From: JACK SARFATTI <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Date: March 24, 2010 8:59:44 AM PDT
To: james f woodward <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

Subject: [Starfleet Command] Re: Electrical membrane horizon a mere fiction? Or?
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On Mar 24, 2010, at 1:00 AM, james f woodward wrote:

Well, as Edward Harrison makes "clear" in his chapter on horizons (where, I note, the coordinates used by Davis are introduced), this business can get a bit complicated and confusing.  But I suspect that most folks doing cosmology assume the existence of a future deSitter horizon (and perhaps a particle horizon too).  I also expect that almost none of them worry much, if at all, about perfect future absorption as they don't take WF action at a distance theory seriously.  :-)
Yes, you are right they don't. Not doing so is their greatest blunder. The only mainstream cosmologist aware of it seems to be Bernard Carr. Every paper I know of only invokes the past particle horizon as the hologram screen - none of them mention the future horizon as the hologram screen because that demands WF retrocausation without retrocausation (a Wheelerism). Quite obviously, the future dark energy horizon is the Godzilla in the closet! Quite obviously it is effectively the WF future absorber explaining the Partridge experiment. There is no plausible alternative consistent with parsimony. If there is, then show me.
Hologram principle demands
1) future 2D event horizon = pixelated hologram screen - conformal anyon quantum field theory
2) 3D bulk geometrodynamical field as the retrocausal hologram image
3) entropy of 3D observable universe bounded by area of this future horizon hologram computer screen
4) Therefore Arrow of Time is trivial 1 Bit at t = 0 (inflation) asympotic to 10^123 BITs.
Conjecture: All null geodesic future horizons are perfect Wheeler-Feynman retro-causal reflectors (perfect absorbers) generators of Cramer transactions of radiative processes inside them. 
A normal optical reflector converts retarded waves into retarded waves according to Snell's law in space. The future horizon reflects in spacetime.
some background information
"1 The Complementarity Principle
"Recent evidence suggests that we may live in a space-time that will asymptotically tend to de Sitter Space. If this is so, it is important to understand how quantum gravity should be formulated in such a geometry. Since de Sitter Space has an event horizon many of the questions that confused theorists about the quantum theory of black holes become relevant to cosmology. Perhaps the most important lesson we have learned from black hole quantum mechanics concerns the complementary way that different observers describe events in the black hole environment. That together with the Holographic principle, the UV/IR connection and the counting of black hole microstates is providing a new paradigm for the quantum mechanics of horizons. It is therefore natural to try to apply them to de Sitter Space.

According to the Principle of Black Hole Complementarity [1] the horizon of a black hole may be regarded by an external observer as an impenetrable thermal membrane which can absorb, thermalize and reemit all informationThe principle also says that a freely falling observer encounters nothing special at the horizon. The principle has received strong support from the study of gravity in AdS space and its equivalence to the boundary conformal field theory. The horizon of a de Sitter Space is structurally very similar to that of a black hole. ... Does this mean that an exact dS/CFT correspondence can not exist? This is not entirely clear." Susskind et-al