A man in American Fork who recorded what he thought to be a UFO made the news across the world.

Anthony Piceno used his cellphone last week to record a blue flying object with red flashing lights in the American Fork skies.

The story was first reported by KSL this week-end, then picked up by the Weather Channel, the New York Daily News, Monday's Daily Mail in London and yesterday's International Business Times, an online global business newspaper published in 10 languages across 13 countries.

Did an American Fork man really capture a UFO flying over our town?

Lehi resident Andrew Smith posted a YouTube video of himself making the flying object, then releasing it.

"If you saw these lights and were wondering what it was, well guess no more," Mr. Smith said. "This 'UFO' was launched as part of a contest to expose the logo for the website 'Freelancer.com.'"

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