Bigfoot ... to shoot or not to shoot, that is the question.

Albeit a very hypothetical question considering that despite countless sightings, a host of physical proof, and a ton of interest no one can say for certain that Bigfoot actually exists. Let’s say the species does exist.

If there is a large semi-simian species inhabiting the wild the first person most likely to encounter it would be a hunter (Just look at how many turkey hunters have recently spotted the animal). If -- when -- that happens should said hunter kill the animal to offer proof of its existence to the world?

Many in the Bigfoot community say “No.” The most recent example of this comes from Loren Coleman, director of the International Cryptozoology Museum and author of Bigfoot! The True Story of Apes in America, who resigned his position as a board member of the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy (TBRC) over their “pro kill” policy, which the group adopted without consulting him.

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