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Discussion with Ruth Elinor Kastner Physicist at University of Maryland and Menas Kafatos, Dean of School of Physical Science, Chapman University & MIT Physics Professor's book on me and my associates that got 2012 physics book of the year award. My name appears ~ 600 times in the Hippies Saved Physics book reviewed in NY TIMES, WALL STREET JOURNAL, NATURE, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, PHYSICS TODAY, AMERICAN SCIENTIST ...
Back From The Future Post-Quantum Theory
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Jack Sarfatti I think Yakir only claims that real retrocausality is a sufficient consistent interpretation of orthodox quantum theory, but not a necessary condition. My claim, consistent with Antony Valentini's papers, is that the experimental presponse data from Libet -> Radin -> Bierman -> Bem is a violation of orthodox quantum theory's no-entanglement signaling "theorems". Therefore, that proves with a high degree of Baysean confidence in my opinion, that real retrocausality is a fact of nature and quantum theorists need to expand their boundaries if they are to remain intellectually honest.
On Dec 20, 2012, at 4:32 PM, Ruth Elinor Kastner <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. > wrote:
Ok Jack -- the only thing I question is holding up these experiments in the popular press as evidence of retrocausality -- they aren't.
From: jack [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ]
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 7:25 PM
To: Ruth Elinor Kastner
Subject: Re: I missed this. You?
Sent from my iPad
On Dec 20, 2012, at 3:11 PM, Ruth Elinor Kastner wrote:
The presponse data is a separate issue from what's going on in the experiments referred to by CL.
The retrocausal phenomenon is moot in orthodox qm
Yakir agrees with that
The presponse data is a violation of it
So orthodox qm is not interesting for retrocausality
What Yakir shows is that there is no contradiction
It's like lifting a degeneracy in the meta Hilbert space of parallel qm interpretations
I don't rule out that humans might be able to get around QM statistics and that there may be other physics out there, but my point is just that
_these experiments do not contain that new physics_. These experiments are perfectly consistent with standard QM without explicit retrocausality.
Therefore, of course they are also consistent with TI as an interpretation of standard QM. Yes in TI there are advanced states but these are sub-empirical; i.e.
their existence cannot be revealed/confirmed by experiment- -- at least not by these experiments.
On the other hand, Valentini's work predicts deviations from standard QM (i.e. Born Rule).
That's my point.
Only if there is deviation from the Born Rule is there truly
new quantum physics in this sense. In terms of the Transactional Interpretation, deviation from the Born Rule would mean that there might be some way to directly influence _which_ transaction is actualized from a set of possible ones.
Cramer say that in ch 16
I prove it using entangled Glauber states
From: jack [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ]
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 5:59 PM
To: Ruth Elinor Kastner
Subject: Re: I missed this. You?
Right I still have not had time to respond properly in depth
But your critique noted
Crucial test is presponse evidence u ignore
Also Russ Targ's CIA RV SRI report
John Cramer disagrees w you in ch 16 of exotic propulsion book
I mean your not addressing issue that qm is limit of more general theory with entanglement signaling.
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On Dec 20, 2012, at 2:48 PM, Ruth Elinor Kastner wrote:
I've seen a discussion elsewhere about these kinds of experiments. As soon as you detect a single particle (say Alice's), a one-particle Alice state is necessarily detected
and actualized on Alice's side, even if nobody 'looked' at it (i.e. even if there is still epistemic uncertainty about what state was actualized) and that
collapses the pair (both Alice's and Bob's particles) in that particular run into a particular state . Then the subsequent measurements you perform on Bob's particle
will reflect the statistics of the state that was created via the detection of Alice's particle.
In the experiments involving a superposition of the interferometer mirror in a 'which-slit' and 'both slits' configuration, detection of Alice's particle projects that combined system of Alice + Bob + IFM mirror into a particular state, and then detection of the mirror in a particular state further projects Bob's particle into a particular state corresponding to the mirror's detection, so of course Bob's particle is later detected with statistics reflecting those earlier detections.
No explicit retrocausality is necessarily present in these kinds of experiments. The claims are usually overstated based on a conflation of any given individual run with the statistical analysis of sets of runs.
From: jack [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ]
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 1:37 PM
To: Levit, Creon (ARC-P)
Subject: Re: I missed this. You?
I know about this and I think kim already has it posted on Stardrive
Sent from my iPad
On Dec 20, 2012, at 10:26 AM, "Levit, Creon (ARC-P)" wrote:
http://phys.org/news/2012-04-quantum-physics-mimics-spooky-action.html#nRlvphys.orgPhysicists of the group of Prof. Anton Zeilinger at the Institute for Quantum Op...See More