1. I predict a new high energy signal from the event horizons of black holes in addition to the low energy signal predicted by Stephen Hawking.
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    • Jack Sarfatti Thorizon ~ hc/rskB

      R. Buosso Adventures in de Sitter Space

      The proper acceleration of virtual particles stuck in the horizon of Planck length thickness Lp and area-entropy A is

      g ~ gtt^-1/2dgtt/dr

      However, the retarded radiation gravity redshift factor from a past black hole is calculated from

      Gravitational redshift any stationary spacetime (e.g. the Schwarzschild geometry)
      (for the Schwarzschild geometry,

      The receiver is always at r ---> infinity, therefore, gtt(receiver) = 1


      fobsv/femit = (1 + z)^-1 ---> gtt(source)^1/2 = (1 - 2GM/c^2rsource)^1/2

      Therefore, the gtt^1/2 factors cancel in numerator and denominator and the resulting Hawking-Unruh-Bekenstein (HRB) temperature (peak frequency) of the blackbody signal is simply proportional to the Newtonian event horizon surface gravity acceleration c^2/rs (the IR

      rs ~ GM/c^2

      Computing this in more detail, we must use for the virtual particle radiators stuck to the gtt = 0 horizon source

      rsource ~ rs + Lp

      Lp/rs << 1

      gtt^1/2 ~ [1 -rs/(rs + Lp)]^1/2 ~ [1 - 1/(1 + Lp/rs)]^1/2

      ~ (Lp/rs)^1/2 << 1 = gravity red shift factor

      Now, what Hawking et-al predict are the LOW ENERGY IR surface eigen-modes from ripples in the event horizon area.

      There, should also be HIGH ENERGY UV radial eigen-modes of fundamental frequency c/Lp from the horizon.

      These also get redshifted down to our detectors to peak signal frequency c/(Lprs)^1/2

      i.e. wavelength = geometric mean of Planck scale with horizon scale.

      When we apply this to back from the future advanced radiation from our future de Sitter horizon, we get exactly the observed dark energy density hc/Lp^2A

      However, let's look at retarded radiation from black holes in our past light cone.


      a solar mass black hole is ~ 3km ~ 10^5 cm

      Lprs ~ 10^-33x10^5 ~ 10^-28 cm^2

      The geometric mean wavelength is ~ 10^-14 cm

      i.e. signal frequency ~ 10^24 Hz

      What about a super-massive black hole?
      for 10^10 solar masses


      10^-33 x 10^15 ~ 10^-18 cm^2

      i.e. wavelength ~ 10^-9 cm

      signal frequency ~ 10^19 Hz GAMMA RAY

      see also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma-ray_burst

      However, this radiation should not be usually in burst form, but should be a steady signal.

      For the universe as a whole, i.e. our future cosmic event horizon in the causal diamond

      Lprs ~ 10^-33 x 10^29 ~ 10^-4 cm^2

      i.e. advanced Wheeler-Feynman dark energy peak signal frequency ~ 10^14 Hz.

      visible light is 10^15 Hz
      The Schwarzschild radius (sometimes historically referred to as the gravitational radius) is the radius of a sphere such that, if all the mass of an object is compressed within that sphere, the escape speed from the surface of the sphere would equal the speed of light. An example of an object smalle...