Is Quantum Reality Analog after All? [Preview] http://t.co/MxyrAlP7
Jack Sarfatti This seems to contradict quantum chromodynamic lattice theory computation of hadron masses.
Jack Sarfatti http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lattice_QCDen.wikipedia.orgLattice QCD is a well-established non-perturbative approach to solving the quant...See More
Jack Sarfatti David Tong says that the movie Matrix does not describe reality. That we really are analog not digitally simulated by the Omega GOD(D) cosmic computer on our PIXELATED dark energy future event horizon as I have been speculating.
Tong writes: "We can handle all types of hypothetical fermions but not the ones that actually exist. Fermions in the standard model ... that spin in a counterclockwise direction feel the weak nuclear force, and those that spin in a clockwise direction do not."
So do the Wilczek strong force QCD lattice computations completely ignore weak force effects? QCD modeled fermions are not chiral?
Tong ends his article: "We are not living inside a computer simulation."
Tong also says that we cannot simulate chiral fermions on the computer- but does that not contradict Frank Wilczek's lattice QCD hadronic mass computations? What is going on here?
Jack Sarfatti
25 minutes ago via Twitter
Is Quantum Reality Analog after All? [Preview] http://t.co/MxyrAlP7
Is Quantum Reality Analog after All?: Scientific American
Quantum theorists often speak of the world as being pointillist at the smallest scales. Yet a closer look at the laws of nature suggests that the physical world is actually continuous—more analog than digital
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Jack Sarfatti This seems to contradict quantum chromodynamic lattice theory computation of hadron masses.
3 minutes ago · Like
Jack Sarfatti http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lattice_QCD
Lattice QCD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lattice QCD is a well-established non-perturbative approach to solving the quant...See More
2 minutes ago · Like · Remove Preview
Jack Sarfatti http://www.usqcd.org
USQCD: US Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics
US Lattice Quantum chromodynamicswww.scientificamerican.comQuantum theorists often speak of the world as being pointillist at the smallestscales. Yet a closer look at the laws of nature suggests that the physical world is actually continuous—more analog than digital