On R. I. Sutherland’s Retro-Causal Action-Reaction Lagrangian Quasi-Gauge Model of Relativistically Invariant Many-Particle Entangled Bohm Pilot Wave Theory in 4D Space-Time without Many-Dimensional Configuration Space.
Jack Sarfatti
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Internet Science Education Project
San Francisco, CA
The no-signaling arguments for orthodox quantum theory assume a violation of the general action-reaction principle that Einstein used to get from special relativity to general relativity. Special relativity had action of spacetime geometry on the geodesic motion of particles without any direct reaction of those particles back on the spacetime geometry. Similarly, Bohm and Hiley pointed out that the no-signaling property of orthodox quantum theory’s entanglement depended on the Schrodinger quantum information pilot field having “no sources.” The pilot field changed the classical world lines of particles without any direct reaction of those particles back on their quantum information pilot field. Such direct back-reaction would result in stand-alone entanglement signals. These entanglement signals seem to violate special relativity because they appear to be spacelike faster-than-the speed of light. However, R. I. Sutherland, building on the 1950’s work of O. Costa de Beauregard, I.J. Good and Fred Hoyle leading back to Wheeler and Feynman (1940 – 47) has shown that the violation of Bell’s inequality is best understood as local retrocausality that is completely relativistically invariant. John Bell knew about this, but rejected it because it seemed to him to contradict free will.  Yakir Aharonov and his students as well as John Cramer and Hoyle and Narlikar have developed these ideas further since the 1950s up to the present time. Of particular experimental interest is Aephraim Steinberg’s work on photon Bohmian trajectories in space using Aharonov’s post-selected “destiny” and pre-selected “history” “weak measurement” technique. The bottom line here is that real Bohmian particle trajectories can be observed – the variables are no longer “hidden” via Aharonov’s weak measurements. This is the most parsimonious understanding of the facts minimizing the algorithmic complexity in the space of possible interpretations of orthodox quantum theory.
Rod Sutherland has shown that the lack of direct back reaction from particle to wave enforcing the no-signaling property of entanglement is precisely the old de Broglie guidance constraint that Antony Valentini characterizes as “sub-quantal equilibrium” with “signal locality” as a limiting case of a more general post-quantum theory. Hagen Kleinert has also shown  that this limiting case is a WKB approximation. Violation of the de Broglie guidance constraint leads to entanglement signaling that may be equivalent to the super-computation around closed timelike curves discussed by Seth Lloyd and others.  These results also apply to the Dirac fermion and the boson gauge theories in Bohmian form. 
The application of post-quantum theory’s violation of the de-Broglie guidance constraint corresponding to Antony Valentini’s “sub-quantum non-equilibrium” “signal nonlocality” to naturally conscious AI machines will also be considered.