Begin forwarded message:

From: John Brandenburg Date: October 22, 2011 3:21:52 PM

Subject: RE: For Jessie Ventura - war with ETs? Fact or Fiction?

I agree with Jack’s statement, a low energy way to transcend interstellar distances, warp drive like in Star Trek,  is definitely possible, this would also explain exterrestrial UFOs , though not why they would want to mutilate cattle and abduct women once they got here.  That requires some deep thought- begining with the question of why humans do things like that.
It also means that UFO aliens may not be as powerful as people imagine them to be- since even second or third rate galactic powers could travel here easily. Some of whom we are dealing with may be “interstellar Riff-Raff”  If you want to see a movie that explains the whole UFO question, and includes alien abductions, underground bases and human traitors  who are so mesmerized by the alien technology, they think they are God- you should watch the Mysterians , a Japanese movie from 1957. It was directed by Honda , who directed Godzilla.
Watching it you could imagine the whole UFO field was the result of someone seeing this movie and then taking LSD.  However, that is not what really happened- which means the makers of the movie seem to have been part of some “calibrated information release” –bringing the public slowly up to speed by releases of information that is itself true, but disguised as science fiction.
Idea! lets make our own devices to modify spacetime geometry!
From: JACK SARFATTI [] Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 3:19 PM
To: John Brandenburg

Subject: Re: For Jessie Ventura - war with ETs? Fact or Fiction?
If there is any truth to this et has low power warp wormhole tech. Only possibility is in my DARPA NASA Orlando 100 yr starship paper - in my opinion.
From iPhone All the conventional propulsion is a joke at interstellar scale.

On Oct 22, 2011, at 12:32 PM, John Brandenburg wrote:

Friends,  Consider this : "even a stopped clock is right twice a day"

what Ed says is not new

Under the principle of "mediocrity", the foundation of SETI, humans and their behaviors are not an abberation on the cosmos, but part of its fabric. The fact that some ETs are hostile , actually confirms mediocrity.

Earth is a microcosm of the universe- everything you find here you will find in the stars.

"I have met these people (the ETs) , the good news is that that they are like us, and the bad news is they are like us. If you want to know what I mean, understand i am Jewish-Ukranian and my  family survived the Holocaust "

Pamela Monroe in Morningstar pass

John Brandenburg PhD
Senior Research Scientist
Orbital Technologies Corporation
Madison Wisconsin

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat 10/22/2011 12:
Subject: Re: For Jessie Ventura - war with ETs? Fact or Fiction?

Ed, though allegedly wealthy, lives in a shack in a gator infested swamp I am told. He allegedly has no internet there has to row to the local library. As I said, he is eccentric - another Dan Smith.

On Oct 22, 2011, at 08:28 AM, Christopher O'Brien wrote:

Come on Ed---say it ain't so! You don't actually believe what you've written is true? Sounds like half-baked, true-believer fairy tales from lalaland to me. Chris