Reader beware, I don't have time to check this claim out right now. - Jack Sarfatti

An interesting notion sort of evolved in my mind at a gradual and varying rate roughly the time I was attending Mass last Sunday. The idea may at first seem rather freaky at first but the reader will soon understand how the concept is within the current paradigm of physics and cosmology.

The idea essentially involves methods for slowing time down in an overall manner for a cosmically wondering civilization, perhaps a nomadic one analogous to that of the rag tag fleet in the 1970s TV series Battle Star Galactica.

By now, folks who are avid readers of my posts who have no academic training in physics, astronomy, or engineering, and who otherwise avoided scientific curriculum in college are well versed in the basic physics of the Lorentz Transformation Factor of gamma = {1/{1 – [(v/C)2]}}1/2. Many of such folks are aware of the notion of relativistic time dilation if only from reading science fiction novels as well as from viewing popular TV programs about the universe and/or deep space travel. Another source of basic explanations of relativistic time dilation are popularization of physics and cosmology books such as the late Carl Sagan’s Cosmos and the numerous books authored by the great cosmologist, Stephen Hawking, such as A Brief History Of Time.

Well the ideas I am about to present are no doubt already covered in science fiction literature, but I am going to provide you with a mathematically simple explanation of how they can really be made to



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