[Portuguese UFO researcher Nuno Alves posted this interesting item to Guillermo Giménez’s Planeta UFO site. It is a message directly sent by the eyewitness regarding his unusual experience – SC]

This event took place on the evening of 31 August of this very same year, 2012.
I was in the company of two friends, both of them hunters, who saw exactly the same thing. We live in Grandola, and hunt wild boar for sport in Serra de Grandola and Santiago do Cacém. I have been hunting for nearly 30 years and never saw anything like it.

It was already past midnight and we were on our way back home when we say a light that we could not explain. It was a very quiet night, moonlit night, and ideal for hunting.

We became tired of waiting for wild boar to appear, so we decided to return home – one of my companions had to work on Saturday. We walked for some twenty minutes back to where we left our vehicle. This must have been around half past midnight or one o’clock in the morning, more or less. We got the car going and set off on the return trip, driving past Santa Margarida da Serra.

A few kilometers ahead on the road there is a tight, elbow-type curve before the straight segment that leads to Santiago do Cacém Grandola, and it was exactly after taking that curve that we saw a very bright light above the trees and pine groves in the road’s median strip.

To read more, click here.