/4x^-1/2

and this gives x ~ Gm/c^2 ~ 10^-56 cm to get T > 2mc^2

However, this is smaller than Lp ~ 10^-33 cm and so this is also suspect.

For a real electron-positron plasma pulled out of the vacuum in h/mc fuzzy quantum uncertainty layer of our future horizon. This real plasma is the Wheeler-Feynman total absorber.

Bohr's insistence on the total experimental arrangement holds here. As Hawking and Gibbons pointed out in 1974 or so GR is also observer dependent, acceleration (deviation from geodesics) changes the quantum vacuum - real vs virtual particles are not invariant when there is acceleration.

For non-accelerating LIF geodesic detectors as the universe expands the wavelength stretches - i.e. conventional redshift for retarded photons moving past to future in the expanding universe. Static LNIFs are a very different story.

On Jan 24, 2011, at 11:28 PM, JACK SARFATTI wrote:

remember the acceleration of static LNIFs in these SSS metrics is

g(r) = (Newton's acceleration)g00(r)^-1/2

where g00 ---> 0 at a horizon

therefore g(r) ---> infinity at a horizon

therefore, the Unruh temperature for virtual electron-positron pairs clamped to the horizon T = hg(r)/ckB ---> infinity classically, but is finite from the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, e.g. smear over h/mc from the classical horizon for example.

On Jan 24, 2011, at 11:21 PM, JACK SARFATTI wrote:

There is no contradiction Nick. I should have been more precise - The future event horizon is an infinite redshift surface for an advanced photon traveling back in time to the present.
It is an infinite blue shift surface for a retarded photon traveling from the present emitter to the horizon.

Unlike a black hole horizon we can never get a retarded photon from our future event horizon.

Similarly for a black hole horizon BTW. However, retarded photons from just outside the past black hole event horizon will be infinitely redshifted by the time they reach us in the present. Similarly, a retarded photon from us will be infinitely blue shifted for a static LNIF detector just outside the horizon.

The math is simple.

For our future horizon for static LNIF detectors

g00 = 1 - Lambda r^2

where we are at r = 0

In contrast for a black hole horizon again for static LNIF detectors

g00 = 1 - 2rs/r

we are at r ---> infinity

keep dt = ds/g00^1/2 invariant to get the relative periods and frequencies at r1 and r2.

On Jan 24, 2011, at 8:57 PM, nick herbert wrote:

you claim that future horizon photons undergo
an infinite red shift.
Now you are claiming those same photons
are infinitely blue shifted.