Life on Earth is made of left-handed amino acids (L-amino acids). The question of why organisms on Earth consist of L-amino acids instead of D-amino acids or consist of D-sugar instead of L-sugar is still an unresolved riddle. Recent research into star and planet formation throws new light on this question.
A research team with Jungmi Kwon (GUAS/NAOJ) has performed deep imaging linear and circular polarimetry of the 'Cat's Paw Nebula' (NGC 6334), located in the constellation Scorpius, and detected high degrees of circular polarization (CP) -- as much as 22% in NGC 6334. The detected CP degree is the highest ever observed.
In addition, the team has presented the first systematic survey of a combination of linear and circular polarimetry in nine star- and planet-forming regions. Based on this survey, CP may be a universal feature of star- and planet-forming regions.