P.K. Dick knew of me from Walter Breen a mutual friend and no doubt PKD read Robert Anton Wilson's Cosmic Trigger where my VALIS experience of 1953 is mentioned as I recall.

As I explained last night the views Jim attributes to me below are in fact not my views and I am perplexed how he came to that conclusion.

The resistance to acceleration needed to push test particles off geodesics is rest mass m0 and the SR gamma factor.

The origin of m0 is primarily the Yukawa spinor-Higgs field coupling for leptons and quarks and the gluon binding of quarks into hadrons as described by QCD. Virtual zero point quanta are included. The Higgs field however is a macro-quantum coherent vacuum superconductor c-number field in which large numbers of virtual Higgs bosons occupy the same single-particle quantum state. Nowhere do I endorse the Haisch-Puthoff virtual photon model of m0 that Jim falsely attributes to me below.

Gravity at the classical level e.g. the FRW metric, Mach's Principle play no role here. That's astrology in my opinion.

Jim seems to be misinterpreting Sciama. When Sciama talks about Mach's Principle determining the inertial properties of matter he means the global pattern of null and timelike geodesics - that's all he means. The rest masses m of the test particles drop out of the problem completely - that's the Equivalence Principle.

The trouble most of you are having is accepting Einstein's idea that standing "still" on Earth is an unbalanced acceleration in curved 4D spacetime. It's like swimming against a river current to avoid going over Niagara Falls. When you are inside the black hole event horizon you cannot do it.

A real force causes a test particle to move on a non-geodesic world line in the local curvature field (even when the curvature is zero). A g-force is always detected there as "weight".

A pseudo-force is when an observer in an accelerating frame looks at a test particle on a geodesic.

The physical test is who feels the g-force. That tells you WHO is really accelerating.

The pure gravity field never causes a g-force on an extended test body. It will cause Weyl curvature stretch squeeze between different parts of the extended body - usually way too weak to detect.

phi = c^2 as some kind of local field condition makes no sense to me at all.

The wave equation for phi in a vector theory of gravity also makes no sense to me.

I am simply giving my opinion.

I have no opinion on Jim's experiment or what his data means.

I leave that to others.

Even assuming Jim is right, his effect is marginal and there is no evidence it can be scaled up. At best perhaps for small probes that will take forever Earth time dilation to get anywhere interesting. Without my entanglement signaling the whole enterprise is futile and none of the rich investors I know and who ask my opinion will be interested in just another impulse propulsion scheme. Of course for solar system missions impulse propulsion is of interest.

On Jan 8, 2012, at 3:29 AM, Demo Hassan wrote:

--- El dom 8-ene-12, Jupiter <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> escribio:
----------- O -----------
| From: Jupiter <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
| Subject: Re: From Bertlmann's Socks to Sarfatti's
|          Smelly Feet ;-) Far Field Jerk Radiation Reaction in a Cramer
|          Transaction =/= Near Field Acceleration Inertial Reaction
| Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2012 02:14:28 -0800 (PST)
| To: [...] Cc: [...] Bcc: [...]

On Sun, 8 Jan 2012, "JF Woodward" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> ha scritto:

I must own that this conversation is a bit strange.
Inertial reaction forces are not electrical.
Whether you are talking about Newton or Einstein,
inertial reaction forces only appear when an object
is accelerating (because otherwise they are vis
inertae, that is, dead forces).  This is elementary
physics.  When an object is accelerating due to the
action of an "external" force, which may be
electrical, or any other non-gravitational force
for Einstein, or any force for Newton, the object
experiences an inertial reaction force that acts
on the accelerating external agent to produce an
equal and opposite force on the agent (3rd law).
This force is what keeps objects that experience
unbalanced external forces from accelerating
infinitely quickly as they would in its absence.
It's the m in F = ma.

The origin of inertia, then, is the origin of the
force that rises from the inert state to oppose
the action of the accelerating agent.  In GRT, when
cosmic spatial flatness obtains, the origin of that
force is the gravitational action of chiefly
distant matter, whether you choose to view this as
a direct action through the dA/dt term in the
gravitoelectric field equation (Einstein and Sciama)
or the intermediary of linear accelerative frame
dragging (Nordtvedt).  This is not optional.
It is a consequence of the theory.

If you choose to ignore GRT, then you can either go
with Newton and have inertia an innate and inherent
property of matter that needs no further explanation.
Or you can go with Jack and assume that inertia is
caused by the action of the virtual electromagnetic
photons of the static electric field that surrounds
all electrical charges -- a variant of the old, deeply
troubled, electromagnetic ZPF conjecture on the origin
of inertia.  (Jack tipped his hand on this in a recent

False, I never wrote anything like that.

 My question to Jack is: have you written up
your virtual photon conjecture?  Has it been peer
reviewed?  Is it published in the professional physics

Sure, by Richard Feynman and Roy Glauber among others.

I'm not saying anything new about virtual quanta mediating forces and classical boson fields as Glauber states.
Classical light sources, distinct from lasers, are statistical mixtures of Glauber states.

Where?  I'd like to read up on the details
as I suspect that it likely suffers from some of the
defects of the earlier ZPF conjecture.

I never have supported the random ZPF photon origin of electron mass given by Puthoff and Haisch as the dominant contribution to the mass of the electron.

By the way, it is difficult to avoid suspecting that
Jack's commitment to an electromagnetic explanation
of inertia is at least in part responsible for his
highly antagonistic attitude to the
gravitational explanation.

False I have no such commitment.

--------------------Msg Truncated--------------------

Ira Einhorn Prison Site

Actually, They're distancing Themselves from the paranoid,
carnival atmosphere of the retro-psuedo-polemic expose' type
of prose meanderings suggested by the below, to retreat to a
higher ground of the more purified theoretical realm where
exists the Archives of QUANTUM-MIND at:
Either that or they're all out of disposable time, or,
thoroughly fed up with sharing Their hard won pearls of
profundity with the likes of munchkins such as ....

     ~Paranoia will destroy ya~

- From: "Alienating Fancies"  The influencing machine fantasy in
  ufology  and the extraterrestrial
  mythos   by Martin S. Kottmeyer
Also notable, particularly in light of interviews where the
author claims the book is based in part on his actual experiences,
is Philip K. Dick's "Valis" (1981). The title refers to an
influencing machine from the star system Sirius. The protagonist
explains its operation by saying: "Sites of his brain were being
selectively stimulated by tight energy beams from far off, perhaps
millions of miles away".

The narrator is convinced of the insanity of the idea of VALIS
and is struck by the oddity of "a lunatic discounting his halluci-
nations in this sophisticated manner; Fat (the protagonist) had
intellectually dealed himself out of the game of madnesss while
still enjoying its sights and sounds". The belief that long-range,
tight, information-rich beams of energy focused on his head allowed
him to recognise his hallucinations as hallucinations. "But...he
now had a "they"". Not much improvement, in the opinion of the

"Fat" as in "SarFATi".
End of Excerpt



Einhorn also served for a time as an aid to Congressman Charlie Rose
(D-N.C.), who himself was keenly interested in Tesla's inventions,
and other suppressed high-tech. Elsewhere in OMC, Bowart chronicles
a meeting between Congressman Rose and a Canadian inventor in the
late seventies who had developed a helmet--that when placed upon
the head--would take it's wearer into another world, much like the
VR eyegear-unit postulated in the movie Brainstorm.

One such virtual reality scenario played out upon the wearer's of
said helmet was a mock alien abduction. Congressman Rose put on the
helmet and was run through this virtual reality/alien abduction
programme. Much to his amazement, the simulated scenario seemed
incredibly realistic. This device sounds quite similar to Michael
Persinger's much touted "Magic Helmet", which has been receiving a
fair amount of press recently. Although Bowart doesn't name the
inventor of the helmet, chances are it was Persinger to whom he was
referring. Persinger's name has also been bandied about by mind
control investigator, Martin Cannon--in his treatise The Controllers--
as a behind the scenes player in intelligence operations related to
MK-ULTRA. The Controllers main premise is that alien abductions are
screen memories to conceal covert mind control operations employed
by Intelligence Agencies.

Bowart goes further to illustrate this so-called "dangerous free
thinking" of Einhorn's in quoting from Sarfatti's Illuminati, which
appeared on the INTERNET in '92, mentioning Einhorn frequently within
it's text..

Jack Sarfatti was a prominent member in Einhorn's inner circle of
"cosmic conspiracy" allies. In Sarfatti's Illuminati, Sarfatti
described a meeting which once took place with other illuminaries
of this "free thinking" scene in Uri Geller's hotel room. Those in
attendance consisted of Sarfatti, Uri and his mentor Andrija Puharich,
Brendan O'Regan of The Stanford Research Institute, and Einhorn. At
this time Sarfatti remembers startling "...Uri by asking him if he
could trigger a nuclear weapon by psychokinesis. I later found out
from Ron McRae (author of Mind Wars) that some of our intelligence
people were greatly concerned about that possibility. I may have
initiated that concern..." Later Sarfatti says: "Former Naval
Intelligence and Jack Anderson reporter Ron McRae told me that the
Navy had been fooled by phony data on remote viewing of Soviet
submarines because someone had leaked the actual data to phony
psychics. McRae seems to have omitted this story from his book...
Barbara Honegger said that policy decisions on the basing of MX
missiles were made by Reagan staff under the belief that remote-
viewing worked. Harold Chipman believed that it worked and told me
that he had used it successfully in his business..."
 - From: APOLLINAIR (aka: John Alexander):
 "If we had knowledge of the location of Soviet subs, then why
 were we looking for them?  The reality is subs are very hard
 to find.  In fact, one reason the Trident submarine program was
 held in such high regard is that they had a survivability factor
 of 1.  The other two arms of the strategic nuclear systems,
 bombers and missiles, always had a survivability factor of less
 than 1 because they could be located."

 - From: SARFATTI:
 "For the record, I was simply telling what Ron Mc Rae told me
 and Sam Sternberg when he stayed with us in North Beach
 while he was doing research for that book. Kim Burrafato
 might have heard him say that also. I am not in a position
 to judge if what Ron said was true."
 - From: SARFATTI:
 "Let me understand this better. Are you saying that there is
 no way to locate the position of a nuclear submarine at any
 moment under water if it does not wish to be located?
 Therefore, when Ron Mc Rae told us that the remote-viewers
 has been slipped data on locations of Soviet subs at some
 point in time, that would not have been possible? Now Mc Rae
 also told us that he had himself been in Naval Intelligence
 before he went to work for Jack Anderson."

Excerpt (cont.):
What I find most interesting is the interrelationship between
so-called "psychic energy", and electromagnetics. Is the
transmission of psychotronic thought projections into a
subject's mind via low frequency waves the same phenomenon
that occurs with telepathy or telekinesis? Remote viewing is
basically astral projection; the transportation of one's
spirit energies through time and space...

 "Well whoever wrote this has garbled the story. It has a lot
 of inaccuracies. Also the key to telepathy is not ELF,
 though that may play a subsidiary role, rather it is Level 3
 nonlocal communication."
Excerpt (cont.):
...and the astral body is often described as an electrical-
type energy. In my own very brief and limited excursions into
the astral plane, there was always the sensation of electrical
energy moving through and transporting my astral body. Do all
of these phenomena derive from the same elemental force;
an unseen energy that can manifest within various frequencies
and spectrums?
End of Excerpt
1982: Jenny Randles argues that consciousness should
logically be targeted as the medium of interstellar
communication. Their consciousness will act as a radio
telescope to beam messages into the complex electro-chemical
computer of the human mind by selecting ideograms out of
the subject's memory to form a holographic playlet.
Amnesia results from consciousness being shunted aside
as the message program switches the mind to the right
frequency. Earth mystery sites act as aerials to pull in
the messages thus explaining certain clusterings.
Hello Tralfamadore? Paul Devereux revamps the Geopsyche
concept with the Earth Mother doing some planetary
dreaming and shaping earthlight ectoplasm into
UFO displays.
End of Excerpt
In the early 1970's science fiction writer Philip K. Dick
and spoon-bender Uri Geller (along with his then mentor
Andrija Puharich) both reported contact with what appeared
to be a non-human machine intelligence orbiting the earth.
Dick called it VALIS, Geller called his SPECTRA. Were they
both singled out for microwave communication experiments,
or both just equally insane? Further computerised contact
was described by Dorothy Burdick in her 1982 book Such
Things are Known; she relates; "Laser-projected Voices
tell me, "You are doing what you want to do," but I am
never free of their broadcast stimuli which I can feel,
and microwave or ultrasonic frequencies of which I may be
totally unaware. I cannot be sure that I am not really in
pain due to natural causes. I only feel unaccountable
changes in mood such as depression, euphoria or relief.
End of Excerpt
| From Dorothy Burdick's "Such Things Are Known."
self-published in 1982 by Vantage Press, Inc.;
516 West 34th Street; New York, New York 10001

"At Stanford scientists are attempting to reverse this
process and are attempting to transmit thoughts and
instruction by playing previously recorded brain waves;
thus, 'You are programming yourself.' The human brain
and eye are also being studied with computers so that
photographic processes can be understood.
'We are seeing through your eyes.'

The difficulties involved in reading these microwaves
became surmountable with the developments of SQUID
(superconducting quantum interference device) which
uses niobium coils in liquid helium. It is a circuit
capable of measuring minute quantities of magnetic
field or flux, quantum by quantum. It makes possible
the measurement of the smallest magnetic fields.
With modern electronic techniques, environmental
magnetic noise is almost completely eliminated.
By using a holographic interferometer (acoustic
telescope) optimized to detect weak signals it would
be possible to read the microwave print of any human
brain, since brain prints are as distinctive as
fingerprints. Each individual has his own
characteristic pattern of shifts in frequency and
size. Thus the brainwaves of one individual can be
distinguished from those of another.

Electronic devices use ultrasonic waves to store and
recognize electronic signals for use at a later time,
perform operations that usually require a computer,
and separate one signal from another. They also
amplify weak electrical signals using ultrasonic waves.
It is possible to do things with acoustic surface waves
that are difficult to do with simple electronic
components, i.e., recognize a signal of known form.
Laser is so sensitive that is can actually "hear"
and record the electric potentials of nerves as
they are transmitted.
End of Excerpt
- From various sources:
Physics/Consciousness Research Group
This is where it all started back in 1975.
PCRG was co-founded by Jack Sarfatti and
Michael Murphy at the Esalen Institute
in Big Sur, California in 1974. Financed
by [EST founder] Werner Erhard, Jean Lanier
and the late George Koopman, the PCRG nurtured
the creation of books like Space-Time and Beyond,
The Tao of Physics, The Dancing Wu Li Masters,
Cosmic Trigger, and The Roots of Consciousness.
The group included the physicists and authors,
Fred Alan Wolf, Nick Herbert and Fritjof Capra,
along with Saul Paul Sirag, Henry Dakin,
Robert Anton Wilson, Uri Geller, Barbara Honneger,
the late Brendan O Regan, George Leonard,
Gary Zukav, Ira Einhorn, and artist Lynn Hershmann.

"Nobel Laureate, Brian Josephson, along with
physicists David Finkelstein, Russell Targ,
Karl Pribram, Henry Stapp, Phillipe Eberhard,
and Ralph Abraham, all came for shorter visits.
The group is now reborn on the World Wide Web
twenty years later with both new and old faces.
According to George Koopman, the PCRG was the
inspiration for the film Ghost Busters."

According to Sarfatti, Koopman "provided money
through military contracts with the Air Force
and the U.S. Army Tank Command funneled through
his company Insgroup in Irvine, California."
(Sarfatti, Jack, "In the Thick of It")
End of Excerpt
-  From various sources:
Andrija Puharich
Born 1918. Received medical degree from
Northwestern University in 1947.
Reportedly a friend of Aldous Huxley.

1952 - had first contact with "the Nine", the
highest minds in the universe, through a medium.
(Gardner, Martin, Science:
Good, Bad, and Bogus, Prometheus Books,
1981, pg 275) Served in the Army in
the early 1950's.

1952 - presented the paper "An Evaluation of
the Possible Uses of Extrasensory Perception
in Psychological Warfare" at a secret
Pentagon meeting.

1953 - Lectured the Air Force on telepathy,
and the staff of the Army Chemical Center on
the "Biological Foundations of Extrasensory
Perception". (McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars,
St. Martin's Press, 1984, pg 79)

| From 1948-58, was the director of research
of the Round Table Foundation
of Glen Cove, Maine.

Was Ira Einhorn's mentor in the paranormal.
Ira claimed that Puharich "was doing LSD work
for the CIA in 1954".

Set a medical lab to study psychic phenomena.
Helped form the Intelectron Corporation, which
sold his hearing aids. One of Puharich's
hearing aids is called the "tooth radio", which
is literally implanted inside of a person's
tooth and is used by magicians in telepathy acts.

1968 - "I was doing research in connection with
the Atomic Energy Commission." Met Einhorn.
(Levy, Steven, The Unicorn's Secret,
Prentice Hall Press, 1989, pg 128-30)

"Discovered" Uri Geller and brought him to America.
Puharich, in his book Uri claims that Geller received
his power from an alien force called the Hoovians.
This lost him some credibilty, and Geller began
to distance himself from Puharich. (Levy 131-2)

According to Gardner's account, in Uri, Puharich
hypnotizes Geller, and Geller reveals more of the
Nine's plans. They have authority over the Hoovians,
which are the Controllers of various planetary
civilizations. A city-sized spaceship called Spectra
hovers over the Earth and sends messages from the
Hoovians light-years away to their super-computers
to Geller, who is their emissary on earth.
(Gardener, pg 276)

Mid-70s: ran a complex in Ossining called the
Turkey Farm. In the summer of 1975, Puharich
assembled around twenty children from the ages
of nine to late teens, called "Gellerlings",
or "Space Kids". Puharich trained their
psychic abilities, and claimed that they
received messages from aliens. One teen claimed
that they practiced remote viewing, and some of
their assignments included political targets
like the Kremlin and the White House.
(Levy, pg 165-7)

Puharich has claimed that the Space Kids
are able to materialize objects like trees,
and that six of them arrived at his ranch
via teleportation. (Gardener, pg 287)

It was also during this time that Puharich
did experiments on the effects of ELF radiation
on the central nervous system.

Part of Einhorn's "psychic mafia".
Presented a paper on the Space kids
at the "Mind Over Matter" conference at Penn State
University, late January, 1977, organized by Einhorn.
Other attendees included Christopher Bird and
Thomas Bearden. (Levy, pg 189)

Around 1978, Puharich's Turkey Farm burnt down
as a result of arson, and Puharich disappeared.
A suspect in the arson was a Space Kid who
claimed that aliens were harrassing him.
Puharich implicated the CIA. (Levy, pg 218-20)

Claims to have been the target of four assassination
attempts by the CIA. As of 1989, he lived in
North Carolina. (Levy, pg 348)

Andrijah Puharich died in 1995. See Terry Milner's
series "Ratting out Puharich" for a more complete
account, and for details on Puharich's possible
links to biological experiments.

Author of:

Sacred Mushroom
Beyond Telepathy, Anchor, 1973
"Psychic Research and the Healing Process",
 in Mitchell, Edgar, Psychic Exploration,
 G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1974
"Protocommunication", in Parapsychology Today:
 A Geographic View, 1973
End of Excerpt
| From various sources:
Eldon Byrd
Education: BS in Electrical Engineering, MS in
Medical Engineering Published a paper on the
telemetry of brain waves in the "Proceedings"
of the International Telemetering Conference,
1972 Physical Scientist at the Naval Surface
Weapons Center, White Oaks Laboratory,
Silver Springs, Maryland

In October, 1973, Byrd did experiments with
Uri Geller. Geller allegedly permanently bent
a piece of nitinol metal, a feat impossible
without applying great heat. (Byrd, Eldon,
"Uri Geller's Influence on the Metal Alloy Nitinol",
in The Geller Papers, Panati, Charles, ed.,
Houghton Mifflin Co., 1976, pg 67-73) (see chptr 15,
Gardner, Martin, Science: Good, Bad, and Bogus,
Prometheus Books, 1981 for a critical review of
this experiment.) "..I do not believe I am
hypnotizable. I also used to be an amateur
magician and have studied techniques of magic
and sleight of hand". (Byrd, pg 73)

Byrd describes his work with Naval Surface Weapons
as "predicting what war will be like in the future."
(McRae, Ronald, Mind Wars, St. Martin's Press,
1984, p 80)

"Eldon Byrd who worked for Naval Surface Weapons,
Office of Non-Lethal Weapons, was  commissioned
in 1981 to develop electromagnetic devices for
purposes including 'riot control', clandestine
operations and hostage removal."
 "Naval Surface Weapons, Office of Non-Lethal Weapons,
 there never was such an organization"

Excerpt (cont.):
"Byrd also wrote of experiments where behavior of
animals was controlled by exposure to weak
electromagnetic fields. 'At a certain frequency
and power intensity, they could make the animal purr,
lay down and roll over.'"
(Keeler, Anna, "Remote Mind Control Technology")

Former operations analyst with the Advanced Planning
and Analysis Staff of the Naval Ordinance Laboratory
in Silver Springs.
While with the Navy, he supposedly confirmed the
Backster effect, which deals with the alleged psychic
ability of plants. (Tompkins, Peter and Bird,
Christopher, The Secret Life of Plants, Harper
and Row, 1973, pg 40-2)

Byrd is currently working with dolphins,
presumably continuing the work
he left with Naval Surface Weapons...

He is the chief scientist of the "Hello, Dolphin"
Project at World Dolphin Research. This project
deals with the emissions and reception of ELF and
other electromagnetic radiation between humans and
dolphins, which has relevance with the overlap
between psychic phenomena and mind-control.

He presented the paper "Dolphin Project Report
and More" at the 1996 Annual Conference of the
US Psychotronic Association.

Author of: Review and Update of the
Psycho-activity of Extremely Low Frequency
Electromagnetic and Scalar Field
End of Excerpt

I met Chris Bird at Cambridge University in 1974.

| From various sources:

Christopher Bird

Former CIA employee, worked for the Agency in
Japan after graduating. Served in the Army,
specializing in Psychological Warfare.
After leaving the military, he worked at the
CIA-connected Rand Development Corporation.
Later, Time Magazine correspondent in Yugoslavia.
1972 - Co-authored The Secret Life of Plants
with ex-OSS agent Peter Tompkins. Was/is the
"Biocommunications Editor/Russian Translator"
of Mankind Research Unlimited.
(Weberman, A.J., "The Story of Mankind
Research Unlimited, Inc.", CovertAction
Information Bulletin, #9, 6/80, pg 17)

Presented a paper on dowsing and the psychic
ability of plants at the "Mind Over Matter"
conference at Penn State University, late
January, 1977, organized by Ira Einhorn.
Other attendees included Andrija Puharich
and Thomas Bearden. (Levy, Steven,
The Unicorn's Secret, Prentice Hall Press,
1989, pg 189)

[Note by Jack Sarfatti, Chris Bird was at the Cambridge
meeting in PSI in spring 1974 that Brendan O Regan took me
to with Joyce Petschek in her white Porsche. I was staying
at her London mansion with the swimming pool in the
basement. That's when I first met Brian Josephson and that's
when Dennis Bardens took me to dinner at The Blue Boar Inn
saying "First Dr. Sarfatti, I want to tell that I am a
Kabalist. (wink). Second, it is my duty to inform you of a
psychic war raging across the continents between the Soviet
Union and your country and you are to be in the thick of
it."  Peter Maddux years later said Bardens was a "partime
stringer for British Intelligence". This was when I was with
Abdus Salam at Trieste. I frequently commuted on the Semplon
Express between Trieste and Paris, staying with Fred Alan
Wolf at the old apartment of the Marquis de Sade near the
Odeon and going to London. This was all following my
meetings with Puthoff and Targ on July 15, 1973 described
recently by Saul Paul Sirag. The Uri Geller tests with Bohm
at Birkbeck were a few months off in the future. I had not
yet met Werner Erhard in Paris but I had been with Carlo
Suares in Paris with Bob Toben and Fred Wolf.]

[Jack to Stephen Schwartz of SF Chronicle, note Yugoslav
connection. Note also that Fred Alan Wolf and I were at
Ljublana University Institute of Nuclear Physics at that
time when Fred visited me in Trieste. Of course, Trieste was
full of Eastern Bloc physicists the whole time I was there.
Fred also went to Bulgaria where he had a dalliance with
daughter of a high level Bulgarian intelligence security
officer. There were Eastern Bloc people around est HQ on
Union St in San Francisco in 1974-5 as well. What does that
all mean?
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 13:33:45 EDT
Subject: Reality avoidance

"ASBESTOS DOESN"T hurt your health.
Ok, it does hurt your health, but it
 doesn't cause cancer.
Ok, asbestos can cause cancer, but not
 our kind of asbestos.
Ok, our kind of asbestos can cause cancer,
 but not the kind of cancer this person got.
Ok, our kind of asbestos can cause that kind,
 but not at the does to which this person
  was exposed.
Ok, asbestos does cause cancer, and at this
 dosage, but this person got his disease from
  something else.
Ok, he was exposed to our asbestos and it
 did cause his cancer, but we did not know
  about the danger when we exposed him.
Ok, we knew about the danger when we exposed him,
 but the statue of limitations has run out.
Ok, the statue of limitations hasn't run out,
 but if we're guilty, we'll go out of business
  and everyone will be worse off.
Ok, we'll go out of business, but only if you
 let us keep part of our company intact, and
  only if you limit our liability for the harms
   we have caused."

Scientific argument as progressive fall back positions
in a battle conducted by an anti asbestos campaigner
at Boston University which reminded me of the battle
conducted Against PSI by supposedly open-minded,
fair scientists. See Dean Radin's book ,
The same tactics have been used by scientists working
as hired guns for the tobacco companies, chemical
companies, nuclear power companies, fossil-fuel
companies, and drug companies. Where is PSICOP when
we really need them.

 The quote is taken from Jan./Feb. 1998
RESURGENCE magazine. A magazine whose content
and aesthetics is superb and should be more
widely read, as it deals with the entire range
of edge activities that comprise the emerging
world view that is survival or life oriented,
rather than the main stream death that is
sadly most people's deadly fare.


Interesting, that what was once feared (see above,
brain research 'mind-control' paranoia) is now
considered very main-stream neuroscience with
many promising practical applications... e.g.:


 Reconstructing the Mind's Eye |||||||||
  UC Berkeley scientists are figuring out
how to decode and reconstruct our dynamic
visual experiences -- in one instance
through subjects watching Hollywood movie
trailers. We meet a lead scientist...
[ Jack Gallant, professor in the Psychology
 and Neuroscience Programs in Bioengineering,
 Biophysics and Vision Science at UC Berkeley.
http://psychology.berkeley.edu/faculty/profiles/jgallant.html ]
...looking at how one day we may be able to go
inside the mind of a coma patient, or even to
watch a dream. [...]
  On 22, Sept 2011,
  Stephanie Pappas wrote in 'LiveScience' :

  Welcome to the future: Scientists can now
peer inside the brain and reconstruct videos
of what a person has seen, based only on
their brain activity.

The reconstructed videos could be seen as
a primitive -- and somewhat blurry -- form
of mind reading, though researchers are
decades from being able to decode anything
as personal as memories or thoughts, if
such a thing is even possible. Currently,
the mind-reading technique requires
powerful magnets, hours of time and
millions of seconds of YouTube videos.

But in the long term, similar methods could
be used to communicate with stroke patients
or coma patients living in a "locked-in"
state, said study researcher Jack Gallant,
a neuroscientist at the University of
California, Berkeley.

"The idea is that they would be able to
visualize a movie of what they want to
talk about, and you would be able to
decode that," Gallant told LiveScience.

Decoding the brain [...]
The Gallant Lab

Neural Prediction Challenge

 Collaborative Research in
Computational Neuroscience

See also:

Mouse Hippocampus Memory Recording

Neural Population-Level Memory
Traces in the Mouse Hippocampus
Guifen Chen, L. Phillip Wang, Joe Z. Tsien

Brain and Behavior Discovery Institute and
Department of Neurology, School of Medicine,
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia,
United States of America


  One of the fundamental goals in neurosciences
is to elucidate the formation and retrieval of
brain's associative memory traces in real-time.
Here, we describe real-time neural ensemble
transient dynamics in the mouse hippocampal CA1
region and demonstrate their relationships with
behavioral performances during both learning
and recall. We employed the classic trace fear
conditioning paradigm involving a neutral tone
followed by a mild foot-shock 20 seconds later.
Our large-scale recording and decoding methods
revealed that conditioned tone responses and
tone-shock association patterns were not present
in CA1 during the first pairing, but emerged
quickly after multiple pairings. These encoding
patterns showed increased immediate-replay,
correlating tightly with increased immediate-
freezing during learning. Moreover, during
contextual recall, these patterns reappeared in
tandem six-to-fourteen times per minute, again
correlating tightly with behavioral recall.
Upon traced tone recall, while various fear
memories were retrieved, the shock traces
exhibited a unique recall-peak around the
20-second trace interval, further signifying
the memory of time for the expected shock.
Therefore, our study has revealed various
real-time associative memory traces during
learning and recall in CA1, and demonstrates
that real-time memory traces can be decoded
on a moment-to-moment basis over any
single trial.

 Citation: Chen G, Wang LP, Tsien JZ (2009)
 Neural Population-Level Memory Traces in
 the Mouse Hippocampus. PLoS ONE 4(12): e8256.

Editor: Ehsan Arabzadeh, University of
 New South Wales, Australia

Received: October 7, 2009;
Accepted: November 19, 2009;
Published: December 16, 2009

by Clifford Kentros <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

    "The hippocampus, a structure deep in the
medial temporal lobe of humans, forms new episodic
memories, the sort of memories you most commonly
think of like your memories for what you had for
breakfast this morning, the concert you went to
last week or your first day of college. Surprisingly,
the rodent hippocampus closely resembles the human
hippocampus, which make mice and rats appropriate
model organisms for the study of episodic memory.
Recording from hippocampal pyramidal neurons in awake,
behaving rodents reveals their most obvious firing
correlate: the animal's position within a particular
environment, earning them the name 'place cells.'
When exploring a novel environment, an animal's
hippocampal pyramidal neurons form their spatial
receptive fields over a matter of minutes and generally
stay stable thereafter. Therefore, the experience-dependent
stabilization of place fields is an attractive candidate
for studying the formation of hippocampal memory." [...]

See also:

'Physics Of The Future': How We'll Live In 2100?
November 29, 2011

    Imagine being able to access the Internet
through the contact lenses on your eyeballs.
Blink, and you'd be online. Meet someone, and
you'd have the ability to immediately search
their identity. And if your friend happens to
be speaking a different language, an instantaneous
translation could appear directly in front of you.
That might sound farfetched, but it's something
that might very well exist in 30 years or less,
says theoretical physicist Michio Kaku.
"The first people to buy these contact lenses will
be college students studying for final exams.
They'll see the exam answers right in their contact
lenses. ... In a cocktail party, you will know
exactly who to suck up to, because you'll have a
complete read out of who they are. President Barack
Obama will buy these contact lenses, so he'll never
need a teleprompter again. ... These already exist
in some form [in the military]. You place [a lens]
on your helmet, you flip it down, and immediately
you see the Internet of the battlefield ... all of
it, right on your eyeball."
But Internet-ready contact lenses aren't the only
futuristic item we're likely to see. Kaku describes
some of the inventions that may appear throughout
the coming century -- based on developments currently
taking place in nanotechnology, astronautics, medicine
and material science -- in his book Physics of the
Future. Kaku details some of these inventions,
including disposable computers, space elevators
and driverless cars -- which will likely be ready
in the next decade and will completely eliminate the
need for high school driver's ed classes.
"In the future, you'll simply jump into your car,
turn on the Internet, turn on a movie and sit back
and relax and turn on the automatic pilot, and the
car will drive itself," he says. "Unlike a human
driver, it doesn't get drunk, it doesn't get
distracted and certainly does not have road rage."
The cars will be equipped with radar in the fenders
that will communicate with road signs and sensors
along highways.
"When the car comes to an intersection, the GPS
system will alert the computer [inside the car]
that there is an intersection coming up," he says.
"[The GPS system] will look onto the [roadside]
sensor and then slow down."
Kaku also explains how, in the future, our brains
might be able to interface with artificial
intelligence. He describes one study in which
computer chips were placed into the brains of
paralyzed stroke patients at Brown University.
The patients learned that by thinking certain
thoughts, they could manipulate a cursor on a
computer screen.  "It takes awhile -- it takes a
few hours -- but after a while, you realize that
certain thoughts will move the cursor in certain
directions," he says. "After a while ...
[the patients] were able to read email, write email,
surf the Internet, play video games, guide
wheelchairs -- anything you can do on a computer,
they can do as well, except they're trapped inside
a paralyzed body."
Similar technology could be used in the future to
control robots that can go places where humans can't,
says Kaku.  "It's very dangerous to put astronauts
on a moon base where there's radiation, solar flares
and micro meteorites," he says. "It'd be much better
to put robots on the moon and have them mentally
connected to astronauts on the Earth. So you'd go
inside a pod, you mentally make certain thoughts,
which then [could] control the robots on the moon."
Kaku, a professor of theoretical physics with the
City College of New York, also talks about his
childhood, his work with Edward Teller, a member
of the Manhattan Project, and his work on the
development of string field theory. He is the
author of several books, including Physics of
the Impossible, Parallel Worlds and Beyond Einstein.
He has also hosted scientific documentaries
for the Discovery Channel, the BBC and the
cience Channel.


Book Review -
How the Hippies Saved Physics -
By David Kaiser - NYTimes.com

 What Physics Owes the Counterculture
 Published: June 17, 2011

[...]     In "How the Hippies Saved Physics:
Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival,"
David Kaiser, an associate professor at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, turns to
those wild days in the waning years of the
Vietnam War when anything seemed possible:
communal marriage, living off the land, bringing
down the military with flower power. Why not
faster-than-light communication, in which a
message arrives before it is sent, overthrowing
the tyranny of that pig, Father Time?

That was the obsession of Jack Sarfatti, another
member of the group. Sarfatti was Wolf's colleague
and roommate in San Diego, and in a pivotal moment
in Kaiser's tale they find themselves in the lobby
of the Ritz Hotel in Paris talking to Werner Erhard,
the creepy human potential movement guru, who
decided to invest in their quantum ventures.
Sarfatti was at least as good a salesman as he
was a physicist, wooing wealthy eccentrics from
his den at Caffe Trieste in the North Beach section
of San Francisco.

Other, overlapping efforts like the Consciousness
Theory Group and the Physics/Consciousness Research
Group were part of the scene, and before long
Sarfatti, Wolf and their cohort were conducting
annual physics and consciousness workshops at the
Esalen Institute in Big Sur.

Fritjof Capra, who made his fortune with the
countercultural classic "The Tao of Physics" (1975)
was part of the Fundamental Fysiks Group, as was
Nick Herbert, another dropout from the establishment
who dabbled in superluminal communication and wrote
his own popular book, "Quantum Reality: Beyond the
New Physics" (1985). Gary Zukav, a roommate of
Sarfatti's, cashed in with "The Dancing Wu Li
Masters" (1979). I'd known about the quantum
zeitgeist and read some of the books, but I was
surprised to learn from Kaiser how closely all
these people were entangled in the same web.

Kaiser says his title was inspired by
Thomas Cahill's "How the Irish Saved Civilization,"
and he has a similar aim: to show, with a healthy
dose of irony, how another "unlikely group of
underdogs and castaways kept the torch of
learning aflame." He reminds us that the
pioneers of quantum mechanics -- Werner Heisenberg,
Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Pauli, Niels Bohr,
Erwin Schrodinger -- argued endlessly about the
implications of their equations: particles that
were somehow waves of probability, that hovered
in superposition between two states, that made
quantum jumps without traversing the space in
between. These thinkers were often as engaged
with the philosophy as they were with
the mathematics.

Ultimately the interpretations were only words:
futile attempts to grasp something beyond language
and maybe beyond mind. By the time the hippies were
in school, physics textbooks had all but abandoned
the messiness of meaning. Quantum physics worked.
The message was "Shut up and calculate." I remember
the letdown. I thought for a while that I wanted
to be a physicist. I was glad to read here that
philosophizing about physics has made a comeback
in university classrooms. Without the enthusiasms
of the Fundamental Fysiks Group, Kaiser speculates,
the inquisitive spirit might never have been revived.

More specifically, Kaiser argues that the hippies,
with their noble failures, contributed to a
cutting-edge technology called quantum cryptography.
A member of the collective, John Clauser, conducted
the first experiment that confirmed Bell's theorem,
suggesting that two subatomic particles, once they
have been in contact, will remain subtly entangled
no matter how far they are separated in space.
This "nonlocality," the fysicists felt in their
bones, would allow for instantaneous signaling.
Herbert was devising what appeared to be a
particularly ingenious scheme, and in the course
of debunking it, Kaiser ventures, mainstream
physicists came to appreciate that entanglement
does allow for something else: encrypting messages
so that they are impossible, in theory, to
surreptitiously intercept.

Maybe the hippies' unrestrained enthusiasm nudged
other minds to think up quantum cryptography.
But as much as I enjoyed this book, I didn't leave
the party persuaded that their influence was all
that great. [...]  http://tinyurl.com/HTHSP-BY-DK

----------- O -----------
| Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2012 23:58:52 -0800 (GMT-08:00)
| Subject: Dark Energy Dream Engines
|          (Re: Jim's common misconception
|          of informal language about inertial forces.)
| From: MT <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
| To: [...] Cc: [...] Bcc: [...]


On Sat, 7 Jan 2012 22:00:35 -0800 (PST), G00 G00 GJ00B wrote:

--- On Jan 7, 2012 4:48 AM, COLIN BENNET <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:

Jack wrote:
"So I say that the dark energy
accelerating our universe is retrocausal
advanced Wheeler-Feynman Hawking thermal
radiation from our future de Sitter horizon."

Like Isaac Newton, the genius Sarfatti is
something of a secret alchemist, methinks.
As a non-scientific person, I cannot help
identifying some of the images he constructs
in the above sentence with the Introduction
to my feature "Sleepless in Roswell"
published yesterday by Reality Uncovered at

Like all such alchemists, I am hopelessly
subjective and in thrall to Immanuel Kant:
Kant concluded (in Critique of Pure Reason)
that "The sad experience of recent philosophy
demonstrated that the most fundamental of
them, objectivity, must be abandoned.
The failures of empiricism and rationalism
had shown that objectivity is impossible."

Here is part of my Introduction
(remember I am hopelessly subjective)
to "Sleepless in Roswell":

Sleepless in Roswell
Weaponising the Narrative
by Colin Bennett

For Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniac
Who helped create the modern Imagination

"All Image Systems are Magical Systems."
(Politics of the Imagination)

"If you think things could get worse,
then at least you know that you're
not in Hell."
(George Mensche, The Rumford Rogues)

"When we imagine we create a form of life"
(Looking for Orthon)

Colin Bennett
Author, London
Politics of the Imagination
(biography of Charles Fort)
Looking for Orthon (biography of George Adamski)
Flying Saucers Over the White House (an analysis
of Captain Edward Ruppelt's Report on
Unidentified Flying Objects


Niiiiiiiiiiice, Mahatma Bennett!

[...] "In this sense we can perhaps
begin to dispense with the primitive
'scientific' idea of experience being
split between absolute Fact and
equally absolute Fiction. We may now
conceive of the world of experience
as consisting of fields of dramatised
and warring information 'evolving'
somewhat in the manner of Darwinian
competition but with one big
difference -- a typical cyber
advertising system will persuade
its opponents to change in a
propaganda war which is the cyber
equivalent to a savage Darwinian
search for food, protection and
environmental advantage." [...]

 Sleepless in Roswell [Part 1]
  Weaponising the Narrative
   by Colin Bennett
    January 6, 2012

I particularly enjoyed the juxtaposition
of Descartes with Lady GaGa and the
Large Hadron Collider at CERN...
Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and
the Human Brain  by Antonio R. Damasio
Avon Books - New York, 1994

December 20, 2010
 Antonio Damasio
  Posted: November 16, 2010 07:00 AM

Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio Explains Consciousness

  You get to work grumpy and ill-tempered
and after a few surprised looks from your
colleagues you tell them that you are sorry,
that you are not yourself today. What do you
really mean? You certainly do not mean to
say that your identity has changed and that
another personality has crept into your being.
Had you slipped into another personality,
you would not have recognized that something
had changed and would not have apologized.
All of a sudden you would have been a different
character, known to that character's self only,
and not to your old self. Think of the
Three Faces of Eve, one self giving way to
another and then another, each markedly
different and independent. Joanne Woodward
had a field day making the three Eves
distinctive and the transitions sharp.
She got the Academy Award in return.

  What you really mean is that you are not
feeling, thinking and acting in line with what
you regard as most typical of you (or perhaps
with what you wish would be most typical of you).
And the interesting question is, of course, why
you deviate from the expected course and behave
as if you were someone else, maybe even someone
else you know. What is going on? First, the
stray from your most typical personality is
temporary. Second, you have just succeeded in
demonstrating how complex the normal human self
turns out to be. Your multilayered self has
been multitasking. One task maintained your
identity during the episode. Another monitored
your thoughts and actions, and detected
significant departures from their desirable
course. You still have only one self and one
identity. However, self, identity and personality
are not things, they are not objects, and they
certainly are not rigid. Instead, they are
biological processes built within the brain from
numerous interactive components, step by step,
over a period of time. The building blocks of
the construction are brain maps; the basis for
mental images; and images can give rise to actions.
Self, identity and personality are ongoing
performances and as such they are subject to
variation. In brief, the human self has many
levels, as simple as the protoself and core self
that we share with many non-human species, and as
complex as the autobiographical self which has
achieved an amazing development in humans.

  This sounds complicated and it is, but
let me break it down in digestible chunks.
New research indicates that the protoself level
corresponds to a gathering of information regarding
the state of the body. It is constructed in the
brain stem and it generates feelings that signify
our existence. The protoself is the necessary
foundation of the overall self, and in its absence
one can not be conscious. The next level, the core
self, is also indispensable for consciousness.
It requires an interaction of the organism with
an object. It is constructed in a dialogue between
the brain stem and a few parts of the cerebral
cortex. It yields a sense of the "here and now",
devoid of historical perspective. It gives us a
consciousness of the moment. The third level, the
autobiographical self, creates the more or less
coherent picture of our history, a narrative with
a lived past and an anticipated future.
The narrative is culled from real events, from
imaginary events, and from past interpretations
and re-interpretations of events. Identity
emerges from the autobiographical self.

  Of necessity, the autobiographical self
is not just about one individual but about
all the others that an individual interacts
with. Of necessity, it incorporates the culture
in which the interactions took place.
The autobiographical self does contain multitudes;
other people, other places. That the brain,
drawing on a partnership between varied parts of
the cerebral cortex and the brain stem, manages
to put together, such a spectacular combination
of images is nothing but astounding. But the other
side of the complexity coin, of course, is the
risk of inconsistency during the assemblage of
this show, the result of which is the partial and
temporary slippage into a "self" that is not
our own.

  Some of us, for better or worse, develop
very stable, consistent, and largely predictable
machineries of self. But in others, the self
machinery is more flexible and more open to
unexpected turns. Such flexibility comes in handy
in the many areas of creativity that focus on
human actions. Could one be a good actor without
the ability to imagine other minds and act as
such minds would? Could one write fiction or
invent a successful business without such fluid
self operations? Not really. And is one less
dependable on the day to day when the imagination
can run free and spill over in flighty behavior?
Possibly so.

  The poet Fernando Pessoa, who wrote under
several aliases, each in an entirely different
style, struggled with the tangled and abundant
riches of his own self, by saying that each of
us is "many". Needless to say, even when he was
writing as one of his "heteronyms", as he called
them, there was one single authorial self in
charge of his original creations, the other
authors being fictions. But when Pessoa said that
"I do not know what instruments grind and play away
inside of me, strings and harps, timbales and drums.
I can only recognize myself as symphony", his
intuition was on target, as it glimpsed the
astonishing complexity of a brain engaged in
producing the symphonic results we call the
conscious mind. The symphonic result is easily
recognizable but the brain instruments behind it
have been elusive and are only now being elucidated
by neuroscience research.

  Antonio Damasio is the Dornsife Professor
  of Neuroscience and Director of the Brain
  and Creativity Institute at the University
  of Southern California, in Los Angeles


(((  "A few years ago the city of Monza, Italy,
 barred pet owners from keeping goldfish in
 curved goldfish bowls. The Measure's sponsor
 explained the measure in part by saying that
 it is cruel to keep a fish in a bowl with
 curved sides because, gazing out, the fish
 would have a distorted view of reality.
 But how do we know we have the true,
 undistorted picture of reality? Might not we
 ourselves also be inside some big goldfish
 bowl and have our vision distorted by an
 enormous lens? The goldfish's picture of
 reality is different from ours, but can we
 be sure it is less real?" [...] [Chapter 3,
 What Is Reality? - pg. 39] THE GRAND DESIGN
(c)2010 by Steven W. Hawking [www.hawking.org.uk]
and Leonard Mlodinow [www.its.caltech.edu/~Len]
Random House, Inc. - ISBN 978-0-553-80537-6 )))


--- On Tue, 27 Dec 2011, Thorn Alley wrote:

[...]  "The world of Dali seems far removed from
     the mystery of Perillos, but nothing is
     further from the truth. Dali stated he had
     a vision while inside the station of
     Perpignan, on September 19, 1963.
     'I had an example of a cosmogonic ecstasy,
     more powerful than the preceding ones.
     I had a precise vision of the constitution
     of the Universe.' Dali came to believe that
     the station of Perpignan was the centre of
     the universe; the universe would begin to
     converge from within this station. For Dali,
     the station of Perpignan was the centre of
     his universe; uncomfortable with the
     administrative details the Spanish station
     of Figueres required, he opted to ship all
     his large canvases to the United States from
     the station of Perpignan. But that was not
     what Dali was hinting at. The vision from
     1963 was followed by a painting of the
     Station of Perpignan, which went on display
     on December 18, 1965, in New York. In the
     invitation sent out for the opening night of
     the exhibition, Dali repeated his claim that
     the station would be the location from where
     the universe would start to converge." [...]

The influencing machine fantasy
 in ufology and the
  extraterrestrial mythos
   Copyright (c) 1994 Martin S. Kottmeyer

   Does free will exist? Is Man a meat puppet
dangling on strings controlled by higher powers
in the universe? Variations on these questions
have fascinated thinkers throughout history.
Arthur Koestler believed the dramatic motif of
Volition against Fate and Puppet on Strings is
one of the most powerful archetypes in
literature and has appeared in countless forms.
Threats to individual or collective freedom
arouse very primal human fears and can yield a
drama of intense emotions when free will is
affirmed. Conversely, when free will is denied,
the effect is coldly distancing and allows
contemplation of humans as blameless concoctions
of organic chemicals stuck in a web of
impersonal forces. Because you cannot have
heroes without a powerful adversary, paranoia
is virtually de rigeur in great literature.
In recent times extraterrestrials have joined
the pantheon of gods, demons, superior races,
secret societies, and power elites which have
been pulling the strings.

It would not surprise me if stories of
extraterrestrials messing with men's minds
pre-date our century, but the earliest
instance I've seen is in H.P. Lovecraft's
1928 work The Call of Cthulhu. It speaks of
a race called the Great Old Ones which
came from the stars and spoke to men by
"molding their dreams". The emergence of
Cthulhu from beneath the seas is accompanied
by sensitive individuals going mad. The cult
which sought to liberate him warned he would
bring the Earth beneath its sway.
A first appearance in Lovecraft's corpus
would be appropriate given the mechanistic
supernatural perspective that he consciously
cultivated of a cosmos totally indifferent
to the wants and ultimate welfare of
mosquitoes, pterodactyls, fungi, men,
trees or other forms of biological energy.
. . .  Cont. at:


See also, "Spies, Lies, and Polygraph Tape --
    Knowing the Future: The UFO Spy Games"
    by Gary S. Bekkum
'Trickster to Transformer'
  by Caryn Anscomb
"Tricksters are generally associated with de-structuring,
boundary crossing and the blurring of distinctions.
Shape-shifting, unruly and contradictory, the Trickster is an
adept at paradox. He dwells in the liminal realms -- betwixt
and between the conscious and unconsciousness mind, the
rational and irrational, and haunts our dreams between sleep
and waking. In his most exulted form he becomes the
'messenger' - Creator's helper, Trickster to Transformer."


--- On Mon, 26 Sep 2011 04:20:43, eMpTy wrote:

"...unless we recognize the magic
of the written word, then we are simply
under its spell." --  Dr. David Abram

[ Speaking with Animal Tongues - David Abram ]
[ The Ecology of Magic - David Abram ]

Dr. David Abram -  The Spell of Literacy

Disinheriting the Wind:
Dr. David Abram: All right, let's return to the Navajo,
and the nilch'i, the Holy Wind. This notion of mind as
wind, it can seem very alien to us today, until we look
at the evidences in our own language. In English, our
word "spirit" is embedded in our word "respiration",
in the Latin word "spiritus", which means "a breath",
or "a gust of wind." So, spirit and wind were once the
same thing. Our word "psyche" from which we get
"psychology" and "psychiatry", this word for the mind,
originates in the old Greek word, "psychein," which
means "to breathe," or "to blow", like the wind.
And, for the ancient Greeks, psyche, a psyche, was a
breath, or a gust of wind. The word "animal" comes from
this old word for "soul,"  "anima". Animal is a being
of soul, being is a unanimous sharing one mind, together,
and one soul, together. Anima--this word also originally
means "a breath" or "a gust of wind." Even such a
scientifically respectable word as "atmosphere" shows
its link to the Hindu word "atman," meaning "soul," the
original word being "atmos" which is the air, which is
the soul, or, the soul which is the air.
The Hebrew people, ancient tribal people, also has a
word which means spirit and wind, inseparably, just
like nilch'i, of the Navajo. The Hebrew word is "ruah"
which is perhaps best translated as "rushing spirit".
It is the wind which is the spirit, or the spirit which
is the wind, and it's very sacred within the Hebrew
tradition. It's there in the first sentence of Genesis:
'The world was without form and void and a ruah of God
moved over the waters'.  A wind of God moved over the
waters. Wind is the very presence of the Divine in the
material, sensuous world, that is ruah. But, it's not
the most sacred word within the Hebrew tradition.
The most sacred combination of letters would be the
four-letter name of God. The Tetragrammaton, YHWH,
or as it's called 'Yahweh'. Very sacred, very secret.
We're not even sure how YHWH is to be pronounced. Why?
Because there are no vowels in the name; it's just the
letters: Y, H, W, H.  Why didn't we write down the
vowels? Well, because the vowels are the breath sounds,
and the breath is the ruah. It is the invisible spirit.
And, you cannot make a visible representation of the
invisible spirit. It would be sacrilege. And, so, in
the ancient Hebrew writing system, there are no vowels
written down. Only the consonants are written.
And, the reader has to add the appropriate vowels,
just to intuit what vowels to sound out as he or she
is feeling her way through the consonants on the page.
It's as if you have to add your breath to those bones
on the page to make them come alive and to speak.
So, the Hebrews, who are the first keepers of the
alphabet, of the Aleph Bet, of this magical, phonetic
writing system, they did something very interesting.
They became literate, in relation to the visible world,
and the visible shapes of the world. And, they would
say, God is not that tree. And, God is not that golden
calf, is not in any visible image. That is not divine.
God is elsewhere. So, they developed this new literate
distance from the visible world.
But, they stayed oral with relation to the invisible
breath, to the wind, to the invisible ruah that moves
between all things. It's very interesting.  [...]
Continued at:


-=[[ NOTE:   In the early part of the twenty first
     century during various excursions into South
     American Daime cults, amid deeply trying
     interpersonal experiences, the quasi-intrepid
     Daniel Pinchbeck mused... ]]=-

     According to Carl Jung, the western "God-image"
is a representation of the collective unconscious,
an archetype of the psyche that undergoes a
continual process of transformation through the
Old and New Testaments -- and beyond. The God-image
evolves through its relationship with humanity.
"Whoever knows God has an effect on him," Jung wrote.
For the individual, knowing God, in Jungian terms, is
the process of recognizing and assimilating the
pressured and paradoxical contents of the self, which
come to consciousness -- seek incarnation -- within
the ego.
    "Being chosen doesn't come out of a state of
fullness, it comes out of a state of "emptiness,"
Edward Edinger wrote. The Jews were not made the
vehicle of the monotheistic God-image because of their
magnificent power, but because of their weakness and
puniness. They were poor peasant people, trapped
between empires; due to circumstances, they had
developed their inwardness, their self-consciousness,
to a greater degree than their neighbors. Because of
the intensified self-awareness created by suffering,
Israel was "peculiarly suited to take upon itself the
misery and dignity, the curse and blessing, of God's
election." In Jung's interpretation, the relation
between the Jews and Yahweh provides an archetypal
model of the relation between Western ego and self.
    Jung realized that Yahweh, the Old Testament
God-image, was not simply a benign deity but given
to "incalculable moods and devastating attacks of
wrath." Yahweh had "a distinct personality, which
differed from that of a more or less archaic king
only in scope." The personal unconscious, with its
power-drives and self-righteous vanities and
imperious demands, still retains, to a great extent,
this autocratic quality -- contemporary equivalents,
acting out of primordial and untrammeled instinct,
include Mafia bosses, corporate plutocrats, and
corrupt politicians.
    The opposites contained in the unconscious run
the gamut from love and compassion to vicious
cruelty and sadism, the depths as well as the heights
of our potential. "Yahweh is not split, but is an
antinomy -- a totality of inner opposites -- and this
is the indispensable condition for his tremendous
dynamism," Jung wrote. The biblical narrative
describes the humanization of the God-image,
culminating in his incarnation as the half-human,
half-divine Christ, a manifestation of the "good-
God." This incarnation required a dissociation from
Satan, his darker half, who was witnessed, by Christ,
falling from Heaven to Earth.
    When archetypal material constellates in an
individual psyche, according to the Jungian model, the
experience is not one of overflowing potency, but of
weakness and helpless rage. The level of anguish and
humiliation involved in the descent of an archetype
depends on the individual's level of awareness:
"If there is little consciousness attached to the
event, then the ego becomes the tragic victim of the
archetype that it is constellating," Edinger wrote.
"If there is more consciousness involved, then the ego
does not have to be the tragic victim because it
knows what is happening to it. It behaves in a much
different way and can mediate the archetypal pattern
much differently."
    In the book of Job, written several centuries
before the New Testament, Yahweh subjects his
"faithful servant," Job, to a harrowing series of
tests, after accepting a wager from Satan that Job's
faith can be broken. "Job is no more than the outward
occasion for an inward process of dialectic in God,"
wrote Jung. Like a scientist performing some cruel
experiment on bacilli in a test tube, Yahweh kills
Job's family, removes his land, riddles him with
disease, and inflicts every imaginable form of ruin
upon him. Job, however, remains steadfast. At the
same time, he is determined to understand the reason
for his plight. According to Jung, Job is the first
man to comprehend the split inside Yahweh -- that the
God-image is an antinomy, comprising both the dark
god of cruelty and the benevolent deity of love and
justice; "in light of this realization his knowledge
attains a divine numinosity." Confronted with
archetypal injustice, Job insists on equalizing
compassion, and eventually receives it, as his status
in the world is restored.
    Despite his overpowering might, the creator
fears the judgment of his creature. "Yahweh projects
onto Job a skeptic's face which is hateful to him
because it is his own, and which gazes at him with an
uncanny and critical eye," Jung noted. From the
perspective of the God-image, Job had attained a
higher state of knowledge than Yahweh through his
travails, and this required a compensatory sacrifice,
enacted, a few hundred years later, through the
incarnation of Christ.
    Jung realized that God intended to fully incarnate
in the collective body of humanity, and that this time
was quickly approaching. From his psychoanalytic and
personal work and theoretical musings, he proposed that
the Christian Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
was unfolding into a "quaternity," adding a fourth
element that had been suppressed from the Western
psyche. "The enigma of squaring the circle" was one
representation of this quaternity, "an age-old and
presumably pre-historic symbol, always associated with
the idea of a world-creating deity." This aspect of
divinity, now returning and requiring assimilation
into consciousness, was the Devil, who had been
dissociated from the Western psyche at the beginning of
the Judeo-Christian aeon. Along with the Devil, the
fourth element also represented natural wisdom,
personified by the Gnostic deity Sophia, long exiled
and excised from the canonical texts.
    Since the creator is an antinomy, a totality of
inner opposites, his creature reflects this schism.
To descend into humanity, God must choose "the
creaturely man filled with darkness -- the natural
man who is tainted with original sin," Jung wrote.
"The guilty man is eminently suitable and is therefore
chosen to become the vessel for the continuing
incarnation, not the guiltless one who holds aloof from
the world, and refuses to pay his tribute to life, for
in him the dark God would find no room." The uniting
of the opposites, the reconciliation of dark and light
contained in the God-image, can only take place within
the consciously realized "guilty man," not the
sanctimonious, ascetic, or self-righteous one -- anyone
who denies their shadow will only project it in some
new form.
    "The archetypes themselves cannot evolve into
full consciousness without being routed through a
mortal ego to bring that consciousness into
realization," Edinger wrote. If an archetypal god-form
had chosen to route itself through my personal
circuitry, I was not happy about it at all. I felt like
a small squeaky mouse caught in a huge cosmic beak.
I wished I could return to the dank comfort of my
private hole, abandoning any quest for higher knowledge.
It was clear to me that the universe had made an
unfathomable clerical error -- surely there were more
exalted souls waiting around somewhere who could give
this situation the attention it deserved? I did not
want to be part of Quetzalcoatl's dialectic, a bit
player in his cosmic saga. I was not cut out for
the role.      [...]  Pgs. 344-347; Part Six:
   The Lord Of The Dawn; Chapter Four
    2012 - The Return of Quetzalcoatl
  by Daniel Pinchbeck (c) 2006
 "Reality Sandwich"


"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh
wgah'nagl fhtagn" --H.P. Lovecraft

"One does not become enlightened
by imagining figures of light, but by
making the darkness conscious."
  --Carl Jung


Quad-Four ^
21st Century Four-Mouthed Wormhole Hieroglyphic

--- On Wed, 1 Jun 2011, Demo Hassan wrote:

"Reality is that which,
when you stop believing in it,
doesn't go away."
--Philip K. Dick

| Subject: Does RADIATION Preclude Lunar/Mars...
|   ALL Off-World HUMAN Presence?
| Date: Fri, 25 November 2011, 17:21
| From: ...
| To: ...
| Cc: ...
| Bcc: ...

... [ANCIENT] HUGE PROBLEM shielding
 radiation in human space flight ...

-----0rigami Massage-----
| Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2011 17:58:33 -0800 (PST)
| From: [...]
| Subject: [...]
| To: [...]
| CC: [...]
| --- On Wed, 9 Nov 2011, Mark Thornally wrote:
<> "This situation is created not by facts
<> but by images." --- Colin Bennett
<>    [Keep an eye on the neurosciences...]
<>     On behalf of my Parallel Universe Cohorts
<>  and I, We salute you! Great Stuff, thanks...
<>  ' The Medium Is The Massage! '
<>     Been considering the moon lately.
<>  Throughout the entire history of organic
<>  ascent to this current exalted civilization,
<>  the moon has always presented one face.
<>  Ancient humans never understood the curious
<>  coincidence of lunar rotation which created
<>  this optical stability.  What if the face
<>  HAD changed?  How different would our history
<>  have been?  If ancient humans observed a
<>  consistently changing face on the moon, would
<>  they have worked out its spherical nature?
<>  If so, it seems reasonable to imagine that we
<>  would have had a remarkably different history.
<>  (Parenthetically, how many moons in the solar
<>  system keep one face to their planetary host?)
<>  If the moon had, from an earth perspective,
<>  visibly rotated, would we now be much further
<>  along in our technological evolution, or not?
<> Media and content... It seems there will always
<> be a vulnerable, susceptible element, passively
<> absorbing input, and in occasional worst case
<> scenarios, the input may trigger a psychological
<> tipping point. We've seen the outcome in many
<> instances, sometimes benign, sometimes not.
<> History appears to be a record of input, cause
<> and effect, and output...
<>      Blessed are the Mutants, for
<>      they will... uhhh... Mutate?
<>    Been considering Arthur C. Clarke's
<> 'Childhood's End' lately. (Must get around to
<> rereading it). As I recall, the climax of that
<> story had a mutated generation of children
<> interconnected in some unfathomable psychic way.
<> (With a generous assist from some devilish
<> appearing extraterrestrials who were apparently
<> incapable of a similar mutation but considered
<> it a cosmic assignment of sorts to shepherd along
<> 'beings' who were so destined). Clarke had a
<> funny talent for tapping into future zeitgeists.
<> Someone once asked:
<>    "Who's manipulating the manipulators?"
<>    -- Mark Thornally - O9|N0V|2OII
<>   [ 'Wheels Within Wheels 1997 MT'
<>  http://home.netcom.com/~mthorn/diskelf2.htm ]


     "When our ships entered your skies
a century and a half ago, that was the
first meeting of our two races, though
of course we had studied you from a
distance.  And yet you feared and
recognized us, as we knew that you
would.  It was not precisely a memory.
You have already had proof that time
is more complex than your science ever
imagined.  For that memory was not of
the past, but of the 'future'--of those
closing years when your race knew that
everything was finished.  We did what
we could, but it was not an easy end.
And because we were there, we became
identified with your race's death.
Yes, even while it was ten thousand
years in the future!  It was as if a
distorted echo had reverberated round
the closed circle of time, from the
future to the past.  Call it not a
memory, but a premonition." - Karellen
  Pg. 207 - PART III
   Chapter 23  
 The Last Generation  
Arthur C. Clarke (c) 1953  
ISBN: 345-02750-7-125

Childhood's End ...


  "Tidal locking (or captured rotation) occurs
when the gravitational gradient makes one side
of an astronomical body always face another;
for example, the same side of the Earth's Moon
(i.e., the heavier side) always faces the Earth.
A tidally locked body takes just as long to
rotate around its own axis as it does to revolve
around its partner. This synchronous rotation
causes one hemisphere constantly to face the
partner body. Usually, at any given time only
the satellite is tidally locked around the
larger body, but if the difference in mass
between the two bodies and their physical
separation is small, each may be tidally
locked to the other, as is the case between
Pluto and Charon. This effect is employed to
stabilize some artificial satellites." [...]

List of known tidally locked bodies: Solar System

Locked to the Sun

Mercury (in a 3:2 rotation:orbit resonance)

Locked to the Earth


Locked to Mars


Locked to Jupiter


Locked to Saturn


Locked to Uranus


Locked to Neptune


Locked to Pluto

Charon (Pluto is itself locked to Charon)

    "In astronomy, synchronous rotation is a
planetological term describing a body orbiting
another, where the orbiting body takes as long
to rotate on its axis as it does to make one
orbit; and therefore always keeps the same
hemisphere pointed at the body it is orbiting.
Another way of describing it is that from the
surface of the satellite, the main planet
appears to be locked in place in the sky
as it slowly rotates.  The Moon is in
synchronous rotation about the Earth."


  NASA - LRO Camera Team Releases High
 Resolution Global Topographic Map of Moon

... HUGE PROBLEM shielding radiation
 in human space flight ...

Dissociation Dynamics,
the Alice Miller Finding
and the Social Organization of Torture:

[See also NPD: (DSM-IV code 301.81)
  Diagnostic Features:
   'Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition
characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance,
need for admiration, extreme self-involvement, and
lack of empathy for others. Individuals with this
disorder are usually arrogantly self-assured and
confident. They expect to be noticed as superior.
Many highly successful individuals might be considered
narcissistic. However, this disorder is only diagnosed
when these behaviors become persistent and very
disabling or distressing.' ... ]

Advanced Metamaterials and their Applications


"As cognitive scientists have focused on the nature
of the mind, they have come to characterize it not
just as a physical entity, the brain at work, but
more specifically as a flood of scenarios. Whether
set in the past, present, or future, whether based
on reality or entirely fictive, these free-running
narratives are all churned out with equal facility.
The present is constructed from the avalanche of
sensations that pour into the wakened brain.
Working at a furious pace, the brain summons
memories to screen and make sense of the incoming
chaos. Only a minute part of the information is
selected for higher-order processing. From that
part, small segments are enlisted through symbolic
imagery to create the white-hot core of enlisted
activity we call the conscious mind."
[From: "The Future Of Life" by Edward O. Wilson]

a.c. and d.c. Josephson Effects in a Bose-Einstein Condensate

 In our laboratory we were able to create
the conditions to generate and observe both the
a.c. and d.c. Josephson effects in a BEC of
rubidium atoms. Here we present the experiment,
its results, and some of the theory behind it.


  What are the a.c. and d.c. Josephson Effects?
When two superconductors are joined together,
separated only by a thin insulating barrier,
some new phenomena arise. First, if a voltage
is applied across the junction, a small
oscillating current starts flowing back and
forth through the junction, without equilibrating
the two sides. This is known as the a.c. Josephson
effect. Second, if a constant current is made to
flow through the junction, no voltage drop is
detected across it, as long as the current stays
below some critical value. This is known as the
d.c. Josephson effect. Accordingly, the setup of
a superconductor-insulator-superconductor is
known as a Josephson junction.

The phenomena of the a.c. and d.c. Josephson effects
manifest because of the quantum nature of each
superconductor as a whole. Quantum mechanics usually
apply to systems at the microscopic level. However,
in superconductors, the many electrons in the metal
"condense" into the same quantum state, creating a
macroscopic quantum entity. B.D. Josephson originally
predicted the effect in 1962 for superconductors
relying on this fact. However, it is possible in
principle to observe the a.c. and d.c. Josephson
effects in any two macroscopic quantum systems
separated by a tunneling barrier.

In 1997, the a.c. Josephson effect was observed
in superfluid 3He. Superfluid 3He is another
example of a system where quantum phenomena manifest
macroscopically. In 3He, it is the helium atoms that
form the quantum state, and the current is not of
electrical type, but the flow of atoms through a
thin hole separating two helium reservoirs.
The d.c. Josephson effect in superfluid 3He,
and both a.c. and d.c. effects in superfluid 4He,
have not yet been observed.

What is a Bose-Einstein Condensate?

  Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of
matter where, due to the laws of quantum mechanics,
all the particles constituting the matter are coerced
into a single quantum state of the lowest energy,
reshaping themselves as a single entity.

This new form of matter was predicted by
Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein in 1925.
In the following years, it was established that
superfluids and superconductors are a form of
BECs, but an 'ideal' BEC of weakly-interacting
atoms, corresponding to the original theory,
required extremely low temperatures, less than
millionth of a degree above the absolute zero.
Only in 1995 were scientists able to produce a
BEC from a gas of dilute atoms, 70 years after
its prediction.

Bose-Einstein condensates provide a rich ground
for the testing of fundamental physics, of which
this research is an instance. For much more
information on this exciting phenomenon, please
see the Wikipedia article.

Bose-Einstein condensates comprise a new physical
system for observing the a.c. and d.c. Josephson
effects, Apart from superconductors and superfluids.
Being a distinct quantum state, a BEC is a
macroscopic entity of definite quantum phase.
This property, also called coherence, is the key
to Josephson-like behavior.

In a typical apparatus for studying BECs, a large
number of atoms (several millions) are collected
inside a magnetic trap that confines them.
Subsequently the atoms are cooled by various means
to a temperature below the critical temperature
for the transition to condensate phase to occur,
around 100 nano-Kelvin. After creating the condensate,
a smaller number of atoms remain (in our apparatus,
approximately 100,000 atoms). The BEC is further
probed only with magnetic or optical forces, since
any contact with material bodies will cause the
temperature to quickly rise, destroying the condensate.
[...]  http://physics.technion.ac.il/~atomlab/josephson.html

-=[ NOTE: Quote: "... A pure reactance
    in the metamaterial if it would
    allow no ohmic Joule heat loss in
    the very near field of the LC
    circuit may allow us to have a
    'superconductivity without
    superconductivity' - this new
    idea needs further investigation."
Dr. Jack Sarfatti ]=-

[Almost 3 months ago...]

Advanced Metamaterials and their Applications

[... and around 9 months in 'THE FUTURE!'...]

Metamaterials Congress 2012 ...
... will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia,
during the third week of September 2012.

The congress will
comprise a 4-day Conference (17-20 September)
and a 2-day Doctoral School (21-22 September).

Chair of the
Local Organizing Committee: Dr. Pavel Belov

Dr Pavel Belov
Contact Details
Title: EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow
Tel: Internal: [13] 3756
National: 020 7882 3756
International: +44 20 7882 3756
Fax: National: 020 7882 7997
International: +44 20 7882 7997
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Room: Eng 353

Research Group: Antenna & Electromagnetics Research Group

Chair of the
Technical Programme Committee:
Prof. Martin Wegener

Institut fur Angewandte Physik
AG Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener

Karlsruher Institut fur Technologie
Campus Sud
Geb. 30.23
Wolfgang-Gaede-StraBe 1
D-76131 Karlsruhe

Tel.:  +49 721 608 - 43401
 Fax:  +49 721 608 - 48480
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please visit the Congress 2012 web site
for further information.


Elsewhere... 'Indrid Cold' once wrote:

'Big Bang Recreated in a Metamaterial,
Offers Evidence That Time Travel is Impossible'
 By Rebecca Boyle Posted 04.06.2011 at 12:26 pm

[ Toy Big Bang, and a Model for the Real Thing
 Igor I. Smolyaninov and Yu-Ju Hung, umd.edu ]

  Metamaterials can be used to create desktop
black holes and simulate multiverses; now a
physicist is using them to prove time travel
can't happen.

In a new paper, University of Maryland professor
and metamaterial theorist Igor Smolyaninov says
mapping light distribution in a metamaterial can
serve as a model for the flow of time. The model
shows that the forward direction of time is
unrelenting; you cannot curve back on time and
go back to where you started. You just have to
build a desktop Big Bang to prove it.

Metamaterials can help with this, because
they are engineered to exhibit properties
that don't exist naturally. You can manipulate
a metamaterial to make space-like dimensions
appear time-like, Smolyaninov writes. The way
that light moves in such a metamaterial is
akin to the way that a particle moves through
spacetime (click through to Tech Review's
arXiv blog...
...for a more thorough explainer).

In such a metamaterial, the pattern of
light rays spreads out -- the separation
of their "world lines" increases -- as
time goes by. And the light scatters,
which is an analogue for entropy, the
thermodynamic arrow of time that tells
us things fall apart.

To test this theory, Smolyaninov and a
colleague built a Big Bang simulator,
placing plastic strips on a gold substrate.
Tech Review explains that the "light rays"
shining through it are actually plasmons
(a clump of excited electrons in a conducting
material) that propagate across the surface
of the metal. The plastic strips distort
their light.

So why does this show time travel is
impossible? Smolyaninov says that while
light rays can be curved and appear to
turn back on themselves, they would not
be in a time-like dimension when they
do so. And any light ray traveling in
a time-like dimension would not be able
to go back to its former location.

On the plus side, Smolyaninov has already
showed how metamaterials can help us study
extra-dimensional multiverses.
So even if we can't travel back in time,
maybe we could visit alternate universes,
in which the past was already different.

 Modeling of time with metamaterials
 Igor I. Smolyaninov and Yu-Ju Hung

JOSA B, Vol. 28, Issue 7, pp. 1591-1595 (2011)

<> View Full Text: Acrobat PDF (614 KB)

OCIS Codes:
(000.2780) General : Gravity

(000.2658) General : Fundamental tests

(160.3918) Materials : Metamaterials

ToC Category:

Igor I. Smolyaninov and Yu-Ju Hung,
"Modeling of time with metamaterials,"
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 28, 1591-1595 (2011)

Igor I. Smolyaninov, Yu-Ju Hung,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA

Graduate Student: Yu-Ju Hung, ece.umd.edu


Igor Smolyaninov

Title: Visiting Research Scientist
Areas/Affiliations: ECE, Maryland Optics Group
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Faculty Research Group: Chris Davis

Advanced Metamaterials and their Applications


NOTES: The Vessel