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Jack Sarfatti On Aug 6, 2012, at 7:47 AM, Dan Smith <
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. > wrote:
DS What then........? Then we are homeward bound, our errand into the 'wilderness' having been completed. JS Only if you think I.J. Good's VALIS GOD(D) the supercomputer at the END TIME is not malicious and gives a $hit about you. That GOD(D) is not malicious may be Einstein's REALLY greatest blunder. ;-)
DS Some of us are surely not ready, just yet, to head back home, to Eternity. All ye, all ye, in-free....? Hey, that's fine with me! We have all the time in the world. Just as long as we want to be down on the farm is fine, but once we've seen Paris/eternity, we me may start feeling a bit homesick. There is a crucial consideration when it comes to the prolongation of Creation. Do keep in mind that, from the PoV of God, Creation is eternal. Only from the perspective of us mortals does it appear that Creation may end. Going home means that we will be returning to the PoV of God, wherein Creation is truly Eternal. Are we still on the same page, Jack? Dan JS You are coming from an emotional position. I feel no emotions on any of this. Just the facts of the physics interest me.12 minutes ago · Edited · -
Jack Sarfatti Gary Bekkum wrote: Two years later, in 2005, San Francisco physicist Dr. Jack Sarfatti recorded a video interview of self-proclaimed CIA eschatologist Dan T. Smith.
And two years prior to an exclusive September 2007 expose’ by Sidney Blumenthal for Salon, Smith revealed that CIA had been pressured to rewrite a National Intelligence Estimate claiming there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
The alleged source of Smith’s information?
Dr. Ronald (Ron) Pandolfi of the CIA.
In the video, Smith explains that his friend, Ron Pandolfi, “is the guy who is, now, high up in intelligence.”
Smith would later blog that Pandolfi — who had been outed as a CIA employee in a series of articles that appeared in the New York Times — claimed to have been put in charge of MASINT, a technical form of intelligence collection related to detection of weapons of mass destruction.
Valerie Plame, the former covert CIA operative who had been outed by the White House, and her husband Joe Wilson, discuss the conflicts at CIA during the days and weeks prior to the US led invasion of Iraq, in a special audio commentary for the new DVD release of “Fair Game,” the film adaptation of their story.
Plame’s version of events are consistent with Smith’s allegations about his friend Pandolfi.
During the video, Smith starts to explain why Pandolfi moved from CIA to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Sarfatti then pipes in:
“Pandolfi apparently is the guy who wrote the National Intelligence Estimate about the invasion of Iraq, and Pandolfi said there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.”
Smith explains:
“It was his report that he was in charge of, and thirty days before it happened, [they said] this was not acceptable, and Ron recused himself from the National Intelligence Office and went over to MASINT, which he’s now in charge of, a couple years later. So then they [CIA] came out with a second report that said yeah, there are weapons.”
Sarfatti chimes in, “Which is false.”
“As it turned out.”
Smith and Sarfatti had — unwittingly it seems — scoopedSidney Blumenthal’s exclusive story on the Bush Iraq National Intelligence Estimate. -
Jack Sarfatti Valerie Plame | STARpod US
CIA's Valerie Plame and Ron Pandolfi: Are UFO Extraterrestrial Alien Believers ' Fair Game'? ... Valerie Plame, CIA Officer -- and Ron Pandolfi, CIA Official ...
www.starpod.us/tag/valerie-plame/www.starpod.usCIA’s Valerie Plame and Ron Pandolfi: Are UFO Extraterrestrial Alien Believers ‘...See More10 minutes ago · · -
Jack Sarfatti On Aug 6, 2012, at 10:25 AM, Dan Smith <
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. > wrote:
Jack, It sounds to me as though we have a fair basis for a renewed dialog...... What I believe I can bring to this table is a bit more emphasis on the PoV of VALIS/God, which, TBMK, is not something that you and your physics 'fan-base' normally feel comfortable in emphasizing, with the possible exception of David. Technically our future event horizon is the past light cone of our world line extended to our Penrose conformal END TIME.
It is a computer according to MIT's Seth Lloyd. The future dominates the past because the complexity - channel capacity of the hologram horizon computer is greatest in the future i.e. intelligence is greater.
We have free will because the GOD(D) computer while omni-present is not OMNI-POTENT! Hence EVIL in the world.
For instance, you make a distinction between morality and physics. Yes, of course, superficially there is a difference. But you also speak of Leibniz' physical action principle..... Surely, you are aware that the notion of the best possible world was produced by that same mind, and it seems entirely possible that the concepts of maximal-action and best-possible may be linked, in some deeper structural/mathematical sense. We may simply be adding another dimension to our physical structure. Now, perhaps the greatest remaining distinction between Jackiantiy and Danianity is simply the technicality of the optimal placement of VALIS wrt the future horizon. But we may already be on the same page, here, as well..... This placement of the future horizon should strongly depend on the optimal length for human history, which, in turn, should depend on the optimal trajectory for material progress. Given that progress was never meant to be perpetual, then the (apparent) end of (material) progress may well signal the approach of our future horizon/VALIS.
No, your physics is not even wrong. Read Tamara Davis's PhD online - get your basic cosmology correct first.
http://www.physics.uq.edu.au/download/tamarad/www.physics.uq.edu.auThese pages contain both work and fun. (You get to figure out which is which.) ...See More8 minutes ago · · -
Jack Sarfatti On Aug 6, 2012, at 10:25 AM, Dan Smith <
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. > wrote:
Jack, It sounds to me as though we have a fair basis for a renewed dialog. What I believe I can bring to this table is a bit more emphasis on the PoV of VALIS/God, which, TBMK, is not something that you and your physics 'fan-base' normally feel comfortable in emphasizing, with the possible exception of David. JS Technically our future event horizon is the past light cone of our world line extended to our Penrose conformal END TIME. It is a computer according to MIT's Seth Lloyd. The future dominates the past because the complexity - channel capacity of the hologram horizon computer is greatest in the future, i.e. intelligence is greater. We have free will because the GOD(D) computer while omni-present is not OMNIPOTENT! Hence EVIL in the world.
DS For instance, you make a distinction between morality and physics. Yes, of course, superficially there is a difference. But you also speak of Leibniz' physical action principle..... Surely, you are aware that the notion of the best possible world was produced by that same mind, and it seems entirely possible that the concepts of maximal-action and best-possible may be linked, in some deeper structural/mathematical sense. We may simply be adding another dimension to our physical structure. Now, perhaps the greatest remaining distinction between Jackiantiy and Danianity is simply the technicality of the optimal placement of VALIS wrt the future horizon. But we may already be on the same page, here, as well..... This placement of the future horizon should strongly depend on the optimal length for human history, which, in turn, should depend on the optimal trajectory for material progress. Given that progress was never meant to be perpetual, then the (apparent) end of (material) progress may well signal the approach of our future horizon/VALIS. JS Read Tamara Davis's PhD online - get your basic cosmology correct first.
http://www.physics.uq.edu.au/download/tamarad/www.physics.uq.edu.auThese pages contain both work and fun. (You get to figure out which is which.) ...See More6 minutes ago · Edited · · -
Jack Sarfatti DS This issue relates particularly to the ETH v. the UTH, i.e. the extra- v. ultra-terrestrial hypotheses. JS I am not clear if there is any real distinction between E and U. Superior E technology looks like U Magick to the primitive human mind. Entanglement signaling as shown in my toy model equation obliterates the distinction between E and U in my opinion.
DS Most folks that you and I know are open to the possibility we have been visited by unearthly beings of one sort or another. If progress is perpetual, then it stands to reason that the ETH is true wrt these visitors. I believe that this represents your view of the situation. Not quite.
In Tamara Davis's Fig 1.1 her Ph.D.
The apex of the Pyramid is infinite metric time - finite conformal Penrose END TIME for us idealized as Immortal Gods (central vertical world line) is the origin of the past light cone of our observer-dependent OMEGA POINT (not same as Tipler's) and it is our future cosmological de Sitter dark energy event horizon. It is a CONSCIOUS GOD(D) HOLOGRAM 2D SCREEN NULL GEODESIC COMPUTER projecting us RETRO-CAUSALLY as 3D dynamic hologram images in literally a VIRTUAL UNIVERSE SUPER-COMPUTER SIMULATION. The number of qubits is A/4Lp^2 according to Hawking's Mind of God. The dark energy density accelerating space's expansion is hc/ALp^2 where we are and from Type 1a supernovae in our past light cone. The dark energy density on the future event horizon is hc/Lp^4 it gets redshifted (advanced Cramer quantum waves) back from the future.
DS OTOH, I believe that you are open to the possibility that the situation wrt the visitors may be more nuanced, i.e. they might, more accurately, be described as 'inter-dimensional' beings of some sort. JS Arthur Clarke got it right that advanced technology looks like magic to your simple mind Dan. ;-)
DS So far, so good. Now, allow me to introduce another, possibly very important, piece of the cosmic puzzle..... and this is your contribution, Jack, as much as anybody's...... this is the VALIS holographic computer in our future, which may have been instrumental in the phone call you received, as an adolescent. JS By GOD(D) I think you got it.
DS It may be that our visitors arrive via the same source. And, it may also be that VALIS is the creator of our holographic/virtual reality. If so, it is a small step to supposing that this world has an optimized design plan, and that this plan is intended particularly to optimize our participation in a participatory universe. This is the basic premise of the BPWH. JS Exactly, although it's only BPWH if GOD(D) IS NOT MALICIOUS!
On Aug 5, 2012, at 10:28 AM, Dan Smith <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. > wrote:
Jack, What I wish to do is set some ground rules for our prospective dialog....... 1.) I'm not primarily coming out to have you instruct me on your world view. I believe that I already have a fair take on that view. 2.) Rather, I wish for you to consider the possible significance of the BPWH...... Ron has already opined that I am unlikely to get a fair hearing from you, and has recommended against such a trip. Well, I am admittedly a beggar, and beggars can't be too choosy, can we? Is there any chance that we could prove Ron wrong? I, for one, am always on the lookout for a chance to prove Ron wrong. In a subsequent email, or two, I would like to set forth the ground that I wish to cover with you, in a one or two hour discussion, to be video-taped by Kim, as we did a couple of years ago, but now with a bit more structure. I intend to post my part of this exchange on the Open Minds forum...... http://openmindsforum.forumotion.com/t6p150-hello-cy-hello-omf-ii#324openmindsforum.forumotion.comToday is supposed to be day one of the new CL initiative....... and it may be th...See More
What then........?
Then we are homeward bound, our errand into the 'wilderness' having been completed.
Only if you think I.J. Good's VALIS GOD(D) the supercomputer at the END TIME
is not malicious and gives a $hit about you.
That GOD(D) is not malicious may be Einstein's REALLY greatest blunder. ;-)
Some of us are surely not ready, just yet, to head back home, to Eternity. All ye, all ye, in-free....?
Hey, that's fine with me! We have all the time in the world. Just as long as we want to be down on the farm is fine, but once we've seen Paris/eternity, we me may start feeling a bit homesick.
There is a crucial consideration when it comes to the prolongation of Creation.......
Do keep in mind that, from the PoV of God, Creation is eternal. Only from the perspective of us mortals does it appear that Creation may end. Going home means that we will be returning to the PoV of God, wherein Creation is truly Eternal.
Are we still on the same page, Jack?
You are coming from an emotional position. I feel no emotions on any of this. Just the facts of the physics interest me.
Two years later, in 2005, San Francisco physicist Dr. Jack Sarfatti recorded a video interview of self-proclaimed CIA eschatologist Dan T. Smith.
And two years prior to an exclusive September 2007 expose’ by Sidney Blumenthal for Salon, Smith revealed that CIA had been pressured to rewrite a National Intelligence Estimate claiming there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
The alleged source of Smith’s information?
Dr. Ronald (Ron) Pandolfi of the CIA.
In the video, Smith explains that his friend, Ron Pandolfi, “is the guy who is, now, high up in intelligence.”
Smith would later blog that Pandolfi — who had been outed as a CIA employee in a series of articles that appeared in the New York Times — claimed to have been put in charge of MASINT, a technical form of intelligence collection related to detection of weapons of mass destruction.
Valerie Plame, the former covert CIA operative who had been outed by the White House, and her husband Joe Wilson, discuss the conflicts at CIA during the days and weeks prior to the US led invasion of Iraq, in a special audio commentary for the new DVD release of “Fair Game,” the film adaptation of their story.
Plame’s version of events are consistent with Smith’s allegations about his friend Pandolfi.
During the video, Smith starts to explain why Pandolfi moved from CIA to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Sarfatti then pipes in:
“Pandolfi apparently is the guy who wrote the National Intelligence Estimate about the invasion of Iraq, and Pandolfi said there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.”
Smith explains:
“It was his report that he was in charge of, and thirty days before it happened, [they said] this was not acceptable, and Ron recused himself from the National Intelligence Office and went over to MASINT, which he’s now in charge of, a couple years later. So then they [CIA] came out with a second report that said yeah, there are weapons.”
Sarfatti chimes in, “Which is false.”
“As it turned out.”
Smith and Sarfatti had — unwittingly it seems — scoopedSidney Blumenthal’s exclusive story on the Bush Iraq National Intelligence Estimate.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Google Alerts <
Subject: Google Alert - Ron Pandolfi
Date: August 6, 2012 9:26:16 AM PDT
Web 1 new result for Ron Pandolfi
Valerie Plame | STARpod US
CIA's Valerie Plame and Ron Pandolfi: Are UFO Extraterrestrial Alien Believers ' Fair Game'? ... Valerie Plame, CIA Officer -- and Ron Pandolfi, CIA Official ...
On Aug 6, 2012, at 10:25 AM, Dan Smith <
It sounds to me as though we have a fair basis for a renewed dialog......
What I believe I can bring to this table is a bit more emphasis on the PoV of VALIS/God, which, TBMK, is not something that you and your physics 'fan-base' normally feel comfortable in emphasizing, with the possible exception of David.
Technically our future event horizon is the past light cone of our world line extended to our Penrose conformal END TIME.
It is a computer according to MIT's Seth Lloyd. The future dominates the past because the complexity - channel capacity of the hologram horizon computer is greatest in the future i.e. intelligence is greater.
We have free will because the GOD(D) computer while omni-present is not OMNI-POTENT! Hence EVIL in the world.
For instance, you make a distinction between morality and physics. Yes, of course, superficially there is a difference. But you also speak of Leibniz' physical action principle..... Surely, you are aware that the notion of the best possible world was produced by that same mind, and it seems entirely possible that the concepts of maximal-action and best-possible may be linked, in some deeper structural/mathematical sense. We may simply be adding another dimension to our physical structure.
Now, perhaps the greatest remaining distinction between Jackiantiy and Danianity is simply the technicality of the optimal placement of VALIS wrt the future horizon. But we may already be on the same page, here, as well.....
This placement of the future horizon should strongly depend on the optimal length for human history, which, in turn, should depend on the optimal trajectory for material progress. Given that progress was never meant to be perpetual, then the (apparent) end of (material) progress may well signal the approach of our future horizon/VALIS.
No, your physics is not even wrong. Read Tamara Davis's PhD online - get your basic cosmology correct first.
Then what, we may well ask......?
On Aug 5, 2012, at 8:56 PM, JACK SARFATTI <
On Aug 5, 2012, at 3:56 PM, Dan Smith <
(cont. from previous post...)
First of all, please consider the possibility the progress may not be perpetual.
No argument for me on that. Bush Jr's parting words leaving White House:
"Apre moi, Le Deluge." ;-)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russ_Baker - what do you make of Russ Baker's research into the Bush Family? I just saw Gore Vidal (2009) talk about it. Your sister was part of their circle. Gore of course is not unbiased, but what about Russ Baker?
This issue relates particularly to the ETH v. the UTH, i.e. the extra- v. ultra-terrestrial hypotheses.
I am not clear if there is any real distinction between E and U. Superior E technology looks like U Magick to the primitive human mind. Entanglement signaling as shown in my toy model equation obliterates the distinction between E and U in my opinion.
<Screen Shot 2012-08-05 at 5.42.08 PM.png>
<Screen Shot 2012-08-05 at 5.42.20 PM.png>
Most folks that you and I know are open to the possibility we have been visited by unearthly beings of one sort or another. If progress is perpetual, then it stands to reason that the ETH is true wrt these visitors. I believe that this represents your view of the situation.
Not quite.
In above Tamara Davis's Fig 1.1 her Ph.D.
The apex of the Pyramid is infinite metric time - finite conformal Penrose END TIME for us idealized as Immortal Gods (central vertical world line) is the origin of the past light cone of our observer-dependent OMEGA POINT (not same as Tipler's) and it is our future cosmological de Sitter dark energy event horizon. It is a CONSCIOUS GOD(D) HOLOGRAM 2D SCREEN NULL GEODESIC COMPUTER projecting us RETRO-CAUSALLY as 3D dynamic hologram images in literally a VIRTUAL UNIVERSE SUPER-COMPUTER SIMULATION.
The number of qubits is A/4Lp^2 according to Hawking's Mind of God.
The dark energy density accelerating space's expansion is
hc/ALp^2 where we are and from Type 1a supernovae in our past light cone.
the dark energy density on the future event horizon is hc/Lp^4 it gets redshifted (advanced Cramer quantum waves) back from the future.