In the world of digital content production, the Adobe RGB color model reigns supreme. Introduced in 1998, it has overtaken sRGB as the preferred standard for content capture and display.
Much of Adobe RGB’s early growth can be attributed to its wider color gamut and superior color matching for CMYK printing. Today it is the preferred standard for digital design, photography, videography and more.
Yet, even as the Adobe RGB standard has proliferated, color performance in LED computer displays has not kept pace.
The reality is that the vast majority of professional grade, flat-screen monitors still cannot display the full Adobe RGB specification. Even at the highest price points, most are still only capable of displaying 95% of the standard, with models at mainstream price points typically only capable of 70 percent. But quantum dots are about to change that.
As recently covered by former ECN Digital Editor Jason Lomberg in his article “The Quantum Dots Revolution,” quantum dots are set to have an unprecedented impact on color performance in televisions.
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