“Even if wormholes do exist, it is difficult to say if man could ever learn to manipulate them to travel across the Universe.”
Source: Wormholes – Portals to the Far Reaches of the Universe, About.com

A UFO video that caught a lot of buzz, a stunning strange phenomena video filmed by Halit Safin, “a famous photographer in Ufa” on January 23, 2012, of a dazzling multicolored ring in the nighttime sky of Green Grove Kuvykina, Russia. Some of the buzz: the ‘ring’ could be a ‘portal’ or ‘wormhole’. Or, the UFO ring could be a computer generated image, a CGI. Mexico’s premiere Ufologist Jaime Maussan put together a report on the January 23, 2012, Russia UFO ring and other similar sightings. Maussan’s findings in the following Youtube video–with translation–UFO portal in the sky seen all around the world

Apparently not: Aha! Thanks. A mundane explanation preferred. :-)
On Mar 7, 2012, at 12:48 PM, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. wrote:

I looked up the name of the long focal length lens (shirokofokusnym) and could only get articles about the sighting.
My guess:  this is a Cassegrain type telescope with an obscuration at the center of the input aperture (the obscuration
is a circular mirror that reflects light to a hole in the primary).  When such a lens is out of focus and is pointed at
a distant light llike a planet/star it creates a bright disc of light with a dark hole in the center.
1.  this can explain the "ring" image
2.  the colors and the shifting around of colors in the ring could result from atmospheric effects - twinkling- in which
the atmosphere acts as a refractive medium and causes the various color components of a white distant light (planet, star) to hit the focal plane at various different places (a "random prism" effect).   This color twinkling is most evident
when the light source is near the horizon but can happen when the light source is overhead if the upper
atmosphere is "turbulent". - posted by Jack Sarfatti
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