Gareth Lee Meredith "It's fake. I have conferred with other people. The background picture of jerusalem was a picture taken from wiki, and the whole thing was photoshoped. I was disappointed."

I have not paid attention to this topic. Expert Bruce Maccabee says he does not know without an extensive frame-by-frame analysis.

On Feb 4, 2011, at 5:46 PM, Bruce Maccabee wrote:

"It appears there are three videos taken at three considerably separated areas, but not sure of this.
Anyway, assign letters to events as follows:
Event A:  stationary light at altitude
B: light starts to move downward
C: light reaches lowest point and stops moving
D: light begins rapid ascent

Imagine a frame by frame analysis (need good uncompressed copies). If  real event the time from B to C should be equal for all videos showing events A, B and C The time from C to D should be the same in all.  This timing should be accurate to a fraction of a second (ideally to within 1/30 sec). We have a test fo ar hoax. The angular rates of descent and ascent depend upon the distance of the camera from the moving light. If real, the angular rate in the various videos should be proportional to the inverse of the distance (for a given velocity the angular velocity recorded when the sighting line is nearly perpendicular to the velocity vector, depends upon the distance of the camera from the light: for a given velocity the shorter the distance the greater the angular rate).  This can be done by CGI but the CGI guy has to do some calculations to make the angular rates of descent and ascent fit the expectations when videos are taken from different distances.

The apparent fact that there were cameras in several locations at considerable separation suggests that if not real, then there is a correlated effort to produce a hoax.  Would take a group effort or, given time and capability, a single person could do it, basically faking everything including the date of the event. Would be nice to see testimony of other witnesses. Working on it."