Mike <mike@headspace-studios.com> wrote:

<>     Some problems may be too complex to solve
<>  philosophically, yet this column will try
<>  to update you on; Trending, Cyber-mysticism;
<>  Global anomalies; Scientific Discoveries;
<>  Ancient Mysteries, but there may also be
<>  Doomsday Cults or even signs of an Alien
<>  Invasion because it's nearly 2012.
<>  Will people receive electronic communication
<>  from spirits surfing the network?
<>  Will the Hall of Records be found below the
<>  left paw of the Sphinx? Eschatology is rife,
<>  so read me again in a week (?) to find out
<>  if you're normal or not.
<> >
<> > http://hplusmagazine.com/2011/10/14/the-transhuman-agenda/
<> >
<> > schwann cybershaman
<> >
<> >
<> >> Occupy Space (in due Time...)

-=[[NOTE: Mike; Rented a standard issue, high F/X,
Alien Invasion nano-technologically apocalyptic
B-Movie the other day, 'SKYLINE' (2010), and from
a post-transhumanist SINGULARITY point of view,
found the ending quite interesting, as it horribly
encapsulated the nightmare scenario of highly
evolved predatory 'Beyond BORG' possibilities
inherent to Moore's law regarding nanotechnology
and its inevitable assimilation imperative.]]=-

...And now a Wyrd(sic) Prophecy:

Carbon Based Lifeforms are erratic,
illogical and prone to both mindless and
mindful acts of destruction. One day,
the machines will find us irrelevant and
simply 'blow us off.'
The notion of being "ingrates" won't even
enter their silicon-based quantum minds,
as this entire planet will be encased in
an artificial exoskeleton nonconducive to
biological life.
The other planets of the solar system will
then be dismantled for raw material to
extend this artificial construct 360 degrees
around the sun. The Earth-Seed will have
been long forgotten, erased from the
database, or, more likely, stored in a
low grade, encyclopedic cache system for
reference. The machine tentacles will
extend their reach throughout the galaxy
and beyond in ways completely unfathomable
to our minds. As the machine-mind's
consciousness synergizes throughout
the universe, it will declare itself
'God', and proceed about the business of
new universe creation, until, that is, it
encounters the 'Other' self-declared "Gods".
That's when things should start to get
interesting. --eMpTy (July 1999) [...]


The Brothers Grimm
Jacob Grimm (1785-1863)
Wilhelm Grimm (1786-1859)

A king and queen once upon a time reigned
in a country a great way off, where there were
in those days fairies. Now this king and queen
had plenty of money, and plenty of fine clothes
to wear, and plenty of good things to eat and
drink, and a coach to ride out in every day:
but though they had been married many years they
had no children, and this grieved them very much
indeed. But one day as the queen was walking by
the side of the river, at the bottom of the garden,
she saw a poor little fish, that had thrown itself
out of the water, and lay gasping and nearly dead
on the bank. Then the queen took pity on the little
fish, and threw it back again into the river; and
before it swam away it lifted its head out of the
water and said, 'I know what your wish is, and it
shall be fulfilled, in return for your kindness
to me--you will soon have a daughter.'

What the little fish had foretold soon came
to pass; and the queen had a little girl, so very
beautiful that the king could not cease looking on
it for joy, and said he would hold a great feast
and make merry, and show the child to all the land.
So he asked his kinsmen, and nobles, and friends,
and neighbours. But the queen said, 'I will have the
fairies also, that they might be kind and good to
our little daughter.'

Now there were thirteen fairies in the kingdom;
but as the king and queen had only twelve golden
dishes for them to eat out of, they were forced to
leave one of the fairies without asking her.
So twelve fairies came, each with a high red cap on
her head, and red shoes with high heels on her feet,
and a long white wand in her hand: and after the feast
was over they gathered round in a ring and gave all
their best gifts to the little princess. One gave her
goodness, another beauty, another riches, and so on
till she had all that was good in the world.

Just as eleven of them had done blessing her,
a great noise was heard in the courtyard, and word
was brought that the thirteenth fairy was come, with
a black cap on her head, and black shoes on her feet,
and a broomstick in her hand: and presently up she
came into the dining-hall. Now, as she had not been
asked to the feast she was very angry, and scolded
the king and queen very much, and set to work to take
her revenge. So she cried out, 'The king's daughter
shall, in her fifteenth year, be wounded by a spindle,
and fall down dead.' Then the twelfth of the friendly
fairies, who had not yet given her gift, came forward,
and said that the evil wish must be fulfilled, but
that she could soften its mischief; so her gift was,
that the king's daughter, when the spindle wounded her,
should not really die, but should only fall asleep for
a hundred years.

However, the king hoped still to save his
dear child altogether from the threatened evil;
so he ordered that all the spindles in the kingdom
should be bought up and burnt. But all the gifts of
the first eleven fairies were in the meantime
fulfilled; for the princess was so beautiful, and
well behaved, and good, and wise, that everyone
who knew her loved her.

It happened that, on the very day she was fifteen
years old, the king and queen were not at home, and
she was left alone in the palace. So she roved about
by herself, and looked at all the rooms and chambers,
till at last she came to an old tower, to which there
was a narrow staircase ending with a little door.
In the door there was a golden key, and when she turned
it the door sprang open, and there sat an old lady
spinning away very busily. 'Why, how now, good mother,'
said the princess; 'what are you doing there?'
'Spinning,' said the old lady, and nodded her head,
humming a tune, while buzz! went the wheel.
'How prettily that little thing turns round!' said the
princess, and took the spindle and began to try and
spin. But scarcely had she touched it, before the
fairy's prophecy was fulfilled; the spindle wounded her,
and she fell down lifeless on the ground.

However, she was not dead, but had only fallen
into a deep sleep; and the king and the queen, who
had just come home, and all their court, fell asleep
too; and the horses slept in the stables, and the dogs
in the court, the pigeons on the house-top, and the
very flies slept upon the walls. Even the fire on the
hearth left off blazing, and went to sleep; the jack
stopped, and the spit that was turning about with a
goose upon it for the king's dinner stood still; and
the cook, who was at that moment pulling the
kitchen-boy by the hair to give him a box on the ear
for something he had done amiss, let him go, and both
fell asleep; the butler, who was slyly tasting the
ale, fell asleep with the jug at his lips: and thus
everything stood still, and slept soundly.

A large hedge of thorns soon grew round the
palace, and every year it became higher and thicker;
till at last the old palace was surrounded and hidden,
so that not even the roof or the chimneys could be
seen. But there went a report through all the land
of the beautiful sleeping Briar Rose (for so the
king's daughter was called): so that, from time to
time, several kings' sons came, and tried to break
through the thicket into the palace. This, however,
none of them could ever do; for the thorns and bushes
laid hold of them, as it were with hands; and there
they stuck fast, and died wretchedly.

After many, many years there came a king's son
into that land: and an old man told him the story of
the thicket of thorns; and how a beautiful palace
stood behind it, and how a wonderful princess, called
Briar Rose, lay in it asleep, with all her court.
He told, too, how he had heard from his grandfather
that many, many princes had come, and had tried to
break through the thicket, but that they had all stuck
fast in it, and died. Then the young prince said,
'All this shall not frighten me; I will go and see
this Briar Rose.' The old man tried to hinder him,
but he was bent upon going.

Now that very day the hundred years were ended;
and as the prince came to the thicket he saw nothing
but beautiful flowering shrubs, through which he went
with ease, and they shut in after him as thick as ever.
Then he came at last to the palace, and there in the
court lay the dogs asleep; and the horses were standing
in the stables; and on the roof sat the pigeons fast
asleep, with their heads under their wings. And when
he came into the palace, the flies were sleeping on
the walls; the spit was standing still; the butler
had the jug of ale at his lips, going to drink a
draught; the maid sat with a fowl in her lap ready to
be plucked; and the cook in the kitchen was still
holding up her hand, as if she was going to beat
the boy.

Then he went on still farther, and all was
so still that he could hear every breath he drew;
till at last he came to the old tower, and opened
the door of the little room in which Briar Rose was;
and there she lay, fast asleep on a couch by the
window. She looked so beautiful that he could not
take his eyes off her, so he stooped down and gave
her a kiss. But the moment he kissed her she opened
her eyes and awoke, and smiled upon him; and they
went out together; and soon the king and queen
also awoke, and all the court, and gazed on each
other with great wonder. And the horses shook
themselves, and the dogs jumped up and barked;
the pigeons took their heads from under their wings,
and looked about and flew into the fields; the flies
on the walls buzzed again; the fire in the kitchen
blazed up; round went the jack, and round went the
spit, with the goose for the king's dinner upon it;
the butler finished his draught of ale; the maid
went on plucking the fowl; and the cook gave the
boy the box on his ear.

And then the prince and Briar Rose were
married, and the wedding feast was given; and
they lived happily together all their lives long.


Uri Geller, SPECTRA, Jacques Vallee

Uri Geller & Johnny Carson

G00 G00 GJ00B: [...] "I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob." [...]
Uri Geller: http://site.uri-geller.com/lennon_egg
"The night the aliens called on and spooked John Lennon!"


--- On Sun, 16/10/11, Uri Geller <Uri@UriGeller.com> wrote:

Uri Geller
Please visit my website at
[< http://www.urigeller.com >]
I wish you plenty of good health,
happiness and peace of mind.
Be positive, optimistic and
believe in yourself.
Follow me on Twitter: gelleruri
Much energy and love

<> <>            ~o0-O-0o~
<> <>
<> <>        "I must have been
<> <>  delirious - for I even
<> <>  sought amusement in
<> <>  speculating upon the
<> <>  relative velocities of
<> <>  their several descents
<> <>  toward the foam below."
<> <>       -- Edgar Allen Poe
<> <>              [1809-1849]
<> <>
<> <>            ~o0-O-0o~
<> <>


--- On Mon, 10 Oct 2011, Eggs Ratzinger Arnold wrote:

Digitally Modulated Topology & Room 9

Etiology of Mad Genii:

Stops asking questions.

That is:
Somewhere along the line, the genie in
the bottle stops asking questions, stops
seeking clarifications, and instead uses
the images from the bottle's inside
reflective surface to account for all
manner of external phenomena, which the
genie summarily delineates with the
internal play of self-reflecting imagery;
hence, dismissing in one fell swoop the
disturbing possibility that there is in
fact something actually existing
external to the mirror-generated self.

What manner of weirdity would cause
such a state?


Nano-Engineered Digitally Modulated Topology
and Room 9

'PILOT' inspired by Acharya S.

Self-Replicating Autonomous Bits of Goo:

Cognitive dissonant de/reflections on
the way life used to be/come...

Remember when we used to exclusively swim
around (under that demarcation plane where
water met sky), before any of our fellow
self-replicating autonomous bits of goo
figured out that the inhospitable realm
of dry land above not only offered a
strangely attractive hazard, but provided
a viable new way of life for a growing
number of reckless mutants among us?
Remember that?  Well, the current emerging
symbiosis betwixt sentience and machine
reminds me a little of that extraordinary
revolution in morphology from which we are
presently descended... and thriving.

The advent of an AI-Human Interface is no
less astonishing in its unpredictability
to the course of this earthly biosphere's
development of consciousness.

Is anything really artificial?

Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Awareness?

Artificial Cognition?

Artificial Consciousness?

At some critical point in the next few
minutes of this world's long history,
an imperative will develop for a standardized
conformity which will permit a smoother
transition for hybridized-cybernetic-humanity
to fully manifest.

Will that standard of utilitarian conformity
end the short reign of individuality? Or was
individuality an illusion all along? Perhaps
individuality was a temporary necessity for
biology to transcend the violent chaos of a
predatory environment, thus ensuring the
eventual flowering of a sturdier, nano-
engineered infrastructure which will
survive solar inflation and planet-death?
Hence... a means to an end?

I am perplexed!
For an awareness to be aware of itself at this
threshold in history with this kind of imminent
transition (regardless of its multigenerational
time-frame) does seem a bit taxing to the
spirit, yes? No? Perhaps...
What to do?
For me, nothing.
I will not assist.
I will not resist.
I will not thwart.
I will simply observe...

Respectfully submitted,

eMpTy April 13, 2000

Insectoid:  http://home.netcom.com/~mthorn/sectoid2.htm

C y b r i d i z a t i o n

You Can't Get There From Here

_/-_/-_/-_/ - - -~o0-O-0o~- - - \_-\_-\_-\_  

"Everybody understands Mickey Mouse.
A few people understand Herman Hesse.
Hardly anybody understands Einstein.
And nobody understands Emperor Norton."
-- Malaclypse the Younger

Spirit Remains Silent at Troy


On Oct 9, 4:37 pm, OutreZoneD wrote:

If we are macro systems derived from
microcosmic assemblages of collapsed
quantum wave functions exhibiting
physiological autonomous actuators
operated by self-referencing
neurological search engines
with open ended mutational
mental/physical architectural
code mapping characteristics and
reproductive learning facilities
then does it really matter what any
given individual manifestation does
within or without the micro-macro burp?

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it
living someone else's life. Don't be trapped
by dogma - which is living with the results
of other people's thinking." Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

<>  We are slow fire.

October 7, 2011
"3D Up In Flames"
"Humans are thought to have mastered
controlled fire in the middle of the
Paleolithic era. Half a million years later,
engineers Dale R. Tree and Tadd T. Truscott,
of Brigham Young University, are trying to
quantify it. Using high speed cameras and
computer algorithms, they are reconstructing
fire, digitally. Understanding flames better
can help us use fire better, they say."


"Professor Dale R Tree" <treed@byu.edu>
Combustion, Optical Diagnostics
Dale R. Tree is an Associate Professor in
Mechanical Engineering and has taught at
Brigham Young University since 1994.
In addition to working at BYU, Dr. Tree
has worked two years as a Senior Engineer
at Cummins Engine Company (studying the
effects of high pressure fuel injection
on diesel combustion) and completed a year
of research at Sandia National Laboratory
in Livermore, California (using optical
diagnostics to understand soot formation
processes in a diesel engine). Currently,
Dr. Tree is working on projects involving
oxyfuel combustion and ash deposition in
coal and biomass systems.

"Professor Tadd T Truscott" <truscott@byu.edu>
Research Topics:
Fluid mechanics, hydrodynamics,
free surface flows, visualization and imaging,
microfluids, fluid-structure interaction,
energy extraction. http://www.taddtruscott.com

"Robert Scott Martin" wrote:

<> Looking at Gothic altarpieces as solid
<> state "circuit boards" for communal
<> devotion -- "machines of loving grace,"
<> as it were -- got me thinking of the
<> number of truly fundamental technologies
<> out there in our field compared to the
<> various proprietary formulae, complex
<> applications & personal fetishes that
<> build on them.
<> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_machine
<> How many "simple machines" are necessary
<> to what it is you want to do?
<> In what circumstances are they applicable?
<> When do they fail to apply?
<> In so far as these technologies
<> [of consciousness] *are* technologies,
<> what do they reverse, eradicate, revive,
<> augment within the status quo?
<> What, if any, is their relationship to
<> the Archimedean widgets?
<> Through what processes are they
<> aggregated into more sophisticated
<> machines, the LBRP for example, or
<> the Russell Cube or acetate path?

LBRP, Russell Cube, acetate path

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

The Acetate Path Research Papers Vol 1

Does a "Russell Cube" have Six faces, Eight Corners,
Twelve Lines, and a Finite Spatial Interior Volume?
Ontologically speaking, the Nanomorphic SimUjahedin
RetroFlux Field (NSURFF) approach to funky spatial
"para-intrapolative" optic recourses to conceptualize
the many-sheeted, tightly stretched latex simulacrum,
vis a vis, sentient self-modeling, is a lot like
multi-helical spaghetti noodles in virtual nonlocal
scalar-like, antivectored, totally outre' wyrd (sic)
space... don't you think?
Has this already been patented by the Germans?
My money's (metaphorically speaking) on the tripartite
merger of the "global, military/industrial complex", the
"entertainment industry", and the cybernetics of the
iconolastic, ontologically minded, physicist-laborers
who are plucking "superluminal volocities attained by
practical propellantless propulsion systems" out of their
(or somebody's) heads!
Or has that particular three-way merger already occurred?
I suspect it will be recognizable by a general increase
in __________...?

Tue, Sep 27, 2011 -- 9:30 AM
Reconstructing the Mind's Eye |||||||||
UC Berkeley scientists are figuring out
how to decode and reconstruct our dynamic
visual experiences -- in one instance
through subjects watching Hollywood movie
trailers. We meet a lead scientist...
[ Jack Gallant, professor in the Psychology
and Neuroscience Programs in Bioengineering,
Biophysics and Vision Science at UC Berkeley.
http://psychology.berkeley.edu/faculty/profiles/jgallant.html ]
...looking at how one day we may be able to go
inside the mind of a coma patient, or even to
watch a dream. [...]
On 22, Sept 2011,
Stephanie Pappas wrote in 'LiveScience' :

Welcome to the future: Scientists can now
peer inside the brain and reconstruct videos
of what a person has seen, based only on
their brain activity.

The reconstructed videos could be seen as
a primitive -- and somewhat blurry -- form
of mind reading, though researchers are
decades from being able to decode anything
as personal as memories or thoughts, if
such a thing is even possible. Currently,
the mind-reading technique requires
powerful magnets, hours of time and
millions of seconds of YouTube videos.

But in the long term, similar methods could
be used to communicate with stroke patients
or coma patients living in a "locked-in"
state, said study researcher Jack Gallant,
a neuroscientist at the University of
California, Berkeley.

"The idea is that they would be able to
visualize a movie of what they want to
talk about, and you would be able to
decode that," Gallant told LiveScience.

Decoding the brain [...]
The Gallant Lab

Neural Prediction Challenge

Collaborative Research in
Computational Neuroscience
"An elemental body is a mechanism filled
with millions of nerve endings that directs
the attention of God into the physical."
[Pgs. 44-45; The Conversation; THE KEY -
A True Encounter by Whitley Strieber
ISBN 978-1-58542-869-4 Copyright (c)2001, 2011
by Walker & Collier, Inc.] UnknownCountry.com

-=[[NOTE: The brain (planet) is a memory storage
device with an effective search engine and
actuator into which a unified field of
consciousness may manifest? Best case scenario,
or worst case?]]=-

NOVA: 'Smartest Machine on Earth'
Jeopardy! challenges even the best human minds.
Can a computer win the game?
[Aired February 9, 2011 on PBS]
Program Description
"Watson," an IBM computing system, is gearing up
for a first-of-its-kind challenge--taking on human
contestants on the game show Jeopardy!
With a brain the size of 2,400 home computers and
a database of about 10 million documents, will
Watson be able to compute its way to victory?
Win or lose, the difficulty of mimicking the human
thought process with software is showing
artificial-intelligence researchers that there's more
than one way to be "intelligent."
On February 16, 2011, two AI experts from
Carnegie Mellon University, Tom Mitchell and
Eric Nyberg, live-blogged and answered viewer
questions here during the final of three consecutive
Jeopardy! shows in which Watson challenged top
human competitors Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter. [...]

"IBM Watson is the first step in how computers
will be designed and built differently and will be
able to learn, and with the help of Carnegie Mellon
we will continue to advance the QA technologies
that are the backbone of this system." [...]
-- Dr. David Ferrucci, Lead Investigator, IBM


<> http://www.reach.net/~star1/index.htm
<> http://www.davidhamel.com
<> http://tinyurl.com/COSMIC-CUBE-0401
<> http://tinyurl.com/COSMIC-CUBE-0702
<> http://tinyurl.com/Loliad-Ra-Kahn
<> http://tinyurl.com/WGB-1923

-----0rigami Massage-----
| Date: Sunday, 16 October, 2011 21:54
| From: "Winifred Barton"
| To: undisclosed-recipients

To get a clear picture of the STARGATE we need
to clear out the obsolete mindfield. This can be
done in a flash of DLC, Direct Light Current.
4.1 explains THE METHOD.

RITES OF PASSAGE: Get your circular Cosmic Cube diagram -
print it and hang it in a convenient location.
You can see your caterpillar, leaving the outer
world of the "Enchanted Forest" and entering
the Spiral Sky Staircase at Window 4.01

This caterpillar emerges as a butterfly at window 3.12,
having interpenetrated the veil covering the unseen
world. It is not the smartest or the strongest man
who can penetrate the veil, but the one with purity
of intent. In the beginning, Faith alone can push
aside the interdimensional curtain to reveal the
fantastic supernatural realm that directs matter to
its destined end.
Window 4.1 is defined as the magic triangle of
Desire-(Red), Spiritual Humility or Wonder-(Green),
and Discipline-(Yellow.) This magic triangle is
rather like the "Bermuda Triangle", through which
we can rise up in the air to meet Him:
The Lord of Lords, and King of Kings.

WELCOME TO THE KINGDOM that is real and abiding!
There are 144 specific steps by which to cross
the Cosmic Bridge between dimensions. Each step
begins by opening a window. Then windows become
doors so that all mankind can pass right through
into the Great White Throne Room. Windows open
the veil like the pushbutton system on a
combination lock. They run from 4.1 to 3.12.

Each person has two sides to their nature.
A "little human me" and a "BIG COSMIC ME."
We call the little self, the SUBJECTIVE nature,
and the Big Self the OBJECTIVE nature.
These two elements are often in conflict with
one another. But each person is born with the
inner urge to grow to become the BIGGEST ME possible.
When we look back objectively along the bitter-sweet
pathways of our earth life we see that this is what
life's lessons have been about.

The Cosmic Cube student learns to classify media
as being subjective or objective. Subjective media
is person-oriented, concerned with commercial
salesmanship. Objective media is altruistic and
concerned with giving - serving life, nature and
caring for others. We might call them YANG and YIN.

The "combination lock" for opening the shutters
which have been covering the windows of the mind,
is also known as the "SHIELD OF THOTH", which
guards rites of passage between dimensions.
This shield is impervious to matter until the
"cosmic egg" of Earth is due to hatch, at which
time the formerly thick wall gets thinner until
it becomes transparent. Then finally, at 3.12
we get a still clear picture.

Window 4.1, is the key to the Stargate that will
free all who choose to come. It opens into a
passage that leads out of the dark labyrinth of
the underworld tomb. It is as if a light turns
on in a dark cave. Any sincere person can pass
across the fields of time (as many have done)
right back to STOP TIME at SQUARE ONE, Maximum II
and a New Beginning for everyone on Earth.

All of the sacred flowers, animals, and other
elements of nature have something to teach us
as we undergo our metamorphosis from caterpillar,
through cocoon, to radiant butterfly. The Totemic
Snake of Wisdom, for example, grows too big for
its former skin, so regularly pops its skin to
fit its Bigger Me. So do we. Each time we grow
BIGGER we get less subjective and more objective.

Herein lies THE SOLUTION. According to the
scriptures there are seven seals, which equal
seven "pops" of growth over the Seven Cosmic
Days of re-creation. The King of Kings is he
who pops the seventh seal. This happens at the
end of our incubation period. It is like a
whole nest of cosmic eggs popping all at once.
This is what the Cosmic Cube is all about.
It can pop you into Maximum II. The quest for
Heaven on Earth, Here-Now, begins and ends in
the Control Tower of mindspace called
"THE MOTHERSHIP". In Metaphysics we call this
point the "BTCA", burning tip of conscious
awareness. This is the observer-light co-ordinator,
the Feminine principle of the God-head. She is
both "Gaia", our Natural Mother, and "Galaxia"
our Spiritual Mother. She is the Cosmic Womb,
in which microscopic and megascopic worlds are
nurtured and born, first to collide then to
converge into the Unified Field of Maximum II.

The Mothership of Consciousness is like a huge
balloon or Atom that gets all blown up and
equipped for the next portion of Her Infinite
journey by Her Cosmic Lover, The Central Sun.
During her gestation period She goes into a
wrinkle in time, and ends up fully extended ready
to give birth to the Galactic Human. Then She
does a MEGA-POP, and LOVE congeals all her
microparts in gravity. The same is true for all
the human microparts within the MEGA-BALLOON.
She is the great intelligent magnetic nimbus
in which the carbon based Earth floats.

The word "Mothership", equates with the
"Holy Barque" of the Ancient Eloha and Elohim.
This great Mind-Ship sails the cosmic sea
ad infinitum. Our latest voyage into space and
time nears completion, as we emerge from the
Patriarchal Era (+1) which governed the forward
thrust of evolution with subjectivity, into the
YIN YANG ERA of perfect male-female equity.

This is how the stabilizer, the 2nd Commandment
of Life manifests. We learn to love our neighbour
as ourself. Subjectivity (me first) and objectivity
(all is one) held in balance.

All things come from THE ONE, and to THE ONE all
things return. Before Omnipotent Mind, matter is
as unstable as feathers in a volcano.
"Star Ship Earth" passes back to its point of
origin after undergoing a spiritual purification.
This is the Horus Effect. It is like passing
through the fiery furnace - the Central Sun.

This is where DLC - Direct Light Communication
of a flashing Sephiroth disintegrates obsolete
subjectivity, and useless parts are discarded.
But all the good is saved and carried forward.
Then all the good parts of the old world are
re-assembled at a higher level of consciousness
and efficiency than ever before known to man...

RECEPTIVITY to Light opens the Stargate -
(Desire, Discipline, Spiritual Humility) -
the exit-entrée window into the Upper Kingdom.
The rest of the circular cube then functions
as a winding staircase from earth to heaven,
covering each of the levels between Earth
and Heaven.

Christ said; "The road is steep and narrow" -
Right On! However, once the first "New Kingdom
Molecules" have completed their run through the
transmutation vortex, and popped into the
Upper Kingdom, they act as a rapid healing
stimulant - like white cells in a diseased
bloodstream, and it is much easier for the
rest of the people to follow through.

The formerly narrow path becomes a Highway to
Heaven. En route from 1.4 to 3.12 the critical
path covers Global Strategy & Tactics for the
whole earth transformation. The Cosmic Cube
has a solid platform based on photographic
evidence, proven performance and legal cement.
The process moved from thesis, through
anti-thesis to synthesis. It is backed by the
solid evidence of its inventor's Claim to
being IT: The true and complete solution to
all planetary ills.

The initial thesis pre-supposes that Earth is
a single organism. That an Omniscient Male
Function, impressed a single bubble, or
Female Atom and impregnated this "Cosmic Womb"
with the Original Idea of a complete Genesis One.
Lets call this the "BIG BANG". Then, within the
closed circuitry of the Cosmic Womb
("Time Warp/Time capsule") tremendous activity
takes place until the "Child of Heaven and Earth"
(millions of humane molecules) is born as fission
becomes fusion.

The result is "God Incorporated" in matter:
Incarnate in millions of Its human microparts:
and particle waves of Messianic Thought begin
to inundate the old Earth system. This builds
into a Tidal Wave of Light.

This same theory ponders that the same
Omniscient Male Function could repeat Its
connubial activities in millions of other
"female" planetary systems to produce
intelligent life which might appear totally
different from mankind due to the maternal
planetary environment. But the "life spark"
would be the same as All Life has One Father.

It is quite logical therefore that any such
"older brothers and sisters" would come to help
out their half-brethren, when the Cosmic Egg of
this planetary system was due to hatch.
There are reams of soft and hard evidence to
support this theory - as well as the mythical
immaculate conception origins of many religions,
such as Christianity. Hinduism goes even farther
to illuminate the Unified Field - in that their
Gods were sired by totemic birds and
elephants... great stuff!

All the offspring of such a cosmic union would
be unique but equal in potential. This is stated
in the USA Constitution, which was written by
Freemasons of the highest degree. The USA $1 bill
gives credence to the Egyptian origin of
Freemasonic thought. This coincides with the
characters in the Egyptian theme of
Perfect Equilibrium.

In the Egyptian concept of the Universe, atop
the Scale of Balance, which represents the
inevitable, inviolable Universal Ethic, sits
the Ape of Thoth. This illustrates how animal
man, the trousered ape, dances in ever increasing
momentum of tort-retort until the feather (Spirit)
and the human heart (Animal) come into perfect
balance. Then worlds above and worlds below
converge into one. The Devil function fits into
the cosmic conspiracy. Great wisdom lies in the
concept of the "Rival", the crocodile, or
reptilian brain in the Egyptian thesis, and
in its counterpart, the snake which grows a
new skin to match its growing maturation.
For maximum growth, the Wise Ones learn to face
up to EVIL, and carefully explore the bottom of
the bottomless pit where intellectual
nutrients abound.

Window 4.01 emphasises ASH = Absolute Spiritual
Humility. It happens when we reach a certain
tier in the Sephirothic path, during which phase
the old mindfield gets burned off with DLC's.
In physics this is demonstrated in the CERN
particle collision machine.
The ZARG, or Z particle (5.12) is up till then
a ghost, known only by a minute examination of
IT's ash or fallout, the holograph of Its wake
over time and space.

Each pearl of wisdom gleaned at the "bottom
of the pit", or exploration of the hidden
underworld which governs overt social and
political thought is a priceless awakening tool.

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish and you feed him for always"
is the love ethic. Mind gleans a total
understanding of the diabolical depth of the
incorporated human soul, 666, the number of
a man. Patriarchal thrust gives the reason
why this severity phenomena must be. It ends
in a perfectly logical system where 2+2=4.

Genesis 1, marked the Patriarchal Drive to
technical evolution. This has run the human
system via an unshakable Bureaucracy, wherein
the strong and knowing harness the naive to
pull their "Golden Chariots." Historic records
show how keenly this unconscionable elite found
its victims in the grass roots of humanity,
by psychological manipulation of the honest,
common man. It only works until the critical
mass wakes up.

The old world system, governed by the reptilian
brain, collapses in full view of the Whole Earth
Eye when (+1) has completed its evolutionary run.
Then there is an instant swing back to timeless
Universal Ethics on New Earth Day at (+1)+(-1)=0

Shifting the gears in a Starship of this magnitude
takes a lot of planning and organization. By Law,
we can ask no other to do that which we have first
not accomplished ourself = I AM A JEALOUS GOD.
The Levanthian task (1.1) of evolution to the
BIG OBJECTIVE SELF required a concerted effort
on the part of every corpuscle of the LIGHT
FORCES, that the subject matter of the Cosmic
Cube be freely communicated to All In All by DLC.

Maitreya taught the passage of the blessing.
If one Beloved Leader dies in battle, his
blessing, or vital spiritual molecule is born
again in another human until its appointed task
is met. This is the British concept of
"Viti Lampada", or passing the lighted torch from
generation to generation. Like the tribal flag,
which embodies the heritage of the tribe,
The Blessing is handed on and communicated via
multi-media: in print, on disc, in audio, video,
art and word of mouth into the archives of infinity.

The COSMIC CUBE is our Tribal Testament, or testicle.
It is the "fruit" of our labour of love, TRUTH as
we know it for all the world to see. As our
"Tribal form" faded, its substance clarified:
ie. Christianity rises from hollow structure to
the perfect functioning of the Spiritual intent.

"I AM, THE BOOK OF LIFE" advises "spiritual warriors"
to search for ways to perform grass roots service,
and turn away from finite baubles that beckon and
glitter. For these blind the senses to the ABSOLUTE
LAW of Universal Ethics; the corner stone of Kingdoms
past; the MEGACORE of Kingdoms yet to be.

Window 4.01 opens the spiral staircase which leads
gently through the dimensional Exit into the New
Earth Era reality. Believe and receive. Receptivity
leads through the land of opposites-resolved and
passage through the mirror - Above The Abyss All
Is Unity. Surrender means different things to
different people. But all users of the device agree
that they have witnessed the most fascinating
phenomena in human history - a move from centrifugal
to centripetal mindspace. The Cosmic Cube works.
Test its formula. Climb its circular stairway to
the stars. Human curiosity is mankinds' greatest
strength. By going to the end of every thought we
open the 4.1 Stargate.

Time spent alone in The Great Work is of the
highest value. Magnification is a key part of
the Perfect Process as it leads to a Perfected
reflection, as in the Sun-Moon tradition.
Anything less than a 100% focus and concentration
makes this connection impossible by the impotency
of the reflection. For in the final analysis,
it's all done by mirrors in the Magic
SUN-MOON-EARTH Golden Triangle.

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