It’s hard to imagine the industrial town of Bonnybridge near Falkirk as a portal to another dimension but the everyday hustle and bustle of the area hides a more mysterious and sinister background.
Nicknamed the ‘UFO capital of Scotland’, Bonnybridge is a hotspot for extra-terrestrial activity and people from around the world have come to the town to gaze at the skies above. Some reports state there are over 300 UFO sightings a year in the town alone.
UFO expert and author of Beyond the Falkirk Triangle Ronald Halliday believes that Scotland’s twilight zone isn’t just restricted to the Falkirk area and there are strange lights to be seen all over the country. Is there something strange going on in Scotland’s skies?
Speaking to The Hour Ronald said: “People do have close up encounters and people do claim to have seen things that are very hard to explain right away.
“There have been thousands of reported sightings in Scotland and in fact the country has been labelled the UFO capital of the world. There has even been some suggestion that Scotland acts as a window into another dimension.