A recently released videotape recorded in 2010 at an Air Force Base in Chile is being touted as perhaps the best-ever evidence that UFOs have visited Earth.

Leslie Kean, author of the New York Times best seller "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record" (Crown, 2010), wrote in an article discussing the Nov. 5, 2010 sighting at El Bosque Air Base in Santiago Chile: "From different locations, spectators aimed video cameras and cell phones at groups of acrobatic and fighter jets performing an air show overhead. Nobody saw anything amiss. But afterward, an engineer from the adjacent Pillán aircraft factory noticed something bizarre while viewing his footage in slow motion."

That bizarre something was a roundish black object that seemed to chase the jets as they flew overhead. The engineer sent his video to the government's Committee for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena, whose experts concluded that the Chilean jets were being stalked by a UFO. [Video]

The slow-motion image shows something with a dark body and light-colored top flying quickly through the air. Kean and others interpret it as a metallic interplanetary spacecraft flying past the jets in excess of 4,000 mph.

Others, however, are far less impressed with the video. Many people — skeptics and UFO believers alike — are pretty sure it's from this earth. In fact, they think it's an insect. [5 Fake Scientific Breakthroughs]

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