The UFO filmed in the State of Georgia on July 7, 2011 appears different from the typical glowing orb or disc-shaped UFOs usually documented on video. This new video from the UFO Global Reporting Center is just under a minute long and seems to show a UFO on a downward path through the sky.
You can launch this new UFO video at the left side of this page, or by clicking on the following link: UFO July 7, 2011 Georgia USA - By UFO Global Reporting Center
The object doesn't appear to rotate or glow, and the only other object seen in the video is a flock of birds. If you look at the path of the birds versus the movement of the UFO itself, it does seem that the object may be hanging motionless in the sky rather than falling toward the earth. It is difficult to tell given the lack of reference points.
The object in this Georgia video, is almost identical to the fiery UFO recently seen in the Mexican video. To read more and view the video, click here.