I will first be vague out of necessity as this is a glimpse of things to come seeing through the glass darkly, or, perhaps it will not pan out at all as a not-even-wrong premonition.
The fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) has fractionally charged quasi-particles that are real electrons attached to several quantized magnetic flux vortices. It only happens at very low temperature in a magnetic field in 2D layers in certain materials. Well quarks are also fractionally charged. Indeed, the fractions 1/3 & 2/3 appear both in quarks and FQHE. If this is more than a superficial analogy then I predict exotic quark-gluon plasmas with quark charges +- 1/3, 2/5 & 3/7 ... & 2/3, 3/5, 4/7
The hologram principle is that 3D physics is the hologram image of 2D physics of some kind of topological quantum field theory with an order qualitatively different from the macro-quantum coherent order of spontaneous broken symmetries of the Higgs-Goldstone mechanism.
Well, it's getting clear that the 2D hologram is in our future and is creating us as a simulation using essentially the Wheeler-Feynman idea. The 2D hologram spherical shell horizon at whose center we always are is the total future absorber consistent with the electromagnetic arrow of time - that we at least almost always see retarded electromagnetic waves not advanced waves. This is retrocausality without retrocausality in a self-consistent Novikov loop in time as the mechanism for fine tuning the early universe to have small entropy relative to the future universe. Furthermore, the 2D hologram is essentially in the dark energy dominated de Sitter phase of our future. The total entropy of our hologram universe is proportional to the area of our future hologram spherical shell horizon. The dark energy density in our past is proportional to the reciprocal area of our future horizon. Therefore, it follows simply, that the enormous dark energy density of the moment of inflation is a very tiny entropy of 1 Bekenstein BIT. The entropy of our observable universe between our past particle horizon and our future hologram horizon quickly approaches the de Sitter limit of about 10^123 BITs and there is no mystery at all in how our universe is fine-tuned. At least that's how it's beginning to look to me.
This idea will become clearer in time if there is anything to it.