Speaking of Soldier Systems articles, they recently published a short piece on Neptunic Technologies’ Neptech anti-slash/anti-stab fabric/textile material that was originally developed to create next-gen sharksuits by integrating it into standard diving wetsuits for defense against shark bites, but is apparently now being marketed for military and law enforcement tactical applications. The slash-resistant/stab-resistant mystery fabric is both breathable and water-permeable, as demonstrated by the Neptec demo video.
DR is curious as to how the Neptech mystery fabric/material compares to DuPont Kevlar XP (woven) aramid fiber/fabric with respect anti-stab/anti-slash performance, weight, and cost for the same level of anti-knife (or anti-ice pick) performance when integrated with tactical clothing (gloves, BDUs, combat shirts, pants, jackets, etc.).
I want to know, too. Click here.