On the surface, it appears we have a new phenomenon happening worldwide in the form of strange sounds. These supposed sounds are similar to trumpets, the moving of metal, or a squadron of WW II bombers. In August 2011, I decided to view some newly released videos and I happened to view the first You Tube video from Kiev, Ukraine. When I listened to it, my first feeling was that it was a fake.
Since then, hundreds of videos have come out with these same sounds, seemingly being reported from around the planet.
 Explanations of the sounds range from Earth sounds deep underground, atmospheric conditions as a result of solar flares, the Earth's magnetic pole shift, distant thunder, HARP, and Heavenly trumpets being played by Angels. Most of these areas where the sounds were supposedly heard are heavily populated areas. Such as Montreal, Canada, were there were no reports made to police, TV or radio stations, newspapers or government officials. Up to the time of this writing, 01/21/2012 there have been no official reports made by anyone, of these sounds—anywhere in the world.

This explanation is as doubtful as the Tibetan water drum explanation, IMO. Next. To read more, click here.