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Science News
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Published Date
Can a Jellyfish Unlock the Secret of Immortality?
30 November 2012
Supersymmetry Fails Test, Forcing Physics to Seek New Ideas
30 November 2012
3-D Chip Promises Better Brain Control
30 November 2012
Scientists discover frozen organic material on Mercury
30 November 2012
New experiments challenge fundamental understanding of electromagnetism
28 November 2012
Undisclosed Finding by Mars Rover Fuels Intrigue
28 November 2012
Gargantuan Black Hole Occupies Modest Galaxy
28 November 2012
DNA imaged with electron microscope for the first time
28 November 2012
What truly exists? Structure as a route to the real
28 November 2012
Humans head for moon's orbit – and beyond
28 November 2012
What If NASA Could Figure Out the Math of a Workable Warp Drive?
28 November 2012
British company claims biggest engine advance since the jet
28 November 2012
Modeling Quantum Field Theory
27 November 2012
Isolated patch of water, trapped under ice, sustains bacterial community
27 November 2012
Unexpected data from the Large Hadron Collider suggest the collisions may be producing a new type of matter
27 November 2012
Graphene switches: Team makes it to first base
27 November 2012
Graphene/Nanotube Hybrid Makes Single-Surface Material for Energy Storage, Electronics
27 November 2012
How NASA might build its very first warp drive
27 November 2012
New device hides, on cue, from infrared cameras: Tunable material boasts nearly 100 percent absorption
27 November 2012
Alien 'Hairspray' Used In 'Terraforming' Planets May Aid In Hunt For Extraterrestrial Life
27 November 2012
Scientists test novel power system for space travel (w/ video)
26 November 2012
Martian Colony Designed by Private Space Flight Company
26 November 2012
First Observation of Gravitational Waves is 'Imminent'
26 November 2012
Will NASA soon announce discovery of Martian fossils by Curiosity Rover?
25 November 2012
Can Life Emerge on Planets That Orbit Cooling Stars?
23 November 2012
Single Photon Could Detect Quantum-Scale Black Holes
23 November 2012
Google Game Could Be Augmented Reality's First Killer App
23 November 2012
Curiosity result could confirm Mars life, says Levin
23 November 2012
Has Curiosity made an 'Earth-shaking' discovery?
21 November 2012
Broadband electromagnetic cloaking with smart metamaterials
21 November 2012
Human brain, internet, and cosmology: Similar laws at work?
20 November 2012
Scientists Find Cheaper Way to Ensure Internet Security
20 November 2012
Quantum Cryptography At The End Of Your Road
20 November 2012
Martian history: Finding a common denominator with Earth's
20 November 2012
Truant particles turn the screw on supersymmetry
20 November 2012
Invisibility Cloak Breakthroughs Demonstrated in NYC
19 November 2012
Kepler Moves Into Extended Mission
19 November 2012
Chiral Quantum Textures
19 November 2012
'Fiscal cliff' threatens R&D programs
19 November 2012
Time's quantum arrow has a preferred direction: BaBar experiment confirms time asymmetry
19 November 2012
Quantum teleportation between atomic ensembles demonstrated for first time
19 November 2012
Revolutionary advance in using sunlight to produce steam without boiling water
19 November 2012
The Stars Are Beginning To Go Out…
19 November 2012
Strange Signal at Galactic Center–Is It Dark Matter?
19 November 2012
Fabrication Trick Offers Fivefold Leap in Hard-Disk Capacity
19 November 2012
Google’s Internet Service Might Actually Bring the U.S. Up to Speed
19 November 2012
Roaming robot may explore mysterious Moon caverns
19 November 2012
Faked research is endemic in China
19 November 2012
3-D Light Switch for the Brain: Device May Help Treat Parkinson's, Epilepsy; Aid Understanding of Consciousness
19 November 2012
Scientists Chart the Emergence of High-Temperature Superconductivity
19 November 2012
Mystery Sources of Gamma Rays Baffle Astronomers
19 November 2012
The downside of warp drives: Annihilating whole star systems when you arrive
18 November 2012
Meteorites Reveal Warm Water Existed on Mars
17 November 2012
Major Breakthrough in Ballistic Armoring Materials
17 November 2012
The black box that could change the world (don't bank on it)
16 November 2012
Nanotube yarn flexes its muscles
16 November 2012
Important progress for spintronics: A spin amplifier to be used in room temperature
16 November 2012
Why Einstein Was a Genius
16 November 2012
Pushing Boundaries of Electron Microscopy to Unlock the Potential of Graphene
16 November 2012
Beating the Dark Side of Quantum Computing
16 November 2012
Melt Water On Mars Could Sustain Life, New Research Suggests
16 November 2012
Scientists Discover Ways to Optimize Light Sources for Vision: Tuning Lighting Devices Could Save Billions
16 November 2012
Physicists skirt thermal vibration, transfer optical signal via mechanical oscillator
16 November 2012
NASA Innovator of Year Hunts for Extraterrestrial Amino Acids
16 November 2012
First Teleportation From One Macroscopic Object to Another
15 November 2012
A Guide to ExoPlanet Hunting
14 November 2012
Quantum dots entangled with single photons
14 November 2012
Higgs boson continues to be maddeningly well-behaved
14 November 2012
Hovering moon base may be on NASA's horizon
14 November 2012
CERN finds dramatic particle reshaping that could push back the frontiers of physics
13 November 2012
Computer Memory Could Increase Fivefold from Advances in Self-Assembling Polymers
13 November 2012
'Perfect' Invisibility Cloak Uses Metamaterials To Bend Light
13 November 2012
Is dark energy static or dynamic?
12 November 2012
Telomere length linked to risk of dying
12 November 2012
Rare particle's decay confounds hunt for new physics
12 November 2012
Why the Higgs could spell disaster
12 November 2012
First Noiseless Single Photon Amplifier
12 November 2012
New Way to Split Water Molecules Into Hydrogen and Oxygen: Breakthrough for Solar Energy Conversion and Storage?
12 November 2012
Using rust and water to store solar energy as hydrogen
11 November 2012
Making a better invisibility cloak
11 November 2012
Single-Molecule "Engine" Vibrates Macroscopic Object
11 November 2012
A Carbon Microthread That Makes Contact with the Mind
11 November 2012
From Quanta to Qualia: The Mystery of Reality (Part 4)
10 November 2012
Possible Bubbles of Spacetime Curvature in the South Pacific
10 November 2012
NASA Plans for 3-D Printing Rocket Engine Parts Could Boost Larger Manufacturing Trend [Video]
09 November 2012
Colors of ExoEarths Could Indicate Habitability
09 November 2012
Nanocrystals produce hydrogen using sunlight
09 November 2012
Investigating the Big Bang particle
09 November 2012
Moore’s Law Is Becoming Irrelevant
09 November 2012
Michio Kaku: What's the Fate of the Universe? It's in the Dark Matter
09 November 2012
Hydrogen fuel edges a step closer
08 November 2012
Entanglement Makes Quantum Batteries Almost Perfect, Say Theorists
08 November 2012
Habitable Planet: New Super-Earth in Six-Planet System May Be Just Right to Support Life
08 November 2012
Super Earth exoplanet in distant star system may be in the goldilocks zone for water and life
08 November 2012
New Research Suggests Humans Can Sense Future Events Without Any Known Clues
07 November 2012
Propellentless Space Propulsion Research Continues
07 November 2012
Quantum Flip-Floppers: Photon Findings Add to Mystery of Wave-Particle Duality
06 November 2012
Theory of everything says universe is a transformer
06 November 2012
Doubt cast on Fermi's dark matter smoking gun
06 November 2012
The dawn of citizen satellites: Why I've built my own satellite
06 November 2012
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