      Fifth FQXi Essay Contest: It From Bit, or Bit From It?
      The Fifth essay contest from the Foundational Questions Institute is now underway. The topic is about whether information is more fundamental than material objects. The subject is similar to the co...
    • Jack Sarfatti IT FROM BIT + BIT FROM IT = Conscious Universe as a John Archibald Wheeler Self-Excited Self-Organizing Circuit.
    • Jack Sarfatti http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Archibald_Wheeler
      John Archibald Wheeler (July 9, 1911 – April 13, 2008) was an Americantheoretica...See More
    • Jack Sarfatti Michael Towler wrote about my theory: "Living matter and back-action
      In certain dark corners of the internet, can find speculation of the following nature:
      • Propose the wave function/pilot wave is intrinsically ‘mental’ and capable of qualia.
      • Equate
      the pilot wave with the mental aspect of the universe, generally: the
      particles are ‘matter’, and ‘mind’ the pilot wave.
      OK, who cares, except..
      • ‘Mental’ aspect of universe upgradeable to life/consciousness by self-organization.
      Happens when a physical system uses its own nonlocality in its organization.
      • In this case a feedback loop is created, as follows: system configures itself so as to
      set up its own pilot wave, which in turn directly affects its physical configuration,
      which then affects its non-local pilot wave, which affects the configuration etc..
      • Normally in QM this ‘back-action’ is not taken into account. The wave guides
      the particles but back-action of particle onto wave not systematically calculated.
      Of course, the back-action is physically real since particle movement determines
      initial conditions for next round of calculation. But there is no systematic way to
      characterize such feedback. One reason this works in practice is that for systems
      that are not self-organizing the back-action may not exert any systematic effect.
      Well, it’s not obviously wrong..!
      [see p.346, Bohm and Hiley’s Undivided Universe).]
    • Jack Sarfatti Towler continued: "Two-way traffic
      Important to note that pilot-wave theory does not take into account any effect of
      individual particle on its own quantum field (though Bohm and Hiley briefly sketch
      some ideas about how this might happen, see e.g. Und
      ivided Universe pp. 345-346).
      • Idea that particles collectively affect quantum field of a single particle is contained in the standard
      notion that shape of quantum field of a particle is determined by shape of environment (which
      consists of many particles, and is part of the boundary conditions put into the Schr¨odinger equation
      before solving it, even in conventional QM).
      • Celebrity nutjob Jack Sarfatti (see e.g., er.. www.stardrive.org) in particular has emphasized
      the need for an explanation of how the individual particle influences its own field and has proposed
      mechanisms for such ‘back-action’, also emphasizing its importance in understanding the mindmatter
      relationship and how consciousness arises (see earlier slide).
      • Assuming that notion of such an influence of the particle on its field can be coherently developed,
      we can then have two-way traffic between the mental and the physical levels without reducing one
      to the other. Role of Bohm’s model of the quantum system then would be that it provides a kind of
      prototype that defines a more general class of systems in which a field of information is connected
      with a material body by a two-way relationship.
      • Quantum theory is currently our most fundamental theory of matter and Bohm suggests that, when
      ontologically interpreted, it reveals a proto-mental aspect of matter. This is the quantum field,
      described mathematically by the wave function, which is governed by the Schr¨odinger equation.
      Bohm’s suggestion is known as panprotopsychism.. so at least you learned a new word today..!"
      Stardrive, ISEP, Internet Science Education Project
      Jack Sarfatti You are 100% correct on this Chris.
      However, I think the FX version will allow comments on their website. If that is really so, then you and others should post your comments on the submissions as well submit an essay. I will try to work on one myself -
      though I will be in London, Paris, South of France etc. during April & May.

      On Mar 27, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Chris Langan <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:

      Of course, everyone is aware that SciAm and Templeton are markedly slanted in their approaches.
      Speaking just for myself, past experience suggests that if one deviates in any way from their preferred viewpoints - respectively, atheistic physicalism and "humility theology", which essentially holds that theological truth is inaccessible and should be abandoned in favor of religious syncretism and mere "reconciliation" between science and religion - then one has approximately a snowball's chance in hell of winning the competition. (If your name has ever been mentioned by anyone at all in the same breath as, say, Intelligent Design, then your chances are somewhat worse.)
      On the other hand, if one's ideas already fall within those guidelines, then one may do just fine.

      On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:37 PM, Jack Sarfatti <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:
      I think its same one as fx?

      Sent from my iPhone

      On Mar 27, 2013, at 10:04 AM, David Mathes <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> wrote:


      John Templeton Foundation sponsors an interesting essay contest that just opened up...closes in


      Topical: The theme for this Essay Contest is: "It from Bit or Bit from It?"
      The past century in fundamental physics has shown a steady progression away from thinking about physics, at its deepest level, as a description of material objects and their interactions, and towards physics as a description of the evolution of information about and in the physical world. Moreover, recent years have shown an explosion of interest at the nexus of physics and information, driven by the "information age" in which we live, and more importantly by developments in quantum information theory and computer science.

      We must ask the question, though, is information truly fundamental or not?
      Can we realize John Wheeler’s dream,

      or is it unattainable?

      We ask: ”It From Bit or Bit From It?”

      False dichotomy. It's both forming a creative self-organizing "self-excited circuit" of conscious intent.

      Michael Towler brilliantly describes my proposal on this in his Lecture 8 http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~mdt26/pilot_waves.html

      Possible topics or sub-questions include, but are not limited to:
      What IS information?
      That's an easy one: the Bohm quantum potential Q in particle mechanics and its generalization to field theory.

      John Leslie reviews 'The Undivided Universe' by David Bohm ...
      The Absolute Now. John Leslie. The Undivided Universe: An Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory by David Bohm, translated by Basil Hiley Routledge ...
      The Undivided Universe: An Ontological Interpretation ... - Amazon.ca
      www.amazon.ca › ... › New & Used Textbooks › Humanities › Philosophy
      In the The Undivided Universe, David Bohn and Basil Hiley present a ... Review. ' This is a brilliant book, of great depth and originality. Every physicist and ...
      One must also look at the pixelated cosmological horizons both past and future in which their area-entropies A may be the projective hologram screens where

      N = A/Lp^2 = A^3/2/L^3 ~ 10^123 asymptotically into the far future

      L = 3D voxel scale (quantum of volume of the hologram image)

      We are inside these past and future cosmological 2D anyonic topological computing horizons at the exact center always at each point along our world line.

      Tamara Davis, Ph.D. Fig 1.1c http://dark.nbi.ku.dk/people/tamara/
      What is its relation to “Reality”?

      Depends what you mean by the word. If one means the totality of possible measurement patterns, then if one believes that the world is a quantum bit hologram image simulation, then matter is the hologram image projected both ways in time from our observer-dependent past particle and future de Sitter dark energy cosmological horizons inside the light speed limited "causal diamond" of our subjective observable universe.

      The hardware hologram screens are the horizons where g00 = 0 in the static LNIF representation of the cosmological metric.

      For example, for static LNIF observers with proper accelerations

      g(r) ~ c^2g00^-1/2dg00/dr

      g00 ~ 1 - r^2/A

      where WE are always at r = 0

      How does nature (the universe and the things therein) “store” and “process” information?
      How does understanding information help us understand physics, and vice-versa?
      (Note: While this topic is broad, successful essays will not use this breadth as an excuse to shoehorn in the author's pet topic, but will rather keep as their central focus the theme of whether information or “material” objects are more fundamental.)

      Additionally, to be consonant with FQXi's scope and goals, essays should be primarily concerned with physics (mainly quantum physics, high energy 'fundamental' physics, and gravity), cosmology (mainly of the early universe), or closely related fields (such as astrophysics, astrobiology, biophysics, mathematics, complexity and emergence, and philosophy of physics), insofar as they bear directly on questions in physics or cosmology.
      Foundational: This Contest is limited to works addressing, in one of its many facets, our understanding of the deep or "ultimate" nature of reality.

      Submission: Essays and accompanying material must be submitted online using the webform between the dates of March 25, 2013, and June 28, 2013 (until 11:59PM Eastern Time). Applicants must provide accurate contact information, an abstract of their essay, a brief biographical statement, and their essay.
