On May 26, 2011, at 10:28 AM, JACK SARFATTI wrote:
No need for hysterical panic at this time.
Results Log
5/25 (9:48pm): The food chain samples have been updated with one new topsoil measurement (5/18) and one new strawberry measurement (5/19). The levels of all isotopes have significantly decreased in both samples. Iodine-131 is still present in the soil but it is now just above our minimum detectable level.
5/24 (10:17am): Since we have at this point received several "raw" milk samples, including five from a single farm, we have created a separate page for raw milk results, including plots of that farm's data.
In the process of refining the raw milk data, we found that we accidentally overestimated the Iodine-131 concentrations in raw milk. Our first measurements of raw milk had been reported with levels of I-131 that were much higher than store-bought milk. The root of the problem was that our analysis code accidentally over-corrected for the decay of I-131 in raw milk, and so the activity reported for I-131 was about 5 times too high. We have revised the code to report the correct activity, and the values are on par with the store-bought milk. This includes recent non-detections of I-131, and declining levels of Cs-134 and Cs-137.
5/23 (9:42pm): Milk samples with Best By dates of 5/26 and 5/31 were added to our Milk results. We have our fifth non-detection of I-131 in milk, and Cs-134 and Cs-137 both continue to decline.
5/23 (6:11pm): Air results were updated with our most recent sample, collected from 5/10-5/14 and counted for a 9 days. We have had our second non-detection in a row for I-131, and Cs-134 and C-137 continue to be at very low levels.
5/20 (5:35pm): A milk sample with a Best By date of 5/23 was added to our Milk results. We have our fourth non-detection of I-131 in milk. The latest data point for Cs-137 is slightly higher than the previous one, but within error bars, the trend continues to be a decline in both Cs-134 and Cs-137.
5/20 (5:15pm): The rain we collected on 5/15-16 has been analyzed and added to our rainwater page.This is our fifth rain sample in a row where we haven't detected any radioisotopes from Japan, and we have set our lowest detection limits yet.