Cattle Mutilation: New mutilation event, this time in Misiones
Submitted by A. Simondini on 9/15/2011
Dr. Julio Frette, Vision Ovni’s consulting veterinarian, is currently researching this case.
Technical Information
Place: Paraje Solitario, Apóstoles, Misiones Province
Date of Discovery: N.A.
Number of Animals: N.A.
Missing Organs: Missing eye organ, incisions to the jaw, tongue completely excised, even hyoid bones, partial genital excision.
Apóstoles: The owner of a chacra (small farm) in Paraje Solitario, exactly on the border with the province of Corrientes, reported new attacks by “a large creature” of unknown origin which locals are already dubbing “The Chupacabras”, but which has been described in other accounts as “a large dog.”
The complainant, who lives on Lot 348, went out to do his farm chores and inspect the animals, as was his custom, as he owns livestock, and was faced with a terrifying tableau: several animals were dead, relieved of their eyes and tongues, and with their jaws and genitalia torn off, according to police sources.
The rise of the full moon, from Monday to Tuesday the 13th, added macabre and mystical overtones to the situation, when added to the discovery of the dead animals. Stories immediately circulated about what is taking place at Paraje Solitario. As local residents remarked to the authorities, events such as this had occurred before in adjacent farms, and even in the one at which the alleged “beast” caught its prey.
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