Although the witness had his first UFO experience at the age of 17, we shall focus on the event that took place on the evening of 9 November 1986 around 23:15 hours. An industrial engineer, Pedro Oliva Ramirez, was heading in his car from Seville to the town of Alcalá de Guadaira, where he was residing temporarily.

Nothing noteworthy occurred during the first leg of this journey, until he suddenly went around a curve and found himself driving along a six lane highway, three lanes in each direction. It was a completely straight segment of road, and startled by this feature, began to pay attention to what was an entirely new situation for him.

He saw a plain to his left at a distance of some 100 meters, measuring some 400 meters long, with five or six industrial concerns lined up alongside them. These were fully lit and had an estimated height of 80 meters. Unfamiliar structures also appeared on his right, but these were housing units standing some twenty stories each. There was very dense grass at the edge of the road, some 70 centimeters high, to the left and to the right.

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