Oceanic planets formed by type Ia supernovae become spectacularly abundant as stars cease to shine. However, the timing may not be altogether inappropriate. Neutrino annihilation might thermally regulate iron-cored water-worlds, sustaining habitable subglacial oceans. If dark matter and dark energy decay to neutrinos, the universe could support life for ~ 10^23 years. Civilisations surmounting the arduous process of hereditary genetics soon discern the biotic nature of the cosmos and accept their role within it. An infrastructure guards against the spread of rogue colonists. Recruited colonists could harness the available energy for the benefit of life with stupendous efficiency, providing unmistakeable evidence of cosmological optimisation. The anthropic coincidences, inhospitable aspects of the current universe and Fermi's paradox would all be illuminated. Semiconductors sensitive to a neutrinoelectric effect offer a laboratory test of the planetary heating mechanism.
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