I had brought this up first when Julian Assange mentioned there were UFOs mentioned in state department official cables. Nothing much has transpired since he admitted he had seen such cables, and that they existed.
Now I learn that our favorite freedom of information activist pursuing the US government coverup of UFOs, Larry Bryant has identified one such cable dated from November of 2005 in which the US State Department specifically instructed US Embassy personnel in the Ukraine to NOT discuss 'UFOs entering Earth Orbit', or concerns the Department of Defense has with such matters.
If anyone knows the FOIA game, Larry Bryant does. Bryant, along with co-author Barry J. Greenwood, wrote the Ufology classic, Clear Intent: The Government Coverup of the UFO Experience. This was the book that first revealed USAF documented cases of UFO sightings over a number of highly secure continental US ICBM bases. To read the rest of the article, click here. Also, see this article.