On January 11, 2012, Gather.com reported that a recent video of a UFO sighting in Argentina had been enhanced for your viewing pleasure. The UFO was spotted over the Capital Federal District in Argentina earlier this month.

This particular UFO even captured the attention of Weekly World News, a website that apparently mixes reality with satire in a way some might find clever. Their contribution to the discussion contains the following tongue-in-cheek "report": "A video was taken of the spaceship (below). It looks at first like a helicopter over some nearby high-rise buildings, but authorities in Argentina and at the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials confirm that it is a spaceship from Planet Zeeba, part of a Borkon Formation."

Now, another UFO image out of Argentina has many people scratching their heads. It shows two perfectly clear flying saucers above the La Matanza (literally translated from Spanish as "The Slaughter"), a district in the Greater Buenos Aires in Buenos Aires Province in the country of Argentina. The photographs were reportedly taken by a 15-year-old.

To read more and view the video, click here.