Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking launches this week on Blu-Ray and DVD.

The mini-series, in three hour-long episodes, covers a lot of ground. It’s not scheduled to air on the Discovery Channel until April/May.

But I got an advance copy of the Blu-Ray and have immersed myself in the world of black holes, dark energy and alternate forms of life–partially narrated by the iconic cosmologist from his wheel chair on the grounds of Cambridge University.

For a preview, Discovery offers a brief playlist of segments from two of the episodes: here and here.

In the first segment, Hawking discusses the possibility of extra-terrestrial life, first for the sheer fun of imagining different species as the products of evolution in wildly different environments from Earth.

From there, he imagines the possibility that there are intelligent species advanced enough to manipulate star-sized sources of energy and travel across galaxies via wormholes.

To read more, click here.