As the average UFO spotting enthusiast knows, it can be a little more difficult than just picking up your favorite pair of binoculars or telescope and driving out to a hot spot and scouring the sky for flying mysteries. Generally, unless it happens to be a very well lit night from a full or near full moon, you will not be able to see anything. This is because binoculars and telescopes are simply ways of magnifying only what our human eyes are capable of. And simply put, humans do not see in the dark very well. So what can be done to remedy this and allow for a way to spot UFO’s in a bitch black or extremely dark environment? The answer is simple, increase how much can be seen by the human eye, or in other words, find a way to see in the dark.

Fortunately for UFO hunters and many other types of people, the technology for seeing in the dark has been around for quite some time. As it is so popularly called, night vision devices or night vision goggles, have gotten to the point where the technology is old enough and thus the price is cheap enough that anyone with a credit card can order a set or piece of night vision technology for a relatively cheap price.

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