Residents of the Pacific Northwest who observe an airship hovering in the skies above need not be alarmed. It’s just a team of researchers searching for Sasquatch using cameras mounted on a remote-controlled blimp.

The airship is brainchild of William Barnes, a former fundraiser, gold miner, small business owner and self-described “ideas man” from Nevada City, California, who had an encounter with a Sasquatch (please, don’t call them “Bigfoot”) while panning for gold in the woods of northern California.

“My whole thought was, ‘I know they’re real — at least now I do,’” Barnes said, “So why can’t they film these in the wild?”

After 12 years of research and thought, Barnes reached the conclusion that it would be more effective to film a Sasquatch from the air. “They’re too skittish,” he said. “They don’t want to be bothered by people. They’re bipedal, but that doesn’t mean they’re human.”

My gut level sense is that they are NOT human.  Nor are they from "here." To read more, click here.