Nippon Television reported December 5th that an Unidentified Flying Object, a UFO, went down off the coast of Okinawa, an island at the southern tip of Japan. Several news crews, along with police and emergency vehicles, rushed to the scene just in time to see the UFO sink into the water, according to multiple sources.

“We saw something like a small vessel with a dome slowly submerge into the water as we arrived at the scene,” said Okinawa Prefecture Police Chief Hideki Suzuki. “We clearly saw smoke rising from it as it went down. There was a tremendous amount of steam generated as it disappeared into the depths of the ocean. We anticipate investigating the vessel as soon as we get the equipment we need to raise it from the water.”

Several eyewitnesses recounted what they saw. According to Nippon Television, an elderly man fishing off the coast in a small boat said he saw a giant fireball racing from the heavens at a very fast speed. The object streaked across the sky, smashed into the water and then came back up in one piece. The elderly man says he thought he heard the distant sound of motors trying to restart just a few minutes before the unknown object started to smoke.

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