A sudden boom in UFO sightings in America have raised fears of the 2012 apocalypse.

Or perhaps it's the other way around.

News website Space.com said that the number of sightings has increased in the weeks leading up to the theorised armageddon imagined by some - and denied by most - to maybe take place on 21 December.

In both San Francisco and Brooklyn sightings this week have been blamed on fear of the end times.

A video recorded of a mysterious 'parade of lights' in the Prospect Heights neighbourhood of Brooklyn was said to have inspired fear of the end of days.

(It was Chinese lanterns - take a look.)

"Chinese lanterns" my ass! The objects in the Mission District video clearly show intelligent, deliberate movements, even forming a perfect triangle. Chinese lanterns DO NOT DO THAT. These lightweight debunkers never cease to amaze me with their transparently idiotic "explanations."  Don't these people have anything better to do with their time? To read more, click here.