cott recently posted an article about Alien origin robots visiting the Earth and you can Read It Here.

I posted a comment in response to that article, and while that is little enough reason for an article of my own, when combined with an item I recently found it becomes food for thought.

Many people who have reported “Close Encounters” have reported mechanical seeming beings. presumed to be robots. That of course presumes that alien life might not have found a way to become hybridized with their machines. We are working on the same technology ourselves in the form of bionic limbs, vision enhancing brain implants, even as simple as bluetooth ear pieces for our cell phones. We are becoming “Borg” by choice however you look at it. And of course electronic intelligences solve the issues of long term space travel not needing food, or decaying biological bodies that require sleep, or ones that can sleep for extended periods by simply placing themselves in a waiting state just like your laptop, Ipad or cell phone does to conserve power.

And these alien visitors will of course arrive seeking out those we put in power with a famous phrase “Take us to your leader.” Or maybe not. These ideas are guided by a human perspective influenced by mainstream entertainment. These ideas do not project aliens as being anything more than us with slightly better technology and limits their intelligence to little more than our own quite possibly because we need them to be basically us as that is less threatening. And without abandoning the idea that aliens are basically like us we can still project far better than this.

As to my comment in Scott’s article, I suggested that nano-technology is a likely means of alien visitation. Nano-tech (and Scott, please feel free to correct me on anything here as our staff nano expert) is microscopic, potentially even down to atomic size with sufficiently advanced technology. Unless we were making a concerted effort to look for it would we find it? A single small unmanned craft could orbit the Earth creating nanites and depositing them across the entire planet. Those tiny robots could permeate our bodies, and our environment and transmit information back to the parent craft and we suppose the home world without our knowledge.

Humanity is working on this technology, according to some we already have it

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