Outside of my best-selling physics book Quantum Reality, my main contribution to the advancement of human knowledge seems to be to invent things that are wrong. But wrong in ways that lead to important new discoveries.

For instance in 1982, I proposed a new laser-based faster-than-light (FTL) signaling scheme which I called FLASH (First Laser-Amplified Superluminal Hookup) whose refutation by Wooters and Zurek, led directly to the discovery of the quantum no-cloning rule which now plays an important role in the brand-new field of quantum computing.

In 2008, I proposed another FTL signaling scheme called ETCALLHOME (Entanglement Telegraphed Communication Avoiding Light-speed Limitations using Hong-Ou-Mandel Effect) which was refuted before it was published by Lev Vaidman at Tel Aviv University and led directly to my discovery of the quantum no-wedding rule which has yet to find a good technological application.

Dr. Nick Herbert is one of the leading experts in the world on this topic. To read the rest of the article, click here.