Nice work TA whoever you are.
Yes Tamara's work is the most important theoretical cosmology research since the discovery of dark energy back in 1998 or so - in my opinion. I use it to argue that the Hawking thermal radiation density hc/Lp^4 at temperature hc/kLp at our future event horizon in Tamara's picture below (modified by me) is advanced Wheeler-Feynman thermal radiation that is REDSHIFTED down to hc/ALp^2 when it reaches us at r = 0 in the static LNIF de Sitter metric representation
g00 = 1 - r^2/A
Therefore, the dark energy accelerating our universe is a retrocausal effect from our future horizon.
On Jan 1, 2012, at 6:10 AM, Thorn Alley wrote:
Dr Tamara Davis
School of Mathematics and Physics
2010 ARC Future Fellowship
2009 L'Oreal Women in Science Award
2009 Louise Webster Award
Dr. Tamara Davis ...
... is an astrophysicist at the School of Mathematics and Physics.
Her research involves scanning the universe
for dark energy, an entity which makes up most
of the universe yet little is known about it.
"We know that stars, planets, galaxies and all
that we can see makes up just four per cent
of the Universe," Dr Davis said.
"About 23 per cent is dark matter. The balance
is thought to be dark energy, which we know
very little about."
Her contribution to the field was acknowledged
in 2009, when she was awarded the prestigious
L'Oreal Women in Science Award. Here she speaks
about her research and how she intends to use the
$20,000 that comes with the award to assemble an
international team of scientists to work on her
current project, which will use the new "Skymapper"
telescope to track the movement of supernovae and
use these to understand dark energy.
Shining Star goes Supernova
[ Published: 25 August 2009 ]
Dr Davis hopes to use the Australian National
University's new telescope "Skymapper" at the
Mt Stromlo Observatory to track the movement
of supernovae to understand dark energy.
"Supernovae are extremely bright stellar
explosions," Dr Davis said.
"Because we know how bright they are we can
use them as 'standard candles' to accurately
measure distance and motion across the Universe."
The SkyMapper telescope offers some unique
opportunities for mapping the Universe that
makes her hunt even more exciting.
"SkyMapper takes images that are 25 times
larger than the full moon. This allows us
to scan the southern sky once every four
days," Dr Davis said.
Until recently, the best telescopes would take
a year to cover the same area.
"Using Skymapper allows us to look at a much
bigger region of the nearby Universe, rather
than zeroing in on single objects or distant
galaxies," she said.
Using the data generated over the next couple
of years, Dr Davis hopes to detect invisible
dark matter by observing the effects of its
gravity on the motion of supernovae.
However, for such an ambitious project,
Dr Davis needs an all-star team of scientists,
with expertise in various areas from
observational analysis to theoretical physics.
Dr Davis plans to use her $20,000 L'Oreal
Australia For Women in Science Fellowship
to help assemble an international team of
scientists to work on this project.
She is no stranger to working with leaders in
the field including Nobel Laureate George Smoot,
and Shaw & Gruber prize winners Brian Schmidt,
Adam Riess and Saul Perlmutter.
A leader in her own right, Dr Davis has written
numerous journal articles and reviews, including
two in Nature, and two book chapters, that in
total have over 1000 citations.
As a team member in the ESSENCE and SDSS
supernova surveys, Dr Davis and colleagues
have discovered over seven hundred supernovae.
In 2007 Dr Davis led the ESSENCE collaboration
in a paper that ruled out two of the leading
alternative cosmological models, based on
quantum theories of gravity.
This became one of the top-ten most highly-cited
astrophysics papers of that year and gained her
the Astronomical Society of Australia's 2009
Louise Webster Prize.
Now with the Australian team WiggleZ making
the largest ever three-dimensional map of the
distribution of galaxies in the Universe,
Dr Davis is well placed to test new cosmological
theories that explain dark energy.
The $20,000 L'OReAL Australia For Women in
Science Fellowships are awarded annually to
three Australian scientists.
2009 Awards were also presented to Zenobia
Jacobs, University of Wollongong and Marnie
Blewitt, The Walter & Eliza Hall Institute
of Medical Research, Melbourne.
For more information on L'Oreal Women in Science
Awards, visit .
This site also contains video footage of Dr Davis
talking about her research and the award.
Media: Dr Tamara Davis can be contacted
on 0432 526 989, or
For more information on astrophysics
research at UQ, contact Lynelle Ross
(07 3346 9935 or
Image: Tamara Davis, University of
Queensland / University of Copenhagen
(photo credit:
Shining Star goes Supernova
Dr. Tamara Davis
Personal website: Click here
Research interests:
"I use type Ia supernovae to measure
the expansion history of the universe
and test whether exotic cosmological
models can explain the acceleration."
Title: Fundamental aspects of the expansion
of the universe and cosmic horizons
Authors: Davis, Tamara Maree
Publication: Ph.D dissertation, 2005. Australia:
University of New South Wales (Australia);
2005. Publication Number: AAT 0807562.
DAI-B 66/01, Jul 2005
Publication Date: 11/2005
Category: Astronomy, Astrophysics
Origin: UMI
Keywords: Universe, Cosmic
Comment: Publication Number: AAT 0807562
Bibliographic Code: 2005PhDT.........8D
We use standard general relativity to clarify
common misconceptions about fundamental aspects
of the expansion of the Universe. In the context
of the new standard LCDM cosmology we resolve
conflicts in the literature regarding cosmic
horizons and the Hubble sphere (distance at
which recession velocity = c ) and we link these
concepts to observational tests. We derive the
dynamics of a non- comoving galaxy and generalize
previous analyses to arbitrary FRW universes.
We also derive the counter-intuitive result that
objects at constant proper distance have a
non-zero redshift. Receding galaxies can be
blueshifted and approaching galaxies can be
redshifted, even in an empty universe for which
one might expect special relativity to apply.
Using the empty universe model we demonstrate
the relationship between special relativity and
Friedmann- Robertson-Walker cosmology.
We test the generalized second law of
thermodynamics (GSL) and its extension to
incorporate cosmological event horizons.
In spite of the fact that cosmological horizons
do not generally have well-defined thermal
properties, we find that the GSL is satisfied
for a wide range of models. We explore in
particular the relative entropic 'worth' of
black hole versus cosmological horizon area.
An intriguing set of models show an apparent
entropy decrease but we anticipate this
apparent violation of the GSL will disappear
when solutions are available for black holes
embedded in arbitrary backgrounds.
Recent evidence suggests a slow increase in
the fine structure constant a = e 2 /hc over
cosmological time scales. This raises the
question of which fundamental quantities are
truly constant and which might vary. We show
that black hole thermodynamics may provide a
means to discriminate between alternative
theories invoking varying constants, because
some variations in the fundamental 'constants'
could lead to a violation of the generalized
second law of thermodynamics.
PDF - Complete Thesis:
Fundamental Aspects of the Expansion of the
Universe and Cosmic Horizons
Tamara M. Davis
A thesis submitted in satisfaction of
the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
in the Faculty of Science.
23rd of December, 2003
Australia and New Zealand SKA project (anzSKA)
The Square Kilometre Array, or SKA, is a
next-generation radio telescope currently
planned by institutions from over 20 countries.
The SKA will be the largest and most capable
radio telescope ever constructed. During its
50+ year lifetime, it will expand our
understanding of the universe and drive
technological development worldwide.
Australia and New Zealand are jointly
shortlisted as a potential host of the
SKA telescope. Australia and New Zealand
have worked together to establish an
ideal candidate SKA site in Western
Australia, build the Australian SKA
Pathfinder telescope and maximise
participation in the SKA process.
SkyMapper - Mapping the Southern Skies
SkyMapper is a state-of-the-art automated wide
field survey telescope representing a new vehicle
for scientific discovery. It is sited under the
dark skies of Siding Spring Observatory near
Coonabarabran, central NSW. SkyMapper's mission
is to robotically create the first comprehensive
digital survey of the entire southern sky.
The survey will be a massively detailed record
of over a billion stars and galaxies, to a depth
that is one million times fainter than the human
eye can see. The survey's data set will be made
freely available to the scientific and general
community via the internet.
The telescope's advanced 1.35 metre modified
Cassegrain optics have an f4.79 focal ratio,
making the system highly efficient as a
photographic instrument. At the heart of the
telescope is a unique digital camera designed
and constructed in house by ANU technicians.
The A$2.5 million camera uses 268 million
pixels to capture a region of sky 29 times
larger than the full moon every minute.
As well as recording the brightness and shape
of objects, a series of filters enables the
camera to record the spectral type of stars,
giving astronomers information about their age,
mass and temperature.
Because SkyMapper will image each part of the
sky 36 times, it will help identify changes
occurring within the Universe that would
otherwise pass unnoticed. This will enable
astronomers to identify targets of special
interest and should greatly assist in tasks
such as discovering large dwarf planets like
Pluto in the outer solar system, and
tracking asteroids.
The volume and quality of SkyMapper data
will also enable astronomers to:
| create a comprehensive census
of the stars in our Galaxy
| map the invisible material (known
as dark matter), which makes up
the majority of our Galaxy (using
samples of very rare stars
uncovered in the survey)
| uncover the first quasars and stars
to form in the history of the Universe
It will also help us locate future target stars
and galaxies, which will be further investigated
using the next generation of extremely large
optical telescopes like the Giant Magellan
Telescope and state of the art radio astronomy
facilities such as the Australian Square
Kilometer Array Pathfinder (Over the next five
years, SkyMapper will generate 100 Megabytes
of data per second during every clear night.
At the end of the Southern Sky Survey, this will
amount to about 500 Terabytes of data (equivalent
to 100,000 DVDs). A distilled version of the
Survey will be made publicly available and will
include a set of images of all the stars,
galaxies, and nebulae, as well as a database
containing the accurate colour, position,
brightness, variability, and shape of every one
of the billions of objects in the southern sky.
On Sat, 31 Dec 2011 10:43:18 GMT, "
-----0rigami Massage-----
| From: "
| Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 10:43:18 GMT
| To:
| CC: [...]
| Subject: Re: Woodward's phi = c^2 only makes sense at event
| horizons in Einstein's GR for SSS solutions
Thanks for the thoughtful response. The reason why
I brought in Bernstein's treatment is because it is
remarkably transparent. As anyone who was paying
at least passing attention to cosmology in the late
'60s and '70s knows, spatial flatness corresponds
to the FRW case that separates "closed" universes
that recollapse from "open" universes that expand
forever. The flat universe has critical cosmic
matter density, and the gravitational energy of the
contents of the universe just equals the
non-gravitational energy. That is, Mc^2 = M phi.
This, of course, means that phi = c^2. This is not
a Newtonian approximation. And this is why it is
possible to talk about "three pound universes" with
10^80 nucleons among their contents.
| From the cosmological point of view, the spatially
flat universe is just an interesting curiosity.
It's significance in the origin of inertia business
is not obvious. But when you realize that if
phi = c^2, then inertial reaction forces are due to
gravity (without the need to introduce special
boundary conditions), spatial flatness takes on new
significance. I can see how you might think
"compatibility" is all that's going on here.
But I think something stronger and more fundamental
is at play.
Whether one proposes:
flatness => critical density => phi = c^2 => gravitational
origin of inertia
or one reverses the order seems to me to be less
important than the fact that the implication chain
can be set up at all. And if one were being testy
about this, the EEP and gravitational energy
non-localizability, and Newton's third law could
be added to the chain. The chain ties together
inertia, gravity, and general relativity (with its
EEP and non-localizable gravitational energy) in an
extraordinarily strong and fundamental way.
Frankly, when I started out looking seriously at
the issue of inertia, I had no idea that all of
this would fit together in this way. I was prepared
to consider "alternative" theories of gravity and
suchlike in my efforts to find a means of rapid
spacetime transport. I am amazed that those
investigations have led me to be as convinced a
supporter of GRT as is alive on the planet.
Life sometimes catches you unaware is peculiar ways. . . .
Have a good holiday weekend,
-----End 0f 0rigami Massage-----
On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 19:49:27 -0800, JACK SARFATTI wrote:
well done whoever wrote this
Bottom Line on Jim's experiment given by Millis at
DARPA-NASA 10-1-11 was essentially a repeat of this:
"Independent verification experiments,
using techniques less prone to spurious
effects, were unable to reliably confirm
or dismiss the claims. [30] Woodward and
others continue with experiments and
publications to make the effect more
pronounced and to more clearly separate
the claimed effects from experimental
artifacts. This oscillatory inertia
approach is considered unresolved."
On Dec 30, 2011, at 5:38 PM, R005T3R wrote:
Almost 48 years ago, Sir Freddy wrote:
"It has often been said that, if the human species
fails to make a go of it here on Earth, some
other species will take over the running. In the
sense of developing high intelligence this is not
correct. We have, or soon will have, exhausted
the necessary physical prerequisites so far as this
planet is concerned. With coal gone, oil gone,
high-grade metallic ores gone, no species however
competent can make the long climb from primitive
conditions to high-level technology. This is a
one-shot affair. If we fail, this planetary system
fails so far as intelligence is concerned. The same
will be true of other planetary systems. On each
of them there will be one chance, and one chance
only." -- Sir Fred Hoyle,
"Of Men and Galaxies," 1964
Almost 6 years ago, Daniel Pinchbeck wrote:
[...] "The Catholic mystic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
foresaw the development of a 'new, integrated mind' of
global humanity, calling it the 'noosphere,' from the
Greek word nous, meaning mind. Noting that our planet
consists of various layers -- a mineral lithosphere,
hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere consisting of
troposphere, stratosphere, and ionosphere -- Chardin
theorized the possible existence of a mental envelope,
a layer of thought, encompassing the Earth.
The 'hominization' of the Earth had concluded the
phase of physical evolution, during which species
multiplied and developed new powers, leading to an
entropic breakdown of the biosphere. This process,
Chardin realized, requiring the tapping of the stored
energy and amassed mineral resources of the planet,
could happen only once." [...] Pg. 60; Part One:
A Universe In Ruins; Chapter Five |
2012 - The Return of Quetzalcoatl
by Daniel Pinchbeck (c) 2006
Tamara Davis's PhD shows more precisely Teilhard's idea
[ Dr. Tamara Davis graph, "DavisFig1-1Hologram" omitted...
See Dr. Davis' Ph.D. Thesis, PDF at: ]
Seth Lloyd showed that horizons are computers.
"When our ships entered your skies
a century and a half ago, that was the
first meeting of our two races, though
of course we had studied you from a
distance. And yet you feared and
recognized us, as we knew that you
would. It was not precisely a memory.
You have already had proof that time
is more complex than your science ever
imagined. For that memory was not of
the past, but of the 'future'--of those
closing years when your race knew that
everything was finished. We did what
we could, but it was not an easy end.
And because we were there, we became
identified with your race's death.
Yes, even while it was ten thousand
years in the future! It was as if a
distorted echo had reverberated round
the closed circle of time, from the
future to the past. Call it not a
memory, but a premonition." - Karellen
Pg. 207 - PART III
Chapter 23
The Last Generation
Arthur C. Clarke (c) 1953
ISBN: 345-02750-7-125
Childhood's End ...
... is a science fiction novel by Sir Arthur C. Clarke.
It was originally published in 1953, and a version with
a new first chapter was released in 1990 due to the
anachronistic nature of the opening chapter (the first
attempts to launch rockets into orbit by both the
Americans and Russians are in progress but aborted
suddenly when aliens arrive, with a sense of the death
of a dream). This story was originally a short story
dubbed Guardian Angel which Clarke first published in
1950 for the Famous Fantastic Mysteries magazine.
It is basically the novel's section after the prologue,
Earth and the Overlords but with some different text
in certain places.
Childhood's End is about humanity's transformation
and integration to an interstellar hive mind,
the Occult, man's inability to live in a utopian
society, cruelty to animals, and the idea of being
"The Last Man on Earth". The 1953 edition of the
story begins when enormous alien spaceships one day
appear above all of the Earth's major cities.
The aliens, who become known as the Overlords,
quickly communicate by radio, announcing benign
intention and desire to help mankind. They quickly
end the arms race and colonialism. They also arrange
personal, though not face-to-face, meetings between
Secretary General of the United Nations Rikki Stormgren
and Karellen, the Overlord leader, albeit via two-way
mirror, so that the earthman cannot see the
extraterrestrial alien. Karellen has a special
relationship with Stormgren, though short of
traditional friendship. The Overlords promise to
reveal themselves in fifty years, after which time
mankind will have lost their prejudice, becoming
comfortable with their presence. Mankind enters a
golden age of the greatest peace and prosperity
ever known, but at the expense of some creativity
and freedom; not every Earthling is content with
the bargain, nor accepts the beneficence of the
Overlords' long-term intentions. Although Stormgren,
with Karellen's help, survives kidnap by subversive
humans suspicious of the Overlords, he secretly
harbours lingering curiosity about the real Overlord
nature and smuggles a device aboard Karellen's
spaceship to see behind the screen. Yet, he later
tells questioners the device failed; the novel
strongly hints that Stormgren agrees with the
Overlords that mankind are unready for what he
saw revealed. True to their word, fifty years
after arrival, the Overlords appear in person.
They are beings resembling the traditional human
folklore image of demons: bipeds with large wings,
horned heads, and tails. The Overlords are taller
than humans and of proportionally more massive
bodies covered with a hard, black armour shell.
They are greatly photosensitive to yellow sunlight,
because they are from a planet with a dimmer
light spectrum, and, though they can breathe
Earth air, they prefer their own specific
atmosphere gas. Mankind accept them with open arms,
and with their help, create an utopian world.
Although humanity and the Overlords are in good
relations, the spread of equal goods and the ban
on building space ships that can travel past the
moon causes sects of humanity to believe their
innovation and independence is being stagnated.
In response, those sects establish the New Athens
island colony.
After one hundred years on earth, human children
(starting in New Athens) begin displaying
telepathic and telekinetic abilities. Because of
that, they soon become distant from their parents.
Karellen then reveals the true purpose of why the
Overlords came to Earth. They are in service to
the Overmind, an amorphous being of pure energy.
It has charged them with the duty of fostering
humanity's transition to a higher plane of
existence and merger with the Overmind. Also,
the Overlords' resemblance to the devil of human
folklore is explained with the concept of racial
memory unlimited by humanity's linear concept
of time; hence, fear of them was based upon
instinct, the foreknowledge that they herald
the end of the human species. Karellen announces
that the children will be quarantined on a
continent of their own and because of them, all
hopes of humanity are over because it will only
be the children who will merge with the Overmind.
The Overlords are also shown to be trapped in an
evolutionary dead end who will never merge with
the Overmind, and thus are doomed to forever
do its bidding. Because of this, Karellen states
his race will forever envy humanity. Despite how
the Overlords are trapped in their current forms,
Karellen hopes that his race will learn what
causes the stage that will be taken by the
Overmind and that eventually his race will
discover how. Following the quarantine, no more
children are born; the narration subtly hints
that most of the parents commit suicide, while
their children evolve towards merging with the
Overmind. New Athens is then destroyed by the
leaders detonating a nuclear bomb on it.
The last man alive is Jan Rodricks, a physicist,
who will witness mankind's final evolutionary
transformation. He stowed away on an Overlord
supply ship earlier in the story in a successful
attempt to travel to the Overlord home planet,
which he correctly guessed orbits a star of the
Carina constellation. As a physicist, Rodricks
knows of the relativistic twin paradox effect:
however brief the round trip to the Overlord
planet is in his subjective, personal time-frame,
the shortest time elapsed on planet Earth, for
a "twin" person of the same age, would be the
round trip light-travel time. Given that the
Overlord planet is forty light-years distant,
at least eighty years elapsed on Earth before
his return (eighty years is the lower limit,
the actual time is longer). Therefore, when
Rodricks returns from the Overlord home world,
he expects no one on Earth will remember him,
nevertheless, he is unprepared for the return:
mankind, as he knew it, died. About three
hundred million naked young beings, physically
human but otherwise with nothing common to Man,
remain on the quarantined continent. They are
the final, physical form of human evolution
before merging with the Overmind. Life -- not
only human life, but all other forms on the
planet -- was exterminated by them, and the
vast cities that Jan remembers are all dark,
worldwide. Although no human beings remain on
Earth, some Overlords remain, studying the
evolved children. The two whom Rodricks knows
are Karellen and Rashaverak; they expected
his return. They briefly remain after Rodricks's
return, trying to understand mankind's
transformation, which is denied to their race
despite its great achievements in other realms.
It also is revealed here that the Overlords
have met and conditioned other races for the
Overmind, and that humanity is the fifth race
the Overmind will collect. When the evolved
children exploit their powers -- altering the
Earth's rotation, effecting other, dangerous
planetary adjustments -- making it too
dangerous to remain, the Overlords prepare
to leave. They offer Rodricks the opportunity
of leaving with them, but he chooses to
remain as witness to Earth's dissolution;
mankind's offspring evolved to a higher
existence, requiring neither a body nor a
place, so ends mankind's childhood.
The story's last scene details Karellen's
final backward look, through space, at the
doomed Solar System. He is emotionally
depressed, having seen yet another race
evolve to the beyond, while he and his race
are limited to their current form. Despite
that, he renders a final salute to mankind,
considering whether or not conditioning them
for the Overmind helped his goal of
deciphering the evolutionary secret for his
race to merge with the Overmind. He then
turns away from the view, the reader presumes,
to await the Overmind's next order.
[ Arthur C. Clarke (1917-2008)... ]
--- G00 G00 GJ00B <
On Dec 30, 2011 3:12 PM, Jack Sarfatti <
-----0rigami Massage-----
| From: Jack Sarfatti <
| To: Paul Zielinski <
| Cc: [...]
| Subject: Re: Woodward's phi = c^2 only makes sense at
| event horizons in Einstein's GR for SSS solutions
| Date: Dec 30, 2011 3:12 PM
The obvious error in Jim's logic is to leap scales
by at least 40 powers of ten from Hubble to chemical
bond scales. No cosmologist would agree that that
makes any sense at all.
I am using Siri voice artificial intelligence
on my iPhone 4S.
On Dec 30, 2011, 2:38 PM, Paul Zielinski <
Hi Jim.
I can see how you can get phi = c^2 (contingent on
critical mass density) in a Newtonian model, but
I don't see how it follows from this contingent
relationship that inertia is reducible to a
gravitational interaction.
Bernstein's argument appears to be based purely
on critical mass density, and not at all on any
Machian hypothesis about the origin of inertia.
It seems to me that the most you can argue is
that phi = c^2 is *consistent* with a Machian
model for inertia.
On 12/30/2011 12:34 PM,
Does phi = c^2 if the universe is spatially flat
at cosmic scale? The calculation from which this
statement follows is found in essentially all
texts on GR cosmology. Easily the most transparent
development of the calculation I know of is in
Jeremy Bernstein's Introduction to Cosmology.
I have scanned the relevant pages and put them
into the attached PPT file for your convenience.
Starting from the consideration of a particle of
mass m located on the periphery of a sphere of
radius R(t) in a universe with homogeneity and
isotropy (the FRW conditions), Bernstein points
out that Newton's second law tells us
that m d^2R/dt^2 = - GmM/R^2.
He treats the mass inside the
sphere radius R as being
located at its center.
From this he obtains by integration:
[dR/dt]^2/2 - GM/R = E
where E is a constant of integration with
dimension "energy" [actually, velocity squared].
OK this is just conservation
of the total energy,
Now R is a scale length that, for most purposes,
can be taken to by anything that's convenient.
But if we take R to be the radius of the universe,
then the second term on the LHS of the above
equation [Bernstein's 2.14] is immediately
recognized as "phi", the total scalar gravitational
potential of the universe.
So phi is a Newtonian
potential in your theory?
The question is: what is dR/dt when R is the radius
of the universe. Keep in mind that the identified
velocity is going to be that associated with the
"kinetic" energy that this term represents.
Well, the universe at it radius from any observer
is receding with light speed, so evidently dR/dt
for R = the radius of the universe is just c.
Not sure what this means.
Do you mean that any observer
on the periphery sees the
rest of the universe receding
at c?
If so, is that really what
modern cosmology says?
Can you explain your
reasoning here?
And Bernstein's equation 2.14 can be restated
as c^2 - phi = E. That is, the [non-gravitational]
"kinetic" energy minus the gravitational potential
energy is equal to the integration constant, and
if E = 0, phi = c^2.
What happened to superluminal recession?
As I understand it, only *local* light
speed is guaranteed to be c in modern
cosmology. The laws of SR only apply
locally. Or am I missing something here?
Spatial flatness corresponds to E = 0, and so
for spatial flatness, phi = c^2.
Yes clearly the relationship
phi = c^2 is contingent on
critical density -- a
happenstance. Is that really
a proper basis for a
fundamental law of nature?
It also corresponds to critical cosmic matter
density -- Bernstein's equations 2.17 to 2.20.
Moreover, if spatial flatness obtains at any
time, then it obtains for all times as Bernstein
points out on page 47, and omega is = 1.
All this is just standard FRW cosmology.
Not sure about recession
speed having to be c in FRW.
What is not appreciated in all this is that when
phi = c^2, inetial reaction forces are exclusively
gravitational in origin.
This seems like a *non sequitur*
to me. On your cosmological assumptions,
phi = c^2 regardless of whether inertia
is or is not Machian. The former is
necessary, but not sufficient, to prove
a Machian hypothesis. Unless you've
skipped some steps in your reasoning,
Could you explain this in more detail?
And when that is true, you can get interesting
effects not normally contemplated.
-----End of 0rigami Massage-----
AIP Conference Proceedings / Volume 746
Tweaking Flux Capacitors
AIP Conf. Proc. 746,
pp. 1345-1352;
doi:10.1063/1.1867264 (8 pages)
Conf.Thermophys in Micrograv;
Conf Comm/Civil Next Gen.Space Transp;
22nd Symp Space Nucl.Powr Propuls.;
Conf.Human/Robotic Techn.Nat'l Vision Space Expl.;
3rd Symp Space Colon.; 2nd Symp.New Frontiers
Date: 13-17 February 2005
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA)
James F. Woodward
Mass fluctuations that arise from Mach effects
when objects that can store internal energy are
accelerated and their application to the
production of propellantless thrusts are
discussed. A follow-on experiment to that
reported at STAIF 2004 is described. An effect
of the sort expected continues to be observed.
And it displays scaling behavior distinctive
to Mach effects.
(c) 2005 American Institute of Physics
"Flux Capacitors and the Origin of Inertia,"
Foundations of Physics 34, 1475-1514 (2004).
Breakthrough Propulsion Physics
Overview Report 07.11.2006
The following text is based on the report
published in the Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences , but has been formatted
for HTML presentation. Although this is
published through a non-NASA venue, the
contents of this government-sponsored work
are available without copyright restrictions
in the US.
Marc G. Millis
NASA John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field
21000 Brookpark Rd., MS 86-2
Cleveland, OH 44135-3191
The term, propulsion breakthrough, refers to
concepts like propellantless space drives and
faster-than-light travel, the kind of
breakthroughs that would make interstellar
exploration practical. Although no such
breakthroughs appear imminent, a variety of
investigations have begun. From 1996-2002, NASA
supported the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics
Project to examine physics in the context of
breakthrough spaceflight. Three facets of these
assessments are now reported: (1) predicting
benefits, (2) selecting research, and (3) recent
technical progress. Predicting benefits is
challenging since the breakthroughs are still
only notional concepts, but energy can serve as
a basis for comparison. A hypothetical space
drive would require many orders of magnitude
less energy than a rocket for journeys to our
nearest neighboring star. Assessing research
options is challenging when the goals are beyond
known physics and when the implications of
success are profound. To mitigate the challenges,
a selection process is described where:
(a) research tasks are constrained to only
address the immediate unknowns, curious effects
or critical issues, (b) reliability of assertions
is more important than their implications , and
(c) reviewers judge credibility rather than
feasibility . The recent findings of a number of
tasks, some selected using this process, are
discussed. Of the 14 tasks included, 6 reached
null conclusions, 4 remain unresolved, and 4 have
opportunities for sequels. A dominant theme with
the sequels is research about the properties of
space, inertial frames, and the quantum vacuum.
Unresolved Approaches:
Woodward's Transient Inertial Oscillations:
Experiments and theories published by
James Woodward claim that oscillatory
changes to inertia can be induced by
electromagnetic means [28] and a patent
exists on how this can be used for
propulsion. [29] Conservation of momentum
is satisfied by evoking interpretations
of Mach's principle.
Independent verification experiments,
using techniques less prone to spurious
effects, were unable to reliably confirm
or dismiss the claims. [30] Woodward and
others continue with experiments and
publications to make the effect more
pronounced and to more clearly separate
the claimed effects from experimental
artifacts. This oscillatory inertia
approach is considered unresolved.
28. Woodward, J. F. 2004. Flux Capacitors
and the Origin of Inertia. Foundations
of Physics. 34: 1475-1514.
29. Woodward, J. F. 1994. Method for
Transiently Altering the Mass of an
Object to Facilitate Their Transport
or Change their Stationary Apparent
Weights. US Patent # 5,280,864.
30. Cramer, J., Fey & Casissi. 2004.
Tests of Mach's Principle with a
Mechanical Oscillator. NASA/CR-2004-213310.
James F. Woodward
Recent Publications:
"Flux Capacitors and the Origin of Inertia,"
Foundations of Physics 34, 1475-1514 (2004).
Warp Drive: A New Approach
Authors: Richard Obousy, Gerald Cleaver
(Submitted on 11 Dec 2007 (v1),
last revised 8 Feb 2008 (this version, v6))
Certain classes of higher dimensional models
suggest that the Casimir Effect is a candidate
for the cosmological constant. In this paper we
demonstrate that a sufficiently advanced
civilization could, in principal, manipulate
the radius of the extra dimension to locally
adjust the value of the cosmological constant.
This adjustment could be tuned to generate an
expansion/contraction of spacetime around a
spacecraft creating an exotic form of
field-propulsion. Due to the fact that spacetime
expansion itself is not restricted by relativity,
a faster-than-light 'warp drive' could be created.
Calculations of the energy requirements of such
a drive are performed and an 'ultimate' speed limit,
based on the Planckian limits on the size of the
extra dimensions is found.
15 pages. To be published in JBIS
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc)
Cite as:
arXiv:0712.1649v6 [gr-qc]
Richard Obousy
Richard Obousy Consulting LLC
Texas, 77054
On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 08:21:44 GMT, "
-----0rigami Massage-----
| From: "
| Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2011 08:21:44 GMT
| To:
| CC: [...]
| Subject: Re: Woodward's phi = c^2 only makes sense at
| event horizons in Einstein's GR for SSS solutions
Fair enough Jack. As I said, in the pre-inflation
era this was common knowledge, ensconced, for example,
in the title of Weinberg's popular book on cosmology
"the three pound universe" and the like (if memory serves).
I got rid of those sorts of books several years ago, so I
can't give exact references. But Jeremy Bernstein's book
on cosmology has the related math, so I'll copy a few
pages of that and provide a little commentary.
Tomorrow with a little luck. . . .
Please note: message attached
On Thu, 29 Dec 2011 13:21:19 -0800, JACK SARFATTI wrote:
| To:
| Cc: [...]
| Subject: Re: Woodward's phi = c^2 only makes sense
| at event horizons i n Einstein's GR
| for SSS solutions
| Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2011 13:21:19 -0800
On Dec 29, 2011, at 7:45 AM,
Phi is also = c^2 for FRW cosmologies in the special
case of cosmic scale spatial flatness which
corresponds to "critical" cosmic matter density.
[ Sarfatti wrote: ]
I do not understand the above sentence at all.
Please show with the mathematics exactly what
you are talking about.
Where is phi here?
[ Woodward wrote: ]
Back in the pre-inflationary epoch, this used
to be common knowlege. The math of Mach effects
can be found in several peer reviewed papers, the
most detailed being "Flux Capacitors and the
Origin of Inertia," Found. Phys., 2004. It will
also be in the forthcoming book on this I am
writing for Springer. Soon to be completed. :-)
--- On Thu, 29 Dec 2011 02:09:50, Koyaanisqatsi Fahrvergnugen wrote:
The Confused Pufferfish and The Dislocated Platypus:
"...Woodward's phi = c^2 only makes sense
at event horizons in Einstein's GR
for SSS solutions..."
The Dislocated Platypus <
<> On Dec 28, 2011, at 5:14 PM,
<> The Confused Pufferfish <
<> <> Dear Dislocated Platypus,
<> <>
<> <> Just as an afterthought please allow I note to you,
<> <> that Jim's theory in no way violates E=MC^2.
The Dislocated Platypus said:
<> Never said it did.
The Confused Pufferfish said:
<> <> Jim has never proposed he can violate this.
<> <>
<> <> There is a fantastical difference between the energy
<> <> needed to alter a mass, as compared to what is
<> <> necessary to temporarily fluctuate it, and it is
<> <> using this temporary fluctuation that is the "sneaky
<> <> trick" behind Jim's theory.
The Dislocated Platypus said:
<> Prove it. Where is the math?
<> What is the physics theory behind it?
The Confused, but humble (in his opinion), Pufferfish said:
<> <> Unless and until you get this, you do
<> <> not understand Jim's theory well
<> <> enough to comment on it, IMHO.
The Dislocated Platypus said:
<> I am simply stating that c^2 = phi makes no sense to
<> me and how to go from it to the actual mass spectrum
<> makes even less sense.
<> In the simplest SSS metric of GR
<> g00 = 1 + phi/c^2
<> ex 1. Schwarzschild
<> phi = -c^22rs/r
<> rs/r < 1
<> ex 2 de Sitter dark energy
<> phi = -c^2/\r^2
<> Therefore, Woodward's solution appears
<> inconsistent - at best it means globally
<> flat Minkowski space seen in inertial frames.
<> i.e. /\r^2 = 1
<> 2rs/r = 1
<> Of course both those conditions describe
<> event horizons as in the world hologram model
<> that the interior bulk is an image of the
<> surrounding surface event horizons. I have been
<> saying that Mach's Principle needs to be
<> reinterpreted as the Hologram Principle.
<> [A Very Nice Image Indeed Was Here]
The Confused Pufferfish said:
<> <> best,
<> <>
<> <> Confused Pufferfish
<> <>
University of Pennsylvania
Scholarly Commons
Department of Physics
Mach's Holographic Principle
Justin Khoury
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics,
University of Pennsylvania,
Maulik Parikh
Columbia University,
Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics
Suggested Citation:
Khoury, J. and Parikh, M. (2009).
"Mach's holographic principle." Physical Review D. 80, 084004.
(c) 2009 The American Physical Society
This paper is posted at ScholarlyCommons.
For more information, please contact:
Mach's holographic principle
Justin Khoury1,2 and Maulik Parikh3,4
1Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics,
31 Caroline St.
N., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 2Y5
2Center for Particle Cosmology,
University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA
3Institute for Strings, Cosmology, and Astroparticle Physics,
Columbia University,
New York, New York 10027, USA
4Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics,
Post Bag 4, Pune 411007, India
(Received 16 February 2007; revised manuscript
received 9 March 2009; published 6 October 2009)
Mach's principle is the proposition that inertial frames
are determined by matter. We put forth and implement a
precise correspondence between matter and geometry that
realizes Mach's principle. Einstein's equations are not
modified and no selection principle is applied to their
solutions; Mach's principle is realized wholly within
Einstein's general theory of relativity. The key insight
is the observation that, in addition to bulk matter, one
can also add boundary matter. Given a space-time, and
thus the inertial frames, we can read off both boundary
and bulk stress tensors, thereby relating matter and
geometry. We consider some global conditions that are
necessary for the space-time to be reconstructible, in
principle, from bulk and boundary matter. Our framework
is similar to that of the black hole membrane paradigm
and, in asymptotically anti-de Sitter space-times, is
consistent with holographic duality.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.80.084004
PACS numbers: 04.20.Cv, 11.25.Tq, 98.80.Jk
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 80, 084004 (2009)
PHYSICAL REVIEW D 80, 084004 (2009)
[1] E. Mach, The Science of Mechanics: A Critical and
Historical Account of Its Development (1893), translated
by T. J. McCormach (Open Court, LaSalle, IL, 1960).
[2] S. Weinberg, Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and
Applications of the General Theory of Relativity (John
Wiley and Sons, New York, 1972).
[3] A. Einstein, Sitzungsber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin
(Math. Phys.) 1914, 1030 (1914).
[4] A. Einstein, Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 55, 241 (1918).=
See also, Full text of "Engineering education"
The Confused Pufferfish -
Aerius Photonics, LLC
has been acquired by FLIR Systems
Aerius Photonics, LLC and FLIR Systems
Read the Press Release
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The Dislocated Platypus -
"As Thomas Huxley said, the universe acts a lot like
a chess game in which the player on the other side
remains invisible to us. By analyzing the moves, we
try to form an image of the intellect behind them.
Images that have seemed almost believable to me at
various times have included the gods and goddesses
of ancient Greece (if you develop a Classic Poetry
habit, that kind of neurolinguistic programming can
happen...) and also, of course, those extra-terrestrials
who have so much popularity these days. I have also
considered the player on the other side as more
impersonal, like the Tao, or more bizarre, like Shiva
Dancing, or more abstract, like Philip K. Dick's Vast
Active Living Information System (VALIS.) Mostly, though
I think of the player on the other side as a pookah --
a resident of Ireland, in rabbit form, who may at any
time dump a truckload of the Unknown and Inexplicable
right on your doorstep."
--Robert Anton Wilson (1932 - 2007)
"What is necessary for man is to free himself from
the entire past of mankind, not only his individual
past. That is to say, you have to free yourself from
what every man before you has thought, felt and
experienced -- then only is it possible for you
to be yourself. The whole purpose of my talking to
people is to point out the uniqueness of every
individual. Culture or civilization or whatever you
might call it has always tried to fit us into a
framework. Man is not man at all; I call him a
'unique animal' -- and man will remain a unique
animal as long as he's burdened by the culture."
The "Anti-Krishnamurti":
-- Uppaluri Gopala Krishnamurti (1918 - 2007)
Dr. Jack Sarfatti, Ph.D.
Dr. James F. Woodward, Ph.D.
Dr. Stanley Deser, Ph.D.
On Fri, 30 Dec 2011 05:40:03, eMpTy wrote:
-----0rigami Massage-----
| Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2011 05:40:03 -0800 (GMT-08:00)
| From: MT <
| To: Gary G Ford <
| Demo Hassan <
| Subject: ... How many incarnations ... [Re: DR QUANTUM
| (Re: Retro Temporal Paradox Avoidance Bifurcation Syndrome
| & Deser's model, Kip Thorne)]
| CC: Alexandra Bruce <
| eMpTy <
| Acharya S <
| "Greg Lunt. JD" <
| Jack Sarfatti <
| George Knapp <
| Paul Zielinski <
| Stanton T Friedman <
| R Vega <
| Mark Thornally <
| "Gary G. Ford" <
On Dec 29, 2011 8:01 PM, Gary G Ford <
<> ... How many incarnations
<> have you now had since your distant original
<> slugdom? And how many more will come?!
The most obvious, always forgotten, then
instantly remembered, to be forgotten again,
then remembered (since it is so obvious), is:
Everything is mind.
Damn! I forgot, again... What?
Oh, never mind. It doesn't matter.
Wait! Yes... okay... mind, right?
imagined in the mind.
What is matter, but mind's interpretation
conveniently solidified in a mental construct.
Without mind, is there really anything, like matter?
But wait, is it not so that mind is merely a product
of material brain processes? But again, that pesky
obvious answer: that too is only realized, mentally.
So obvious, so easy to forget, then remembered...
They (you know, other minds) like to say that
if you removed all minds from all universes,
would there really be any such thing as a
universe? Minds (you know, others like you)
like to say (as if they're really saying
something) that the mind of a god is required
as a first cause solidification interpreting
the convenient mental construct which
manifests as matter (or the mental construct
known as matter) out of which emerges all
sorts of little sub-god minds, either transient
or eternal depending on whose mind is doing
the mental configuring. In a previous incarnation
this kind of mental meandering used to piss off my
mind, see, "Abraxas^ Ponders Final Extinction"
Now I simply understand, without any real
understanding beyond the obvious experiential
aspect of my own brand of easily forgotten
mind. But, alas, my diseased mind-gland drifts
dangerously into realms lacking English language
cogency, and I wouldn't wish to annoy the esteemed
minds of our temporary tautological physicist
email residents whose mathemagickal workings I
find so fascinating right now. So Gary, thank
you for the eclectic emanation from your mind
with all its curious idiosyncrasies and cultural
artifacts. I will forward you a few dialogues
between Dr. Sarfatti and Dr. Woodward, et al.
that you might've missed, that I think you'll
find interesting -- their minds are working on
forthcoming books, something to look forward to,
I think.
Happy Nouveau Year!
Say hello to the birds
and other creatures up
there in the great
white north mental
construct. -- eMpTy
5:30AM SOL's System
-----End 0f 0rigami Massage-----
See also:
The Care And Feeding Of Advanced Metamaterials
(Pay No Attention To The Creatures Behind The Curtain)
Have a great 2012. Later - eMpTy - 6:10AM