For devotees of minutae, last night’s Inception Radio Network podcast debate between retired U.S. Army Col. John Alexander and UFO historian Richard Dolan unfolded with all the revelations of a script reading. Alexander, author of UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies and Reality, maintained the phenomenon is real and bizarre, although the indifferent feds aren’t hiding a thing. Likewise, Dolan stuck by the premise of his UFOs and The National Security State series, which argues UFOs constitute maybe the most highly classified secret in American history.
To be sure, there were moments of acidic spontaneity. But from those predictable broadsides came a tacit invitation to take this unending circular debate to another level. Exasperated by Dolan’s suggestions that recovered ET technology might be incorporated into defense systems to fight an intergalactic menace, Alexander advised Dolan to “take a decade off to learn the system” of how classified programs work. “(Dolan’s) level of naivete is incomprehensible to me,” said Alexander, a veteran of deep black Special Access Programs.