Bizarre news on the hunt for the morphing donut shaped UFO and mysterious lights witnessed by villagers from the South Ural village of Ashirov in the Chelyabinsk region of Russia. In a recent Russian news video reporters and a cop discovered dead hares in a field in an area where they’d seen a mysterious light-video posted below.

The Russia X-Files mystery began after villagers witnessed mystery lights and a UFO near the village of Ashirov in the Chelyabinsk region of Russia in late January.

ITV News, In the southern Urals landed UFO and is not going to fly away:

“In Kunashakskom region (Chelyabinsk region), an alien has landed “saucer.” Alien observed recently in the South Ural village Ashirov. For the first time an unusual object in the village saw four days ago, when witnesses were four. Today saw a UFO over half of the villagers.

The great object is still at a distance of about ten kilometers from the village. The dimensions “saucer” like a train. Residents tried to get closer to the object, but it is in the swamps, the machine can not reach it. According to witnesses, on the opposite side of the village is seen a great white light, which then turns off, then reappears. At first thought it was a plane, but no audible hum from the engines did not exist. The facility is absolutely silent.”

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